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Everything posted by ktmlew

  1. I realize now my post went in a direction I didn't intend. My original point was as Keith posted that they didn't seem to be aware of the issue...we send warranty parts back supposedly for inspection. Guess this proves they don't actually check all the parts or they wouldn't have wanted a whole column to see what was causing the concern.
  2. I knew what it was as soon as I read the title...had a Ford engineer call me about this after I ordered a shifter. I had replaced about 10 of them in about 1.5 years, several under warranty...he wanted me to replace the complete column and send the old one back so they could see what was causing the failure. Since the shifter was out-of-stock and BO, I taped the harness and added a small zip-tie to reduce the rub, so the customer could use the truck. I let the customer see where/what the problem was so if it quit working he could do a quick roadside repair. He had been feeding it a steady diet of fuses. Of course he never came back and had the shifter replaced... It's one of those fixes that you never forget. Makes you look like a hero...much like the 6.0L injector harness where you could temporarily "fix" a no-start by prying it up off the intake mounting studs...
  3. Here is a flow meter. Apparently Mopar thinks they are worth having? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Miller-Special-T...=item3a5ada06ec
  4. Test the batteries? Check starter amps draw. Remove serp belt and make sure the A/C compressor isn't locked solid...
  5. There is a bell-housing bolt right behind the down-pipe.I loosen the RH side cab mount bolts and lift the cab a couple inches. Lifting the cab allows the exhaust to move up for better access to that bolt.
  6. I agree with back-flushing it, yourself, before pulling the WP. I just wish the auto industry had/used a flow meter for testing flow like is used in hydraulics. http://www.hedland.com/ Watch the video at lower right of site.
  7. Yes. You would have to remove the pump to inspect. As mentioned above adapt a piece of clear hose so you can see if there is decent/any flow. You may well have a core that is plugged? Sometimes you can't flush the crap out...
  8. I agree about checking for flow to the heater core but suspect the front cover has cavitation damage. The other tech probably missed it...
  9. ktmlew


    As to the original topic...my dad had a used car lot. He delt with NAPA 100% of the time for tune-up/electrical parts (Echlin). We had an Echlin cabinet that was fairly full of plugs, caps, rotors, points, condensers, etc. He got a bit behind on paying his bill and they asked why felt he needed to stock so many parts when we were only 4 miles away. He loaded up the whole cabinet and went to town. Said I'll show you why. Asked for a complete tune-up for a 327 4-barrel small block CHEVY. They had 7 spark plugs, no air filter...had everything else. We has three sets of "tune-ups" for Ford/Chevy/Dodge in our cabinet. He "cashed-in" the whole cabinet full which paid his bill in full plus left enough money to buy two weeks groceries. But what he was really pissed about was the fact that anyone that walked in the door could buy parts for with-in 10% of his "special discount" rate. He moved the NAPA store to the bottom of the list... I'm not sure when the whole tiered pricing deal began but it sure has made it tough for a business.
  10. ktmlew


    That would just make you a Snap-On dealer...
  11. 300 psi on a 7.3L is a bad sign...did they drop the compression ratio dramatically on the 6.4L? Of course that assumes a decent cranking speed.
  12. 300 psi on the other cylinders sounds about 100+ psi low doesn't it? What is a good number on these? I would have assumed 420-450?
  13. I gave up on Ford in summer of 05...there have been times I wondered if it was the right thing to do. But I know it was. At 53 I'm struggling with what is next but I' m sure it's NOT jumping through Fords ridiculous warranty hoops.
  14. I just inherited an 04 F250 4X4 that has issues when steering left. Independant shop. Two other techs have already been involved. They replaced the PS pump and hydroboost in the last week...no joy. It does it even when sitting still. Lifted front wheels and steering in free from lock-to-lock with engine off. I'll try it with the hubs locked tomorrow. I'm hoping to find the "straw" deal in the pressure line as the customer is taking a reaming on this one...if they really need a steering box...ouch.
  15. I had similar issues when someone loaded the a/c machines tank with air by opening the high side valve when the vehicle was running...figured-out the machine wasn't prpoerly purging the tank of non-condensable gas.
  16. Will start over later tonight when I get home. Had 4 or 5 copies on the HD and none of them worked. Even the disc would no longer work. Deleted all copies and have the disc working again.
  17. Clicking on Shortcut takes me to this: Missing volume... _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The specified volume could not be found: '2000-2004 service Information' (03) It is expected to be in this location: C:\00-04\ When you have loaded the specfied volume into this location press retry to continue, or cancel to abort this operation. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If I hit cancel, the program opens, minus the tabs in the left box. The About/Volumes/Options/Exit buttons are there and work. If I select "Volume" a box pops up, but when I click "LOAD" it takes me back to the box above... What am I missing. The disc IS on the HD but I can't get it to open correctly.
  18. Never did get this to work correctly. What is worng with this string? [volumes] default_volume= always_show_volumelist=0 00_04=03~3~C:\00-04\~stock\home.htm~2000-2004 Service Information~April 2003 ; volume types ; 0 - unkown ; 1 - fixed disk locations (with directory) ; 2 - unc share locations ; 3 - removeable media ; each installed volume has an entry in this section ; the name of the entry is the logical volume (like 92CAR) ; and tilda-separated values on the right are: ; ; version - a number/letter string, ; less than 8 characters, NO periods, trust me ; type - as described in the list above ; path - the physical path to the location where the volume.ini file resides ; the browser will use that instead of checking volume labels (since ; it is quite problematic with UNCs) ; home - the name of the home file which is used for that volume ; title - The title of the volume (human readable, it is used to tell one ; volume from another in the selector list). ; [settings] ModuleMasks=S??,R?????,R???,T*,E??,C????,V??,G*,B?? oasislanguage=EN oasismarket=USA uilanguage=EN pacode=04246 OASIS=NONE hops=9 contentmarket=US contentlanguage=EN serv_contentmarket=US serv_contentlanguage=EN evtm_contentmarket=US evtm_contentlanguage=EN pced_contentmarket=US pced_contentlanguage=EN calib_contentmarket=US calib_contentlanguage=EN tsb_contentmarket=US tsb_contentlanguage=EN recall_contentmarket=US recall_contentlanguage=EN
  19. Used Virtual Clonedrive. It's working but acting pretty weird...when you click wiring diagrams, the box opens but is entirely white until you pass the cursor over the sections with printing...once the sections show-up, you can then click on the white background and scroll...everything then appears normal? Sometimess even opening the program shows an all white block with no "tabs" on the left side but there is a section there with the red arrows. You have to close the left panel & reopen to get the sections to show-up...I don't remember how I did it before. I'll dig through some stuff at home and find the old copy of Nero I used before. The way it's werking now is about useless...
  20. Done this before but can't seem to get it to work now? Using DVD Decrypter. It shows file being saved to C\:00_04.ISO...but I can't find it on the computer. Program still says I need to insert disc? Vista Home Basic
  21. ktmlew

    ICP Connector

    Is there an aftermarket option? The Ford part is better than 50 bucks!!!
  22. Check the oil pressure at the hp reservior on cold start. Bet it takes it 15-20 secs to show any pressure. If so, replace the low pressure oil pump.
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