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About joebutt

  • Birthday 12/06/1960


  • Member Title
    Freshman Member

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  • Location
    willard, oh.
  1. aint the first one your gonna fix that looks like that- enjoy!
  2. your lucky to have 3 bays -- be thankful
  3. sorry the head kit # 3c3z-6049-carm came with all the stuff-18, 20, mm and step dowels. i seen the tsb for the dowels as i was flipping out that u dont use all the bolts on early 04 if i run across it i'll let ya know
  4. just posted a #3 cyl piston failure- cleaned cylinder,replaced piston and head gonna fire it up tomorrow- thought injector was the root cause?
  5. i just put a head on that had the dowels- let me ck on part# cuz i had to use them
  6. cp all the way- clocked on it now! lol
  7. thanks for the info - theres no wedding ring that goes with repair- that was up front, if this thing works out ok to leave the shop he is going to off the thing , then when the rest of it comes apart , some new owner will hopefully get the proper repair
  8. got a 04 #3cyl piston that deteriorated,valve indintation, and alum melted on cyl wall- head is cracked(of coarse) i managed to scrape the crap of the cyl wall and hone, got 1 grove thats gonna stay, owner wants a head and piston put in, rod and crank looks fine spent 2hrs on cleaning cylinder plus cab off and eng removed ben on the rack a week , all parts will in the 6th 120k on motor this happened after egr cooler replacement and on the test drive after replacement, customer pay! he says it never missed when he brought it in, but had been adding coolant for over 10k miles. he wont long block it!too funny, any comments?
  9. i was informed anything under 50 psi will wipe the injectors, so running well below that and seeing it on a gage , then u know whats next. trouble
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