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Everything posted by jimmy57

  1. I may pull the pan down and look. This truck has had a LOT of work done to it. It had a rocker arm tip "mushroom" retainer clip break and go through oil pump. The changes in the PIDs that I'm seeing could be totally normal for lack if injected fuel. The correlation between computed torque from CKP sensor may be what causes IPR signal and desired injected fuel quantity to fall. I have never had any reason to watch those same PIDs on a truck with low fuel pressure or plugged fuel filters. The behavior could be the same. The truck had a short period of flutter/misfire at highway speed and then it went to the smothers out(loses power?) behavior.
  2. That is only briefly if I step into it hard and may have been the number I remember when tested with tune still loaded. The IPR % goes to what I normally see with desired and actual pressures matching and in normal range but then immediately starts dropping as the desired fuel number drops. Throttle number stays in line with amount throttle is depressed. The IMMEDIATE recovery when I move gear lever to N makes me curious of a TCM request for power drop if that exists. I don't see anything that sticks out as unusual with any transmission PIDs
  3. 2006 F350 6.0/TqShift with 150K miles. When you take off it loses power without stalling but will drop to 550 RPM if you keep into throttle a little or a lot. Acts like a stopped up exhaust but it has no Catalyst and it does not have stopped up exhaust. Has the up-pipes w/o flex joints ( stainless steel slip joint pipe.....Sinister Diesel???). Fuel pressure is 65 psi and doesn't fall below 62 psi. Inspected both filters anyway but nothing in either. No codes. Passes KOEO, KOER tests. VRef good, All sensor values good. Has tunes but no difference when returned to stock. Test FICM makes no difference. Charge voltage good (13.87V) with no diode ripple when scoped. FICM never goes below 48V. Motorcraft reman'd injectors @127K miles. Great idle. Instant hot starts. VGT unplugged no change, has 4 inch exhaust and the VGT is functioning based on very noticeable change in exhaust noise. EBP is normal values. ICP unplugged no change. ICP normal KOEO. MAF is correct and unplugged no change. Autoenginuity is my access and the only thing I see is that it appears PCM is reducing the power. IPR goes to 60%, IP will get to 2000 psi with desired at 2000 psi, computed torque to 650 N-m, fuel quantity desired to about 50 mm3 and then IPR begins to drop with IP desired and actual falling to 550 psi, IPR 21%, and injected quantity to 9 mm3 (normal in gear idling is 18-19 mm3 on AE for a 6.0). It will run smooth but at 550 RPM. If you release throttle it returns to normal idle with IPR 25-26% and IP at 635-650 psi. EOT is accurate and isn't over 180F as I don't have to drive it but 100 yards for it to do this. MAP goes to 22 psi before falling back to atmospheric (14.6) I have noticed that I can pop it into N and it races up with all the values returning to normal for unloaded and revved 6.0. It just seems like PCM is killing it for some reason. The slip to neutral and it recovers w/o moving foot on throttle is puzzling but nothing I can see on AE in transmission values looks odd. Trans shifts fine and goes into gear immediately. No sign of slipping. Air filter and plumbing is clear. 6.0, the gift that keeps on giving......
  4. Some engine swaps are as difficult as organ transplants. Once you check all the matching factors you still need to administer anti-rejection drugs.
  5. Vacuum modulator valve controls shift points. The carb to trans linkage is kick down only. Shifts at those speeds w/o regard to throttle application amount?
  6. You'd think snap to connect fittings would be banned from Fomoco products. On second thought this is the company that didn't seem to learn very quickly not to tamper repeatedly with spark plugs.....
  7. This is puzzling. In the early 2000's the move to no serviceable filter was due to the pump pickup strainer getting finer. The strainer became the primary filter and the upstream filter got to a much smaller particle size capture to catch pump wear particles to save injectors as a secondary filter. Something is wrong that these trucks are letting that stuff get by. If it lets the sediment in tank pass then it would let brush and commutator pieces pass. The other observation: do these guys store their fuel in a pond next to a busy dirt road? Where is all the dirt coming from?
  8. I consider attaching diagnostic tools to a vehicle and doing as suggested or instructed without checking for the state of hardware tampering to be exactly like not looking in the rear view mirror for a vehicle passing you on the shoulder when your vehicle sputters and you turn on signal and ease onto shoulder out of traffic.
