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Everything posted by Jeff_

  1. Quote: I can just screw 'em back in and pump the pedal and everything will be mint? Yup... Occasionally you will have a slightly low pedal which will self correct during your post repair road test.
  2. not that I know of, just a lot of chatter on fmc message boards
  3. Well friends I have a final verdict. It was a shorted FICM, and as such, the icp readings were a symptom...not the cause. Had the vehicle not been modified there may have been dtc's to point me in that direction but I guess sometimes I just need a good ass kicking. Thanks for all the help! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  4. Quote: Is this concern temperature sensitive? It won't run long enough to get warm. I agree that air testing will be priority number one tomorrow. Just when I thought I'd seen it all on these things /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  5. Tsb 08-09-09 which uses the 1 piece fitting lists this: 4C3Z-9B246-C ICP Fitting Kit.
  6. I just started working on a 03 6.0 F350 which was towed in. The customer said they drove it to the store, and when they came back out it wouldn't start. Initial inspection found an Edge tuner installed. I disconnected it from the PCM and the MAF to eliminate it as a possibility. Of course I have no codes, and I ran out of time today before I could get too deep into it. What I did manage to do before I left, is verify fuel pressure is 50 psi when it occurs, and the EGR is not the cause. I also found the icp was bias, so I replaced it before making this recording. This truck still seems strange to me because it builds over 1100 pounds of icp when cranking, and it does start, but after a couple seconds it seems like icp drops off, and it dies. Tomorrow I'm going to try to see if it will set any codes that lead me in any other direction before I air test the system. Did I mention I hate modified vehicles? Any insight is appreciated!!!
  7. Had a sleezy tech at my old shop who would always help himself to my hand lotion, which was sitting on my workbench. One day I swapped the lotion bottle with a special blend I made of Nair and self tanning cream. Another time we had an asset student who thought he was all that. We had the receptionist page him on the PA system and inform him that he had a call holding on line 6. Line 6 at the time was the PA for the whole dealership. Needless to say the entire store inside and out heard poor marcus sound like an idiot trying to answer a phone call with nobody on the line...We were hoping for some profanity to be broadcast throughout the sales dept but unfortunately that didn't happen. Speaking of Marcus... another time, he had left early for the day, so we took the liberty of turning his toolbox around so the drawers faced the wall, then we put the vinyl cover back on just like it was so he wouldn't notice until he unzipped it the next morning. He came in to work the next day, and when he found it, he actually cried in the shop Foreman's office about it, and our foreman, who hated Marcus anyway, just busted out laughing. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif One time I filled my buddie's sure shot with coolant and fluorescent dye. Apparently neon goo doesn't do a very good job of cleaning.
  8. I always leave the master and HCU in place and just disconnect the 3 lines from the HCU. I've never had to bleed one afterward. Everything else I do is the same. Currently my 55th is torn apart. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif I think it was chipped but can't prove it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif
  9. 3C3Z-9G489-AARM Center Housing (Clamp Plate) - 2003 F-Super Duty/Excursion 3C3Z-9G489-BARM Center Housing - (Bolted w/o Clamp Plate) 2003 F-Super Duty/Excursion 4C3Z-9G489-AARM Center Housing - 2004-2005 F-Super Duty (Built before 11/4/2004), E-350/450, And Excursion (Built before 1/10/2005) 5C3Z-9G489-AARM Center Housing - 2005 Excursion (Built after 1/10/2005), 2005-2007 F-Super Duty (Built after 11/4/2004) And 2005-2008 E-350/450
  10. So you're telling us that not only are there unpublished labor ops, but unpublished warranty rules too? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/ford.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/icon_crazy.gif
  11. Quote: Jeff this will do the h/p fittings? Yes Larry, That's exactly what it's for. Even though the description says "fuel line remover."
  12. Jeff_


    Quote: Never said I was pissed That's ok Keith, We'll be pissed for you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif
  13. Jeff_


    Quote: CHRIS WORLEY Hub City Ford, Inc. Lafayette, LA (337) 233-4500 When this labor op came out it was clearly stated in the headlines on PTS and FMCDEALER homepages. I don't know what most techs do when they first get to work in the morning but what I do is read the "paper".... FMCDEALER. Any information ford gives us is here. So to not see whats out there is ignorance. It is and will be until 06-01-08 an operation for 6005E,6005F,6007D. All due respect,Keith, had you not been so involved with Ford diesel doctors creating your own website you may have found it. If techs spent just a few minutes a day reading this tech site with all this information given to us it might just make our jobs a little easier. I know of some techs that know abosulutly nothing about masters bucks. & on June 1st, they'll lose their money because of ignorance. 2 techs in particular. 500$ Now, thats just plain Stupid! May 28, 2008 7:58:50 AM
  14. Jeff_


