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Everything posted by Jeff_

  1. I'd check the secondary filter housing for bubbles while cranking with the key off by jumping the starter (modified baloon test) as per Keith's article. with that many injectors failing something doesn't smell right. usually it's either due to low fuel pressure (which you have), and/or combustion pressure entering the fuel system through an injector. If the baloon test fails, you should replace all injectors on the bank that's causing it. If ok, then definately fix the fuel pressure issue before it leaves or you'll be doing more injectors next week. I've had several regualtors cause this, and a couple pumps. Good luck!
  2. When you checked the regulator spring, did you remove the valve and inspect the bore? I ask because last week I had one where the valve was stuck partially open from a injector clip fragment and caused a similar concern to yours. If that looks ok and base oil is still low, I guess the next step is to remove the gerotor pump cover and inspect the pump itself... Or pull the oil pan and check the pickup tube.
  3. AHHHH HAAAAA I found it. Check the 02 7.3 Fuel in coolant/coolant in fuel tank thread on PTS. The cup trick is refereeing to injector cup replacements in 7.3's. We've discussed this on this forum a couple times. Some guys don't use the slide hammer at all and instead rig the sleeve tap in a home made pulling jig using a socket, or a tie rod puller, or other such device... CLICK HERE
  4. I did a search on PTS for "cup trick" and 2 posts came up... one involved doing 6.4 oil coolers with cab on (something I'm interested in finding out), and the other was about a jeep that ran over a mattress and got the driveshaft tangled up with mattress springs. In neither post does it say what the "cup trick" actually is, only that Chris Worley knows it, and will probably tell you if he's convinced you're not a spy. I seem to recall him being a member on this site. Hey Chris, you there??? What the hell is the "cup trick????" and for that matter, How do you do 6.4 oil coolers cab on???
  5. You should ask your I.T. guy what kind of Internet security program if any is on the shop units. I know where I work, the 2 shop owned laptops have none, yet my personal IDS has Zone Alarm - making mine superior to the shop equipment in terms of safety. I could understand if he didn't want your laptop tied into your shops Reynolds or ADP software for fear of breaching personal customer information, but this is ridiculous. Since when does a wiener I.T. guy have the authority to tell a technician what he (or she) can't use to fix a vehicle? Since when did your I.T. guy become knowledgeable in the area of what specific malicious code can affect automotive processors? Why would Ford even contact your I.T. guy and tell him that dealership owned laptops are safer? He's full of shit, if Ford really thought that, they wouldn't sell VCM's to technicians. I'd challenge him on it, and ask him exactly what would happen if a car did get a virus... Would the instrument cluster start flashing advertisements for penis enlargement pills??? perhaps he needs a reminder that he is there to support YOU... Not the other way around. And perhaps he could even benefit from such an advertisement flashing from the message center on his car, obviously he's just doing this to feel like a "big man" because there are areas where he really isn't. Personally, I'd tell him to smoke a turd
  6. Yup... Horizontil Cooler usually fixes em for me. You may find obvious signs of coolant in it even though it will probably pass the pressure test off vehicle. They seem to leak only when hot sometimes.
  7. Whoa, hold the phone... Are you telling me there's a way to do an egr cooler without removing the intake on an F series??? Or were you refering to E series? I thought I already knew all the short cuts. Do tell!!!
  8. Thanks guys, I finally got it out after a huge battle, only to find my HP leak isn't coming from under that valve cover anyway... I should have just stayed home today /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crybaby2.gif
  9. I know this has been discussed before, but I cant seem to find it. What is the best way to remove the right valve cover on an 06 E350 6.0? I finally got one, all the bolts are out but she just won't clear. Is this the side that requires removal of the opposite motor mount?
  10. Here is the pin point test I use... Step 1: Replace FICM Step 2: Deal with your fuel pressure problem Step 3: Replace any other marginally functioning parts Step 4: Verify repair - If concern still exists, return to step 3
  11. Yeah, but they bend us yanks over just as badly if it makes you feel any better.
  12. Hey Ford, they all do this, so here's your root cause: DESIGN FLAW /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/ford.gif
  13. Yeah, this is right in my 'hood actually. We've had quite a few Ford stores close in the past few years including my previous dealer (R.I.P. Planet Ford of Minneapolis). Denny Hecker is one of the 4 huge dealer groups in my area. He just closed 6 of his dealerships last Saturday - including both of his Ford Dealers. One of the two that closed had my resume on file, and the other one had been trying to recruit me for a while, but was too far of a drive, so I declined until my house sells... So yes, I know them well. I had been planning to change employers for a while, but now I think I'll stick where I'm at. Ironically, both of Denny's Ford stores had non-union service departments, which are definitely minorities in the Twin Cities area - even more so now. I think one of Denny Hecker's big problems is that he has his own finance company, which is heavily involved in the financing of cars, as well as homes. I still remember his cheesy commercials with testimonials from people who said things like "I thought for sure with my credit, that no one would give me a car loan, but Denny Hecker did" or something to that effect. Then the commercials would end with a musical jingle with the lyrics: "Were good people helping good people!!!" I think the combination of the current economic climate, as well as the "special finance" and sub-prime collapse, was finally what made these chickens come home to roost. I already noticed a job application on my svc managers desk from a former Hecker employee, but we've been slow, so odds aren't good for that guy. Denny will be ok, he still owns other car dealers, and he's married in to (or at least used to be) to the family that at one time owned the Minnesota Vikings. I feel bad for all of the techs without jobs now, that's for sure. I still vividly remember what it's like, as I went through it around Christmas 2006.
