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Everything posted by Jeff_

  1. I was checking out one of the public forums and it sounds like there are a couple of "tuners" who will modify aftermarket programmers to shut off the regeneration process.
  2. I purchased the kit, but haven't had to use it yet. To me it's worth the $80 to not get caught with my pants down. I figure if I own the tools to do a cab on repair, then Murphy's law would hopefully come into play and make me never have to do one.
  3. If he had a 6 gun I'd be the first one to shove it up his ass, just because that isn't the kind of customer I want anyway. I'm just not ready to throw this guy to the wolves if stripping out a bolt is the only mistake he has made. I see this as a potential opportunity for a good customer for the long run if handled properly. I think too much tunnel vision and short sightedness is what has caused so many of our dealerships to close their doors forever, and also what caused Ford to hemorrhage market share and cash to the tune of Billions of dollars over the last few years. How we handle situations like this is what will define us, and the success of our dealerships. Certainly people need to be spanked sometimes, but I'm a professional technician, and I've broken all kinds of shit...it happens /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif It reminds me of an old saying. Something about stepping over dollars to save pennies
  4. My first instinct was to throw the customer under the bus for his own mistake, but I realized he would have never needed to try this repair himself had the sensor been designed properly in the first place. I agree he made a bad decision in trying to repair it himself, rather than towing it to a dealer, but there may be other factors that prevented him from doing so (like being in the process of pulling his own trailer, or simply being unaware of it being covered by a recall). Some people just aren't mechanically inclined, and unfortunately their first indication of this, is often a major fuck up like the one we are discussing. I don't view this customer as a major liability for Ford warranty (like the people who have their Banks 6GUN and cry warranty when they blow something up). ~ We know the type /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif This is just a normal customer who supported our company by purchasing our product, and managed to get his greasy fingers where they ought not be...a lesson probably not lost on him. He is exactly the kind of customer we need to keep happy if we are to stay in business in for long term, so here is what I suggest: BEST OPTION - Call the 07s57 program headquarters and explain the situation, see if they will cover the additional repair. SECOND BEST - P05/7 It so the Customer pays 10%, the Dealer pays 10%, and Ford pays 80%. As I understand it, this is exactly the kind of situation these options were made for. And if you do this, and explain it to the customer, You will likely gain a good customer for life who will eventually need ball joints, brakes, maintenance packages ect, and will come to your dealer for these services because you gained his trust and gratitude. Hell...He may need some of these services right now and you can fill a whole day by fixing up his truck. That's not too bad if it's an otherwise slow day at the dealership. WORST - Charge the customer the full amount for his mistake, and gain no loyalty from him. I must be in an especially charitable mood today, usually I'm a lot more of a hard ass /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/fouet3.gif
  5. I love known good test parts /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  6. Well, I grew some "man berries" and tried it. It worked /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif I'm still curious to know what the difference is though
  7. Question: I know there are several IDM's out there, but they basically fall into one of 2 categories... 94-98 and 99-03. IDM's are spendy little buggers, and I'd rather be absolutely sure I need one prior to adding one on the customers estimate. As it happens, I have a known good test IDM for the 99-03 Trucks, but I'm currently working on an older one (97) and would very much like to plug in my test IDM to see if it fixes my problem. Does anyone know if the newer model IDM is close enough to use for testing purposes? or if there are any bad consequences in trying????? I'd rather pick your collective brains before I experiment. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif
  8. Quote: HEY JIM SOUNDS LIKE YOU WOULDN'T MIND FINDING "THINGS" UNDER A FAT CHICKS FIESTA DIESEL SEAT! Actually, as long as Larry is sniffing the seat anyway, we should just ask him to reach underneath for any aforementioned "things" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif
  9. Quote: Well....The White jackets have seen that there are no trans lines to worry about on the M/T. Well actually they did re-invent the wheel. The Late model Super Duty's with the ZF6 Manual actually do have cooler lines.
  10. They don't call you Diesel Fitter for nothing Larry. U still playing with those really big panties????
  11. THE PLANE...THE PLANE OMG David, that is perfect!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif Where did you get that great picture of Keith and Larry?
  12. Quote: One question for all of us guys??? Don't we have shop Foreskins/Service advisors checking them over and test driving before it's approved as a fixed vehicle??? Would it not be their job to point out the prints or smudges to the porters before its put in line for pickup??? Geez Larry, that's so funny I almost pissed my pants /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif I used to work at a dealer that cared that much, but we closed. Now I'm at a dealer where comebacks are common, and unfortunately, quantity frequently outweighs quality in this epic race to the bottom. I personally take the time to quality check my work, as do a select few of my associates, yet I find myself disappointed that so many of my co workers don't seem to care at all. A customer can have a very good experience at my dealer, or a very bad one depending on the luck of the draw in terms of which tech they have assigned to their vehicle. If you make 1 customer happy they tell no one, if you piss off one customer...They tell 10 people. So if they have a 50/50 chance of getting a quality minded tech, Hmmmm /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif Uh oh, I'm starting to sound like Grampy Jim. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif
  13. As Promised, here is a picture of a brand new oil cooler with the mysterious white residue stuck to the underside of the casting. I always check for this and clean out as much as possible before installing it in the vehicle.
