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Everything posted by Jeff_

  1. I'm not sure Aaron, It is something my instructor mentioned, but in my own research I came up with this: Ambulance info I'd much prefer gas powered ambulances...then I wouldn't have to work on the bastards. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif
  2. One of the Ford instructors told me about it. He said for 08, the diesel powered E series are on whats called "emissions credits" which means they pay a fine for every one they build. He said it is a temporary solution until they figure out what to do for the long term. Ambulances require Diesel power by law apparently, and unfortunately ambulance builders love the van chassis. (Obviously they have never tried fixing one.) He also said that this is the reason for the body restyle on the 08 E-series, they supposedly have a working prototype with a diesel that meets the emissions standards, and the additional space required to house it was the motivation behind the body restyle. He wouldn't say if it is a 6.4 or something else altogether. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/ford.gif
  3. AdHoc is far better in my opinion. This way, you don't lose communication when going on a pid monitor road test. Infrastructure mode requires you to be within a certain distance of the dealerships wireless router.
  4. Quote: I guess this would give a new meaning to all of the bumper stickers out there...Ford pissing on a Dodge,Chevy pissing on a Ford, and Dodge and Chevy pissing on each other. And don't forget that sometimes we as Americans (and Canadians in America's big back yard). must all put our petty differences aside, and serve a greater purpose of joining our streams together to piss on Toyota. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif
  5. nope, it means remove the injectors and set them upside down with the tips pointing away from the engine, reconnect the fuel lines, but leave the electrical connections unplugged. Then crank the engine while watching the injector tips for leakage.
  6. Check the "Photos of tools" post in the Tools/computers/internet section
  7. Strange as it sounds, it may be exactly what is needed. Assuming that it will be a substitute for having a DPF. This could bring fuel economy back to the acceptable range, and eliminate those pesky regenerations that get customers all wound up. I wonder how they figured this out...It probably takes a unique mind, like the guy who realized that if you lick the backs of certain toads you can get high. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/icon_crazy.gif Ahhh, necessity is the mother of invention isn't it?
  8. Check these out. Looks like urea injection may be the way of the future /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif Urea Injection Piss in a Duramax
  9. Hmmm, that's strange. Maybe I could check for any special service messages regarding this, I'll need the vin though.
  10. First off, Yes, I have seen ICP sensor problems in the past, and they cause all kinds of problems. When I look at your list of codes I categorize them 2 ways: possible causes, and possible symptoms. The 0299/0341/1408/1284/1102 can often show up as symptoms of another root cause. The 0404/0405/0272/2291 seem to point more toward actual root causes. At this point we know the pcm is seeing problems with the egr, as well as its ability to control icp, and also a miss on cyl 4. What is interesting, is that though the pcm has several different VREF outputs, the ICP and EGR happen to share the same one, thus a short in one would affect VREF to the other and cause the pcm to see faults in both. I think the pid monitor function is going to be your friend here. With the key on and engine off, monitor your VREF, and ICP pids. VREF should be 5V, and static ICP should normally be .18-.24V in my experience depending on engine temp. If VREF is low, look at your evtm and unplug any and all VREF sensors 1 at a time to see if it is being shorted out by a sensor. If Vref is still low, check the workmanship of the prior ebp and icp connector recalls to make sure there are no problems in the harness as a result of poor insulation or crimping. If VREF is normal but ICP is out of specs, try a new ICP sensor. IF VREF and ICP are both normal, watch your ICP pid when cranking... if it is slow to come up to 500 psi you may have an actual injection pressure leak (which may or may not be related to the #4 injector). If you are led down this path perform the air test as specified in the pced. Keep in mind that often times such leaks only occour on a hot engine. Hopefully you find this helpful, I have more ideas but these are relatively easy tests to perform, and the answers to these questions will determine the next steps.
  11. Check out today's broadcast message... Quote: When using IDS release B53.5_P10 or later, there will be a selection under the Module Programming section labeled As-Built. If the IDS is connected to the internet, this will automatically download the Method 2 configuration data into the module as obtained from the As-built area of PTS. If the IDS is not connected to the internet, the user will be advised by the tool how to manually load the As-built file from PTS. NOTE: This should not be used in lieu of Programmable Module Installation when replacing a defective module as the module also requires a separate configuration file installed during PMI to function properly. Vehicle Lines Involved: MY07 Edge/MKX, Expedition, and Navigator MY08 Edge/MKX, Expedition, and Navigator, F-Series Super Duty, Focus, Sable, Taurus, and Taurus X I guess you can teach an old company new tricks, either that or hotline got tired of getting calls all day from techs asking for the code /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/ford.gif
  12. Code: (Canuckia) I hear they're a little bit slow up there.....................................................................................................Aye?
  13. But realize, the only reason Ford is having these problems on some stock vehicles, is because they took a VT365 and added over 100 hp already for the Super Duty trucks. Ford is already pushing the envelope and running the 6.0 at the ragged edge of what the bean counters can justify paying for in their horsepower war with Chevy and Dodge. Now you want to take the Ford 6.0 and run it at 126.9 percent, and expect to blame Ford when it doesn't work too well. I've got to tell you, I'm not quite following your logic or justification, but I do thank your industry for all the customer pay diesel work you provide. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  14. Any software updates for the instrument cluster? I think 04's had a similar deal for which there was a reflash.