  14. Jim you're right about Toyota and Honda not being players during WW2... But Mitsubishi Was, and they built some of the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor. Not that any of this matters because we're all friends now (thanks to a couple over-priced American made bombs)... The point I was trying to make is that if for nothing else, there may be a strategic reason to have the production capability of the big 3 in American hands. And yes I'm angry about the house of cards built by the management of these companies. I would have no problem with a regime change of sorts at all 3 as a condition for said bailout... and I have no problem if the investors in these companies (including myself) take a haircut. Yet I'm not so angry about it that I'd be willing to sit back let that entire house of cards fall on top of me out of spite, and I feel that I have a vested interest in preventing it if possible. I don't want the manufacture of cars to end up like TV's where we just threw in the towel and said "Oh well, I guess the free market says we can't build them competitively." And just go on with our lives without a second thought as we walk in to our local Wal mart to buy on impulse whatever cheap crap we can put on our credit cards. Check THIS out
  15. I say bail out the big 3. If a sleezy company like Citibank gets 20 Billion, then American manufacturing should get a freaking trillion in my opinion. Sure they've made some mistakes, but you know what... The playing field is NOT level, in WW2, did Toyota and Honda stop producing cars in order to help supply our Army with tanks and planes- Fuck No...(At least not OUR Army). But the big 3 sure did. I think we owe it to them. Hell, I'd even go so far as to say the Big 3 should be permanently subsidized by Uncle Sam - Toyota and Honda are by the Japanese government. How quickly we forget what built the middle class - It sure wasn't derivatives and credit default swaps in Manhattan, It was Henry paying his assembly line workers $5 a day to build things in Detroit, and as a result- his workers could actually afford to buy the things they made. A bailout of Citibank doesn't help me afford a new F150, however a bailout of Ford does... This should be the test for any corporation asking for taxpayer help. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif The representative from Minnesota now yields the soap box /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hammer2.gif
  16. You are correct Keith. To become a Senior Master you have to be Ford master certified in Chassis, Driveline, and Engine, which involves going through the approximately 150 Ford classes (most are web based). As well as having the 3 year tenure requirement. The Chassis and driveline master requirements are the same regardless of which senior master path you take, the difference is in the Engine Master section, where one can take either the Gasoline or Diesel Path. There are also Ase's required either way, but the specific Ase's required depend on whether you choose the Diesel or Gasoline path. Gasoline path requires : A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, L1 Diesel path requires: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, T2, T6, L2 I'm one class away from being a DUAL Senior Master /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/borgsmile-1.gif
  17. +1 The one I did in the above pictures had messed up thermostats and would never warm up as a result. I just decided to check behind the water pump as long as I was in pretty deep already doing stats. Low and behold I found some more warranty work to up sell /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif Also: This whole ordeal started when the radiator was replaced by another dealer prior. Obviously it was run low enough on coolant to cause these problems. It also had coolant in the exhaust side of the horizontal egr cooler - so it got one of those too. As well as a venturi "T" to prevent this from happening again. I'm under the impression the T-stat problems are actually a result of aluminum particles from the front cover going through them. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif In retrospect I prolly should have checked the ECT/EOT difference to see if the oil cooler was plugged from it. Oh well, it hasn't been back since so I guess no news is good news.
  18. Those are some good points Jayson! I guess personally I'm more of a Keynesian than a Friedman. All I know for sure is I'm an undergraduate in automotive service - but despite my best efforts to the contrary, they make me work on this shit anyway. I keep telling my service manager I want to be demoted to a parts runner /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  19. Quote: the Federal Reserve system is a total disaster I absolutely agree 100% Most people don't know the federal reserve bank isn't even a part of our government. It is a corporation that doesn't answer to We the People at all. The Fed Chair wields WAY too much power for someone who isn't elected, and his actions have dramatic effects on both the value of our currency, as well as how much our stock market is grounded in reality. In my opinion, this is one of the greatest threats to our economy. If President Obama can nationalize only 1 bank, it should be the Federal Reserve without question. If the Fed is absorbed in to the US treasury Department, the dollar will once again be tied to the faith and trust of the American people, and not just the creation of debt based on the computer models of a private - for profit corporation. I further think the ability to adjust interest rates is too much responsibility for one person to hold, and it should be done with a super majority in congress to prevent such rate adjustments from being used for political advantage, as they often are. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  20. Well I own guns too. If Obama wants restrict sales of grenade launchers to children over 12 only - fine. If he wants to take my guns away (like he promised he wouldn't) then he will have a problem with me. I'm going to wait and see what he does in this regard before I rush to judgment. I will admit there is a segment of the Democratic party that is anti gun. Clinton was part of that segment, but I don't think it's an issue Obama is passionate about at all. I further think the entire party remembers when they found out the hard way, that the majority of America is pro-gun, and how much political capital they burned in a losing battle with the NRA. I think they won't be doing that again because they care more about other issues, and re-election for that matter. I also take solace in how Democratic senator Jim Webb of Virginia got in trouble for packing heat in DC with a permit that was only good in his home state... Now there's a mans man I can respect /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif I sure wish that I would have seen Dwayne's picture before it was taken down though... Maybe someone can PM or email it to me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif _____________ ...On edit, Thanks for emailing me that Dwayne. Perfect!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  21. Nooooooo David, don't abandon ship. I'll be damned if I'm going to let you bail and leave us with more 6.0's to work on. Quote: the Investor's Business Daily explaining "What Caused the Loan Crisis": Rupert Murdoch must own this publication. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/coffee.gif You just need a good lap dance and you'll be feelin much better. Now that's a bi-partisan solution for everything /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif.
  22. Absolutely /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
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