    Here's mine: Quote: I'll second that!!! Thanks Keith for all you do for us. As far as Verify60 goes. I knew about it only because I happened to read the message when it came out. I don't read everything on this site because frankly-there isn't a labor op for it that I know of /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif And I get better information from a different aforementioned site anyway. I generally only seek the information that I need, and my svc manager would not like it much if I spent all morning weeding through the latest Ford News for something useful. It's easy to see how more techs may have missed it than not...Is that their fault? I say no, If it was a Labor operation, it should have been published in SLTS webview like all the others. This idea of "double secret probation ops" that aren't in SLTS but do mysteriously get paid by ACES by the few who happen to know about them doesn't seem very forthright to me - my two cents.
  15. Quote: On edit, i was in a class with an FSE who failed the advanced drivability class. 6months later i saw him sitting in my manager's office saying he's the new FSE in the area. What do you guys think I need to fail in order to become a warranty inspector??? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  16. Hey Larry, I only have the Dealer price info which is shown below. You will need the following 3 parts, plus a laptop running XP PRO. If you buy one, it comes with a 2 year software subscription. After that it's $350 per year for updates. If you have access to fmcdealer you can update it via the web and skip the 2nd part in the list for DVD media updates. It is likely that since you are not a dealer you will pay a higher price than what is shown below. Just call 1-800-Rotunda Option 1 and tell them you are a retail customer and they can answer any additional questions you may have. 164-R9505 $ 2,399.00 Vehicle Communication Module IDS/VCM Kit w/web updates 164-R9504 $ 100.00 DVD Media Updates for the Vehicle Communication Module (IDS or PDS) 164-R9503 $ 195.00 VCM to Laptop Cable
  17. Jeff_


    Quote: Topic:Elimination of VERIFY60 Communication: May 19, 2008 To: All Ford and Lincoln Mercury Dealer Principals, Service Department Personnel and Warranty Administrators Subject: Elimination of 6.0L Repair Verification Labor Allowance VERIFY60 A Dealer letter published In April 2005 summarized actions that Ford was taking to support repairs for the 6.0L Super Duty vehicles. One component of the support actions was a temporary labor operation, VERIFY60. This allowance was established to provide additional compensation to diesel technicians for diagnostic time and a post-repair road test. As we stated in the original communication, the effectiveness of this temporary allowance would be monitored and adjusted, as necessary. Effective with repairs dated on/after June 1, 2008 the VERIFY60 labor operation will be eliminated.
  18. Jeff_


    VERIFY60 was a .6 labor op that allowed a technician to do a post repair road test and quality check on 6.0 vehicles and actually get paid for it. It could only be used in conjunction with certain other diagnostic ops though (6005E and 6005F I believe). It came out in 2005 in a memo. Depending on how informed your warranty administrator is, and/or what your warranty numbers look like had a lot to do with how many dealers used it and how often. As of this week, the VERIFY60 labor op has been canceled. Another case of squeezing Diesel techs to keep the company afloat...sigh
  19. Oh, I forgot you're from Canada. On the US version of Fmcdealer message boards, several people have renamed the process of "taking the edge off" after a hard day at work using alcohol to it's more politically correct term "beercon5 technician fluid." Get it... instead of Mercon5 for transmissions, its BEERCON5 for technicians. I think the Canadian brand of beercon5 is Molson Canadian or Lebatt Blue. As far as my avatar: It's Will Ferril doing a classic SNL skit wherein he plays the cowbell for Blue Oyster Cult and is a little-shall we say assertive with his cow bell /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif
  20. You drinking Beercon5 technician fluid???
  21. That is beautifully written, classy, and eloquent. It reminds me of the old Chinese proverb: "Man who fart in church-sit in own pew."
  22. I had one a long while back that I replaced a failed egr cooler and it still smoked like a mofo. No codes, everything seemed to check out ok. Thought I had it figured out when I drilled a pin hole in the cat and drained about 2 quarts of coolant, then I plugged the hole with a self tapping screw and drove the shit out of it, only to find it still smoked really bad. It didn't seem to be using any coolant or oil. Anyway, this was back when I was still green on these things, and I performed all kinds of pin point tests and made several calls to hotline to no avail. Luckily we had another similar truck in the shop, so I started swapping known good parts one at a time. MAP sensor fixed mine. And I noticed that the map hose had coolant residue in it from the failed egr cooler (it failed BAD). Since you stated your MAP reading is out of specs in the air management/EGR test I might head that direction sooner than later. As far as coolant shooting out when you remove the radiator cap, I would recommend seeing if you are losing coolant or have a venting degas bottle under load before I got too excited about that. It sure wouldn't be a shock if it needed a through tsb 08-11-3 up to and including head gaskets. But coolant always sprays out when you remove the cap on a hot engine silly /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/stooges.gif
  23. The tech on fmcdealer who was working with an engineer said the radiator failures are caused by pressure spikes in the cooling system that don't return to the degas bottle, the special T fitting supposedly has a venturi in it to resolve this problem. Supposedly a TSB is in the works. As far as how credible any of this is-who knows. It sounds good though. Don't ask me, I just do what I'm told /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif
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