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Everything posted by ktmlew

  1. The one I'm working on is a 7 y/o Jasper rebuilt so who knows what they used?
  2. Page 39-40 of coffee table book for lube system. I don't see the air bleed valve reference?
  3. I just checked a 97 today by lifting rear off ground. Oil pressure jumped right up once we got it high enough. Building 3100+ ICP @ 54% IPR but still didn't start. It isn't cranking fast enough IMO, but I did not notice actual RPM reading. I will do further inspection of cranking system. Customer has approved engine removal but I would like to hear it run first. I suspect it has battery cable issues. Sounds like it's cranking on one battery. Need to get an amp clamp. Sorry for the hyjack. Point was, I will snap picture of pump screen/tube if cracked. Going to be a couple days before we pull it apart.
  4. Quote: Injector was replaced retail. As (base engine) failure is consistant with failed injector concern and not warrantable, defect was found with injector replaced, and retail repair is not warrantable. This is how I would interpret their horrible sentance structure? It still doesn't make a lot of sense. IMO Ford is trying to make this one customer pay...
  5. I fixed one like that. Had been to four shops and they couldn't figure it out. Found the nut and spacer lying in the valley. I had the truck running 10 minutes after opening the drivers door. The owner was pissed!
  6. While repairing the leaks at the injectors may be a good idea to CYA for the future I suspect a HPOP will make the truck run.
  7. Truck is done and so am I. We agreed that "we" weren't a good fit. Another one bites the dust.
  8. I didn't do the test drive on this trip. But when I drove it before I wasn't very impressed.
  9. Truck fired right up this morning. Just drained water & added coolant. Manager doesn't want to sell him the FICM so no re-flash at this point. To make this even better they are trying to screw me out of my commission on this job. Trying to break the ticket up so i don't hit my number...she "paid" $600.00 of it on last week. The week i didn't beat my guarantee, So she just cut about $90.00 off my next check...
  10. Test drove with water in cooling system. All systems GO! Now draining water. Still kicking all inj low & 611 code. Ficm power around 41v when warm. Will discuss next step with customer tomorrow.
  11. Long crank time. No oil pressure until after it fires up. Removed oil filter and oil is flowing immediately. I'm wondering if the drain ck-valve is partly melted/fouled and the filter is draining? I have NOT driven the truck yet but it has been run for about 1/2 hr. Had several coolant leaks at the damn spring clamps...did dump a couple bottles of flush in and am running it on water. Going to Lowes to get a guage and some fittings to tee into de-gas bottle. Has significant blow-by...
  12. Came in with P1151 <lean>. Has a "stage 2 cam & injecors" plus aftermarket flash. Sounds like a dirt track cam. NASTY! WhyTF take something like that in? Customer bought car as it is now and has no technical knowledge. STFT was at +34. Finally figured-out if I removed PCV hose from throttle body and plugged TB port STFT would drop to normal. I wasn't aware of the style of PCV valve in these. It "screws" into RH valve cover. Found the PCV valve ck-spring had failed... New PCV/cleared codes/KAM. All good now. Weird...
  13. Believe it or not but still not finished. They won't let you concentrate on one vehicle. I did get to start it right before I left this evening though. No coolant in it yet. Trying to decide if I'm going to do any flushing. I did drain the block plugs today. Coolant looked clean. Guess it should as customer said he put 15 gallons of anti-freeze (green) in it last week it ran. Customer was really surprised that using coolant at that rate could cause damage. I did convince him to let me replace the STC fitting. Truck has 160K miles but costomer has put 60K of that on it w/o any repairs. It had the steel bracket on it so had been replaced at some point. I suggested we have the latest flash done so it won't "hurt" itself in the future. If he's gonna be stupid, better have the "stupid" flash done, right? I doubt this vehicle has been flashed in the last 2 or so years so some updates are quite due.
  14. High Pressure Oil Pump O-Ring Seal Kit, Ford Turbo 6.0L Powerstroke 3C3Z-9G804-AA http://www.dieselstorm.com/high-pressure...4aa-p-3528.html
  15. Do they have an enhanced longblock for the 6.0L?
  16. http://forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=26275#Post26275
  17. Worst hole 290 best @ 320. Fix'er up boyeee...
  18. Just noticed my last post was #10000 for thsi section. Do I get a prize?
  19. OK. PO611 is likely FICM half-shell and PO674 was the cyl 4 GP code. I dread trying to fix this truck. This is gonna turn ugly.
  20. A truck came in today that another tech changed oil in a couple weeks ago. The truck had a coolant leak or at least was "missing" coolant at previous visit. Customer refused any repair or diag at the time. Now it's blowing coolant out tailpipe. Other tech started to pressure test cooling system. I told him he was wasting his time. Suggested he remove EGR valve and lift rear of truck which we did. Of course intake was full of coolant, which is actually 95% water as customer had been adding 10-12 gals of water a day. Truck got handed off to me. I removed the NAPA oil filter to find top of standpipe missing. Oh! There it is...stuck in filter. Bottom of filter is starting to melt. Upper part of standpipe that has bypass valve is stuck in filter and when removed show signs of starting to melt. I tell shop owner we probably should punt as engine is likely toast. She has a head made of cast-iron...nothing penetrates. She only sees potential dollars...I see a truck that is a grenade with a loose pin. After more than an hour of her badgering, I finally tell her the next best step is a compression test. Since we have only a Modis & my AutoEnginuity, a manual test it is. I haven't figured out a way to reliably remove the GP harness w/o damage so I give her (shop owner) the prices for GP harnesses and 3hrs labor to start with. Figure whole job <EGR & Oil Cooler/coolant flush/oil change/fluids/etc>is going to be around $3500.00, if it passes compression test. Customer balks at "potential repair" price. I had mentioned concerns about NAPA oil filter and possible shop exposure to lawsuit if customer was so inclined if truck fails in near future. I still felt it probably best to send him to the dealer. She could not grasp that an aftermarket filter could be different than original so I ordered Ford parts. The NAPA part we installed is actually correct length and seems to be a "reasonable" fit. Now shop owner STILL doesn't believe oil filter could have any bearing on coolant running out of tailpipe and/or hyrolocking engine...all she knows is $$$$ she wants. Customer declines any repair...shop owner refuses to allow that...sells customer oil change so she doesn't have to pay 20% restocking fee to return Ford oil filter & cap. I try to explain that changing oil is wasting time/money/oil which goes in-one-ear-out-other...I drain oil. At least a gallon of coolant comes out first. Just as I am finishing oil change shop owner comes out and says customer now wants us to "fix" the vehicle so it will run. She wants me to put coolant in it so he can drive it. Jebus Christmas lady...how many ways do I have to explain this to you? Customer calls back again a few minutes later, says wants to do complete repair IF it passes compression test. I checked codes before starting to remove GP harness. Will list tomorrow as there were too many to remember. I do remember all cyls had inj low codes, a couple cyls (2&4) contribution, one GP (4), PO611 & 674 going from memory. The regular Manager was off since last Thursday. Went racing. The owner is a complete idiot. No clue about anything. Next time he takes off I'm afraid I'll commit homicide...
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