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Everything posted by jimmy57

  1. jimmy57


    What sleeping meds? I use 2/3rds of a 10 mg generic Ambien (zolpidem) when I have one of those brain won't quit spells and it knocks me out and I sleep GREAT. Usually 2 nights and my sleep rhythm returns. I have not had any side effects from using it. 5 mg wouldn't do it some nights. Cutting a 1/3rd off means the price is reasonable since it stretches them out.
  2. Head and intake. The rockers covers and injector lines intact are visible if you slow-mo it. WAY cool!
  3. Which cylinder does it look like it came from? LOL Thanks guys.
  4. I dismantled the oil pump and removed oil pan. The OP gears have good tooth faces but sides are scored and the OP cavity and cover where sides of gears run are gouged and are almost assuredly my aluminum flake source. The two photos are of the piece stuck to drain plug magnet. The pan had some fine ferrous flakes that look to be part of what is in photos. Anyone recognize the source of what is in the photos?
  5. Thanks guys. I got sidetracked for a week. Yes, I will be tearing into the front cover and oil pump to see what is going on. I have not seen aluminum in the oil and I was msking sure there was no hidden Al source. And there will be a new in let screen if not whole oil cooler kit.
  6. I'm puzzled (obviously). 2006 F350 6.0 with 140K miles. Started surging and running rough and stalled when owner stopped. It would crank over and would not run. No HP oil pressure build beyond about 200 psi when cranking at over 150 RPM. Diagnosis was IPR and it was removed and had no screen damage or o ring damage but replacing it immediately took care of problem and test showed good performance. Comes back with one instance of no start for several attempts and then it cranks normal time and starts. Then it later has two instance of surging again and one stalls when coasting down to stop with several cranking attempts to get it to start. I now know this: IPR is 25-26% with 585 psi idling, oil filter autopsy (looking for tappet metal) reveals fine aluminum particles down in pleats, engine oil pump is fine, engine oil pressure HOT idling is 25 psi but if I drive truck and get it to surge the engine oil pressure dips when IPR climbs and HP oil pressure drops out. Now the question: does the HPOP have aluminum inside that could be my source of filings sticking IPR and making for increased duty cycle to get idle HP oil pressure from wear? I can't think of anything else besides that and base engine oil pump where the aluminum could be coming from. The engine has no noise when running. I did look at but didn't remove relief valves in oil filter base and saw the brass piston has no side play.
  7. My theory is that they put a programmer set to "EXTREME" on the cooling system on 6.4's to handle egr cooling and increased engine output. All the parts are a bit overstressed. No room for imperfect coolant chemical balances for front cover, water flow rates that tax thermostats, and hydraulic shock that rads can't take. I bet there are some folks that really know and forewarned of the risks. They are bound by confidentiality agreements as terms of employment and even worse.
  8. Is the coolant the cause of that vehicle's issues? I thought urine colored coolant also caused corrosion in the block. The corrosion from ruptured EGR coolers dumping coolant into cylinders and plugged oil coolers dumping coolant into oil.
  9. My appeal is for so many of them to be in museums. I drove a 1965 Chev 1/2 ton not long ago that was a 70,000 mile original well kept truck. Immaculate and looked nearly new outside, inside, and underside. Tinny, slow, awful brakes, steering that would warrant a recall, handling that would have Consumer Reports crying for it to be taken off the road, and almost too noisy for a conversation in cab moving at highway speed. The Impala they showed with the plastic covers still on the seats made me giggle. How many of those with Powerglides could they sell today once the engine was started and the potential buyer heard that LOUD Powerglide fast idle whine? Do I think this cache of vehicles is a treasure? Hell Yes.
  10. Lift kits and then complaints of hard steering, steering box wear, and vibration.......
  11. Cadillac had them on some Northstar V8 models I think in late 90's. BMW likes to use a brushless alternator that is water cooled. Bimmer dynamo is likely the same as the toe-rag unit. Somebody needs to tell them that 'lectricty and water don't mix. I think you have seen all too well why they had to cool the alternator.......
  12. I'm SO glad you got it fixed. I was going to refer you to powerstrokehelp.com to review some repair videos to find your problem...............
  13. Toyota pushes the team system, or at least they did for a long time.
  14. It's fixin to really get get hot down yonder. I reckon it will be hot down there for a few months. Of course there will be the occasional afternoon thunderstorm where it rains like a cow pissing on a flat rock for a spell and then the sun comes back out and it gets all steamy again. Just drink plenty of sweet tea and you'll survive.
  15. The reason for tint laws is police safety and I can find no fault in that. Darkly tinted windows for a cop is the same as removing a radiator cap from a vehicle that is running hot for a tech. You never know what is going to happen when you open it up or you take all kind of precautions and are stilled scared s**tless when you do it. And then you have to consider motorcyclists etc. You can get UV rejection without it being so dark.
  16. Everybody knows them new trucks with all that emissions junk will run better if you mix in some atf.............
  17. Maybe the cranking was so the mechanical fuel pump would push some more fuel onto engine and burn the WHOLE car down. This would have resolved all the problems with that car.
  18. I decided to try the spool valve refurb on my own truck. I only dismantled the solenoids and then used 600 grit to polish the spool valves. I used a Dremel and ground a faint groove on the closed end on spool to sort of replicate the groove in solenoid stop plate that was added on the reman'd ones 2-3 years back. The ever worsening morning sickness is totally gone and the throttle response is PERFECT. I knew I was due for a new set of injectors and I was going in for dummy plugs and standpipes so I decide to try this before dropping the huge coins on a set. My only complaints were morning sickness and a nagging misfire loaded heavy. I've done a couple thousand miles so the jury will be out for a long time as to what the longevity is. I do know that it fixed a problem I have had with heavy load hauls giving me a transient misfire on grades. No way this would be reliable repair on customer vehicle as you wouldn't know the true history of the vehicle like you do with your own. Now I'm off to watch some more Macgyver re-runs to get more technical training.......
  19. There are no posts in 2 years on that thread. I have a friend with a '12 Chebby with Duramax. His truck is using DEF. I suspect the fix has been applied to those with SCR switched off. I bet the SCR being shut down also came with some increases in EGR and regens.
  20. I thought the idea was to NOT marry any part of a customer vehicle you repair!
  21. IH seems to have used the 6.4 to improve the bad reputation of 6.0's.......
  22. You might mention to her that every day at a Ford dealer is a Powerstroke day. Just what does that day mean?
  23. How about a belt running in oil like the 1.0 Ecoboost 3 cylinder?????
  24. "It will make a nice NASCAR body" Yep and we all know that jump out of a NASCAR racer and fight on Sunday means sell on Monday.
  25. Technology marches on. I see the camshaft is made from lobes affixed by forcing a ball through the hollow cam. Trapezoidal con rod small end to give the wide point where piston pushes down towards rod and the wrist pin braced more where the small end narrows. That seems to be the new thing in rods. It seems they managed to make this one work with one cooling system. That looks to be a second chain for the oil pump or is that a balance shaft module with integral oil pump? 5's don't have to have balance shafts but there is a low rev quiver that they may have found a solution to. I can only find rocker fulcrum on top of the rockers. I wonder if it is hydraulic lash adjuster (can't imagine it is not with that arrangement)? Looks like a CP3 pump. Love to see the finished installation into vehicle for the accessibility of that. Odd injector hold down. One bolt for two injectors on two of the pairs and two bolts for the middle injector.
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