  9. Attached successfully on the second try..... AXSM0055_0711(1).pdf
  10. Here is an Eaton manual I referred to for bearing replacement on S110.
  11. First they want free DTC read out with every visit and now they'll be pushing for free cat scans......
  12. The way some of these 450/550 with OE tires drive I'm not so sure that the HSR's know they are steer tires.
  13. You should have told us you fixed it with duct tape in the very last sentence of your post. But alas, we still don't know of anything that duct tape really fixed. Great find.
  14. Exactly. The chain disappears behind mudflap adjacent to right forearm.
  15. Dang! you work for mean people. They chain you to the vehicles you are working on.
  16. and I'm still chuckling about walking out of a public restroom smelling my fingers 'cause I'm guilty of doing that.
  17. I made a removal tool using a cheaper medium size blade screw driver. I heat the tip and tapped it over just a tad less than 90 degrees. There is a gap between injector body and the sleeve. If you put the tip in that gap and lever screwdriver left-right it push the injector up and break the carbon that sticks them. Remember that is an Isuzu engine put in a truck that had to have a body lift done to hold it. If 12 bolts would have done it then they use 22. If it was easy to access they moved it.
  18. You need a scan tool that will let you read out balance numbers to get the best evidence. Your symptoms are spot on for failed injectors on that LB7 that has the trouble-prone injectors. The balancing strategy on that motor is like the 6.0's. It will cover the bad one up the point it reaches limit. Cylinder power balance won't show it unless the balance feature is cancelled but read out of balance numbers will already have told you it is pooched. Rarely is it one so the smoking is from 4 or 5 of the 8 most likely. I have never had a trusted source explanation of the failure that leads to smoking but it seems there is a valve in the injector that regulates body pressure and this sets the "rattle" of the nozzle and thus the atomization of fuel when operating. Large droplets make for smoke and eventually more noise. The control valve failure causes more return line flow and the balancing number being high is the FICM lengthening the duration for that cylinder's injector to get crankshaft rotation deviation back in tolerance. The control valve failure increasing return fuel flow rate decreases injected fuel quantity. I have never seen this myself but there is supposedly a risk that the injector with tthis issue could hang open with bad result (DUH!).
  19. Does that mean only one radiator? (not privileged to see webinar)
  20. I've been seeing them on the road. 1/2 ton undercarriage and they are UGLY. Definitely looks like a pickup from the guys that designed the front end on the Juke.
  21. I didn't look at that. Thanks for waking me up.
  22. Just when you think 6.0's can't break in any new way........ I have a perfectly running 6.0 in a 2006 F350. It got a new Garrett (not reman'd) turbo 10K miles back. Truck has 154K miles on it. It came in with a squeal that you could equally as loud from anywhere around engine compartment that sounded like that squeal with a back facing serp belt pulley in running against the aluminum front cover of a triton v8. Nope, all pulleys in great shape, recent Gates belt. Got to be water pump squeal, nope, pull belt off still have noise but it does a change a little bit. OK, has to be turbo, nope the rotating assy is as snug as can be, smooth, no end travel, no contatc with high side force of compressor wheel. Still squealing LOUD. WHat to do? Pull VGT solenoid connector off and it goes silent. Pull turbo off and dismantle and check the unison ring, vanes, etc and all are good as new with no signs of wear and no carbo deposits nor rust. Truck does have large exhaust but otherwise stock inlet plumbing, air cleaner etc. Does have programmer but noise is the same on stock as it is on programmed settings. Turbo is over one year old so no warranty according to performance shop that installed and sent it my way when it came in squealing. EBP values are good and no restriction in EBP tube. Low end torque is there so turbo VGT functioning seems spot on. Anyone ever run across this? There seems to be no downside other than noise and this is a great running truck tuned stock with no start issues or a single thing you can find that it needs. The owner says the turbo has had a whistle from day of install but I have heard such things on many 4 inch exhaust 6.0's.
  23. Funny how recall and service campaign parts can drop in price. We know it has NOTHING to do with the 20% parts markup the dealer gets on the claim being a lesser amount of money when the price drops 75%............................. What was the 7.3 CPS price drop? $130 down to $18?
  24. Cracks are all too often dynamic. The crack that was allowing fuel in coolant stands a chance of growing and allowing fuel to escape to top face of head and get into oil. I would rate this as a fix it to trade it to put the problem on someone else's plate type repair.
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