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    Tinker Toy Engineer

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    B.C. Canada
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    Apex Auto Center

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  1. Put a vented oil cap from a chev pickup with a 5.3L Leon. It has a pressure relief so they wont blow the rear seal out.
  2. Check the AC pressure pid too. Even though it is off, high pressure can make the fan run I believe. Could have a circuit issue that is triggered by decel?
  3. Got some salt on the roads in Alberta? Lol. Could have been an Ontario truck at one point? That's crazy.
  4. That's nasty. The brown smelly coolant is due to a plugged oil cooler, which is likely why the EGR cooler failed. I have seen milky oil due to a bad egr cooler failure twice before. The rust is suspect for sure, but being mixed in the crankcase, with heat and such may cause the water to evaporate out of the mix, and it would condense under the valve covers.
  5. No that would be Canadian dollars. Roughly $6.32 us dollars I think.
  6. 209.9 / Liter here. Works out to $7.90/ US gallon
  7. The AC pressure sensor is down in that area. I have seen more than one of them rub through and short to ground down there. I think the AC pressure sensor wiring is in the body harness so it likely wasn't replaced with the engine harness.
  8. I had a 2014 acting just like this, Upstream NOX was way too low, making the pcm believe the scr was not working. Ours was even lower on NOX1 , I think it was in the 50 range which made it easy to determine it was not a plausible reading.
  9. If it is your first time, follow the WSM. That way if anything goes sideways you have some backing. Speed comes with experience. After you have done a particular job several times you will discover tricks and easier ways. Most guys that I worked with over the years that were looking for tricks right from the start, never made it very long on flat rate.
  10. I left the dealer in march of this year. Myself and a friend ( also a ford tech) bought a 6 bay facility and opened our own shop. We have ourselves and 1 other tech right now, with a combined 40 years at Ford between us. We have another tech starting next week that has 15 years experience with Ford too. At 55 years we have about 45 years more ford experience than the local dealer shop staff combined. Ford was getting to be too much to deal with mentally. I will say, I have way more on my plate now, and way more stress, but overall I am way happier being away from all the BS of a dealer.
  11. I think it has been a marketing f**k up since release. Around here the half ton GM's with the duramax 3.0l are hot sellers. Most people I talk to don't even know that the F-150 has a diesel option.
  12. Huh. I always wondered what the long term effects of the phaser lock pin rattle would be.
  13. Ah, I see. Stuff like this makes me glad I left the dealer....
  14. Is this the f-150 master cylinder recall? If so, don't bother with the bleeder screws. Bench bleed it 5 or 6 full strokes. Once installed fill it about 1/2 way, and put it under vacuum via the filler cap ( I have an adapter that I built) with a hand held vacuum pump, for a few minutes. Done. Works every time.
  15. Initially would suspect the CAC system. I have had many that melt the cold side CAC tube if the secondary system runs low on coolant. Second I would suspect the possibility of the EGR cooler bypass sticking closed, causing high temp EGR injection into intake stream.
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