  15. Quote: the tuner doesnt raise boost psi either.. we do nothing to adjust the vgt, only the fuel pulse width,timing, fuelpressure.. i can get 33psi out of my turbo The max boost on a stock truck is 26 psi. Even though you say your tuner doesn't specifically change vgt, it does increase boost nonetheless by increasing the fuel volume. Since turbo's operate from the heat of expanding gasses, more fuel = MORE BOOST. More boost = more head gasket failures...and Ford should pay for this why?
  16. It is only a workaround for the SLTS Webview page. No amount of changing it will allow any other access into fmcdealer. I guess it was created so that warranty administrators can have easier access and save it in their favorites menu without having to login or worry about the page timing out. I'm just lucky I found out about it before that info was taken off of fmcdealer.
  17. Well, I don't know about that, which is why I messaged it to you. I found out about it on the Warranty Administrator message boards on FMC. That post was removed by their webmaster shortly thereafter, so what does that tell you?
  18. I'll PM it to you OhNo and Keith, stay tuned...
  19. Quote: alot of guys dont know exactly what the tuner is doing so they just assume that it caused it.. thats another thing that grinds my gears.. i recently just won a case with a ford dealer locally they tried to void a warranty on a 03 6.0 Yup, that is exactly why I let my field service engineer make the decision. That way my dealership is insulated from any legal issues, and Ford Motor Company's legal team can deal with any issues that may arrise from their decision. Maybe they can send 100 lawyers at a time like they did during the Firestone Fiasco. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hammer2.gif
  20. I just did my first one of these today. They already re-wrote the tsb, now it is 08-4-7. Mine went well, but it is not going to be the answer to every stuck turbo. I've had many with severely rusted turbine housings which kept the vanes from moving.
  21. Well, he did say it was towed in...That is a really good point though Keith, I still think he's going to get some injectors out of this deal though. If not for debris failure, then from low fuel pressure damage. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crybaby2.gif
  22. I wonder what the Customer Pay price is for 8 injectors. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  23. Well Fellas, Sheriff Jeff struck again and burned another warranty It was the typical story... A cold Minnesota winter day, the sounds of engines and air tools fill the shop with that old familiar noise. A busy service drive, and a customer with coolant blowing out of his degas bottle on his Excursion with only 30k miles. I'm assigned the ticket, and soon realize what I really have before me...an idiot. Unfortunately for him, he didn't remove all of the evidence before bringing it in. I figured I'd at least give him a chance to come clean, but he lied...and I instinctively threw him under the bus for it.As he waited so innocently in the customer lounge for me to diagnose what he already knew was wrong, I couldn't help but notice there was a pyrometer in the down pipe that was not hooked up to anything, the wires were coiled up and tucked into a corner. By the way, the wires were not long enough to go through the dash for an egt gauge, so I assumed that they had another purpose at one point in time. Also the left battery cables were loose, and upon removing the battery cover, it was obvious the center pcm connector had been tampered with by an amateur. Wouldn't you know, the pyrometer wires just so happen to reach into that area too. Also the typical IDS telltale signs (which shall remain nameless due to a certain conflict of interest among us), were also quite suspicious, and showed that something had cleared some data very recently - yet OASIS showed no warranty repairs since 2006 "sigh."I calmly proceeded to the customer lounge to have a chat with the customer. Seeking all of the information is an important step in the SSCC diagnostic process as we all know. I mentioned the pyrometer, and he exhibited the deer in the headlights look. After a long delay - enough time for him to think of a logical explanation, he said it was for an aftermarket EGT gauge he used to have. I mentioned that I didn't notice any screw holes in the dash from where it would have been mounted, and his response was that it was a "stick on" model.Well, the bullshit was getting a little to deep for the boots I was wearing, so I told him that the diagnosis shouldn't take too much longer. At this point, I explained the situation to my SM, and was told to handle this however I wish I decided that perhaps I'm not qualified to make any such decisions...So I gave my field service engineer a phone call. My FSE seemed VERY INTERESTED in the situation, and instructed me to fill out the online warranty cancellation request form, and to also email him a copy, so that the warranty would be personally voided by my FSE before this guy even left our dealership.Well, that answered that...right from a FoMoCo corporate employee. I'm obligated to comply with my FSE's instructions, and so I did. My writer told the customer that Ford engineering is involved in the diagnosis of his vehicle, and they told us that for some reason our dealership can't perform any warranty repairs on it. We gave him a CP estimate which he declined, and went on his merry way.What is even more interesting, is that one of our other local dealers gave my SM a phone call a couple days later asking if we knew anything about this vehicle, and why there is a message on OASIS stating that Digital Imaging had declined a warranty repair see CUDL for details... I guess shopping around for other dealers to perform this repair under warranty isn't going to work out very well To purchase this episode, or for more information on where to find the online warranty cancellation request form, go to fmcdealer - Parts & Service tab - warranty administration and parts return (bottom of left column) - Warranty cancellation request form.
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