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Everything posted by sdtheclub

  1. Wow I would be surprised if that ended up causing a fuel knock. Haven't seen any with fuel knocks yet. Let us know what you end up finding. Good luck
  2. No the pinpoint tests said it needed a MAF sensor. I ended up looking in the EVTM and started disconnecting everything thing that had to do with the MAF sensor and thats after I had overlayed the wiring to the MAF sensor. The guy at Hotline said he was impressed that I found the problem. Can't wait to get screwed for the three hours it took for me to figure it out. Our warranty clerk sucks!!!!!!!!!
  3. Check the wiring at the fuel pump. Had one doing the same thing and the connection at the pump was inter open. Had to replaced the short jumper harness at the pump. These are also known for the engine harness but they will only set the CMP code so I really don't think that's your problem. The CMP and CKP codes were probably set for the engine being crank over for along period of time. Good luck and let us know what you end up finding.
  4. Were not high in diesels and far as I know we never have been. We have five diesel techs and that's all we work on. The 6.0 is a piece of junk but just fix what's wrong and diag them right and I don't see how you could be higher than anyone else. I've never needed to use a diag sheet but I do fill them out as Ford says we have to use them to diag them right. But most of the time the whole sheet does not need to be done. Like the balloon test. It only needs doing if you have an injector concern. Another one if fuel restriction. It only needs to be done if your fuel pressure drops below spec. And Ford is right, most of the time a TSB does cover the repair and I think they pay great. M time for head gaskets, 8.0 hours for H.P fitting that takes 2.0 hours to do. Life is great if I a get three or four of them in a day.
  5. Had P0102 and P0104 hard fault and MAF pid was very erratic with koeo. Ended up being the H.P fuel pump causing concern. Hotline couldn't believe it. So if you get one with map sensor codes unplug the h.p pump and retest. If map codes go away then you need a pump or harness.
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