  14. I haven't seen any responses to it Brad, did their webmaster delete something "juicy" or something?????
  15. I used to work with an asset student who managed to get greasy footprints on the headliner of a customers Lincoln /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif
  16. Well, I put together some labor ops for your truck. Depending on how you repair it, you obviously wont use all of these, and there may be some others not listed that your warranty administrator can help you find, or just go to fmcdealer slts webview... COOLING SYSTEM PRESSURE TEST 8005D .4 T-STAT/COOLING SYSTEM DIAG 8575B .9 ENGINE PERFORMANCE DIAG 6005F .4 KOEO ON DEMAND 6005F1 .1 FINAL QUICK TEST 6005F1X1 .1 KOEO INJECTOR ELECTRICAL BUZZ TEST 6005F2 .1 KOER 6005F6 .1 FUEL PRESSURE TEST 6005E7 .4 ENGINE EXCHANGE (PRIOR APPROVAL PROCESS) 6005E 1.0 REGULAR CAB - CAB R AND I 6007B 5.9 (this can be used in conjunction with any ops below, but some of the below ops cant be used with eachother) "6009" SHORT BLOCK REPLACE 6007B1 22.1 "6009" LONG BLOCK REPLACE 6007B34 5.0 OIL COOLER REPLACE 6007B44 6.6 HP PUMP R AND I OR REPLACE 6007B47 2.4 TURBO ASSY R AND I 6007B40 2.2 RIGHT CYLINDER HEAD REPLACE 6007B23R 9.2 LEFT CYLINDER HEAD REPLACE 6007B23L 9.4 BOTH CYLINDER HEADS REPLACE 6007B23T 12.8 Though the workshop manual has a procedure for "in cab" as well as "cab off" engine replacements, SLTS does not currently have seperate labor times. As such, you will have to claim the labor op for cab removal, but run a seperate M time punch and document in your story any aftermarket accessories you have to remove in order to perform the repair. My first (and only) 6.4 engine job had a ladder rack that hung over the top of the cab. It took an extra 3.0 hours to remove and install, and I got 3.0 hours "m" time for it because I dotted my t's and crossed my i's. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/readthis.gif
  17. Quote: Can anyone tell me the labor times for removal this way? What year F450? 2x4 or 4x4, Man or auto trans? Diesel? I will look up the labor ops for you if you post this info.
  18. It just aint right. Pretty soon they will be front wheel drive too. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif
  19. Larry, I don't care what Grampy Curmudgeon says...You are smart /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif Did you ever end up buying the Burgundy Dodge with color matching bumper nuts?
  20. Quote: removed the oil pan drain plug spun the engine over ok bang fuel runs out so ok replaced the hp pump everything is good released the truck comes back 2 days later smoke pooring from under the hood smells like burnt oil so i removed the turbo shields and found oil coming out from between the exhaust down pipe and low side turbo anyone run across this before when i did the pump i never removed the turbos any ideas...i know i am gonna have to replace 1 or both turbos but how did that happen I thought I'd take a stab at the original question. Perhaps the fuel dilution of the oil damaged the turbo bearings and/or inner seals.
  21. Quote: Ford Service training had a printout for the 6.0L adapters and they were for the Norco stand. My OTC stand is sweet but I have to use universal adapters which can be a pain to set up. Needless to say I don't have any nifty engine specific adapters. Yeah, I learned about the wonders of Norco at Ford School too. Unfortunately I don't have the adapters either because my dealer has 2 Rotunda stands. It's usually not a big deal though because we just keep the universal adapters positioned for a 6.0 and they generally stay pretty close to where they need to be...Unless one of those pesky tranny guys decide to mess up my work and convert it into a Torqshift holding fixture /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif
  22. Norco makes a comparable engine stand to the Rotunda for less $$$ check this out: Norco Engine Stand The stand usually goes for about a $1000 depending on where you buy it, and you can also opt for the Ford adapter kit which bolts right to the motor mount holes Norco Stand #78200 Ford adapter kit #78201 Here is a quick link to a distributor: Norco Distributor
  23. There was a thread about this on Fmcdealer. Lots of techs are having HP pump failures after replacing the oil coolers. I've started looking at mine whenever I do one, and I noticed a white powder residue on the underside - stuck to the housing of several. I don't know what it is, maybe some kind of flux, but I've been wiping out the majority of what I could reach with brake cleaner and my fingers, and haven't had a problem yet. Next time I do one, I'll post a picture unless someone beats me to it.
  24. That's kind of what I'm thinking. I know from my own mishap in a batting cage. They can in fact - turn black and blue, with a Burgundy hue. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif
  25. In other words... sometimes, depending on the situation /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
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