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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. 4.0 or 4.2? I searched IATN and Identifix and came up pretty much empty. Here's something from IATN, it sounds like he did a resistance check on the sensor to condemn it: 2003 Jaguar X-Type 2.5L Hesitation, Misfire, MIL Lamp on By: Joseph MullaneyBy: Joseph from New JerseyNov 6, 2007 11:44:17 AM in European Driveability1 Reply Group, Trying to replace top knock sensor. Sensor located under coolant outlet tube, that is under the front head, and below plenum. Does head come off for this or is there an alternative? Even thought about hooking up new knock and relocating it somewhere not as ridiculous as where it is currently located. All thoughts taken seriously, even if they require a grain of salt. Regards, Joe Related Repair HistoryCar diagnosed with bad knock sensor via OHM, and the use of a known good unit. Symptoms gone, now need to R & R part. Joseph Mullaney Technician/Manager Mullaney Tyre & Car Care Center Matawan, New Jersey, USA FIX posted on Nov 7, 2007 12:20:21 PMIf anyone ever finds this, we were able to loosen the covered bolt on the coolant housing, rotate it out of the way for Knock sensor replace, and reinstall the shooting match. Car runs great, as Knock was cracked up around outside shell like I have seen in Nissans. No more codes and or misfires at higher RPM. Stan, those 2 bolts that hold (one is accessible) the housing down are tough. I broke 3 10mm swivels on the one under the head, and other is up against the housing itself. Really was not as bad as it looked, but Vat a dezeine! Computer Codes & Descriptions p0332- Knock sensor code
  2. I have a friend with a Ram Cummins that had a rad and 2 water pumps under warranty. It isn't only Ford with issues. BTW, I had a '74 Dodge van with a plastic fuel tank.
  3. On the older engines a clogged/bad EBP can cause this.......
  4. I had a 6.0 melt the injector harness feeds completely from the FICM to the #1 injector. They changed the injector and the harness but not the FICM IIRC.......
  5. Did you ever try soda blasting sensitive components? I've done it with carb housings and stuff, it might work well on the turbine wheels. Use a box of baking soda with a siphon blaster for quick cheap results. Do it outside.....
  6. I'm thinking your HS-CAN is a J1939 bus......... On IH's you can power the ECM by jumpering Bat+ through a fuse which does not power other modules on the truck. At this point you connect the scan tool, it will show only the ECM on the J1939 bus, (where normally it shows all other modules too, like TCM, ABS, dash, aftermarket GPS, QualComm, etc) jumper the starter, run all of the KOEO/KOER tests with the ignition key off and all other modules asleep. On a Ford, can you power the PCM separately from other modules and communicate with it solely? This might save time by not unplugging a bunch of stuff. Did you check your J1939 voltages and resistance, and verify they are correct? (probably 2.45v on the -, 2.55v on the +, and 60 ohms) Just thinking out loud......
  7. I hate snow. I hate cold. It's cold as hell here and supposed to snow the next 2 days.
  8. You'll notice I had the exact same thing happen in my captures above (12th one down) ....
  9. http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/gallery/image/280-no-icp/ I'm still struggling with posting pictures in the forum. I can see the pic but I can't find the link to post it.... Note 0rpm, high ICP/CIPV, no DTC's and it was a no start. Unplug the ICP and it started, replace ICP and it was fine. It happened in class, oddly enough.
  10. Yes, if the ICPV is too high KOEO the PCM decides it doesn't need to command the IPR up and the truck won't start. I posted screen caps of this here a few years ago, and no DTC's were set. I'm not sure if this answers your question or not..... Jasper "generally" puts all updates in their engines.
  11. Yep, that's the letter I was referring to. Very few of us have temps like it refers to, and definitely not Mutter. The bottle of DEF that I have is dated May 14, 2009 and it still tests out at 32-33%. It's been stored in an unheated building over 4 years.
  12. Brad: Do you (or anyone) have the original full size Jpegs? Thanks, guys, I appreciate it!
  13. Hey guys: I need a clear picture of the updated front cover showing the "tab" inside the water pump opening. Does anyone have one of these pics that they would let me use in my presentations? I have a couple of blurry ones but not a good one, I'd prefer one shot with a camera over a phone. Thanks!
  14. This is correct for OBD2 vehicles, 1.5 times FTP (Federal Test Procedure) amounts. That's why the wrench light came in, to inform the driver of other issues not related to emissions.
  15. I didn't know about the crash rumor, and that would certainly make sense. It makes NO sense that they would have it at Louisville but not Sema......
  16. That was tried in Europe but didn't catch on too well. It's a magnetic valve in the end of the DEF hose that is tripped by magnets in the DEF filler neck. I have lots of pics taken at trade shows, but this is easier: https://www.google.com/search?q=elafix%2040&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7GGIT_en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=acB-UtPDHZXb4AOx6YDwDg
  17. Pattern failure on 99-2000s IIRC, there was a TSB or SSM on it. What year?
  18. Ford's display at Sema was a waste of time for me. It was all customized vehicles and when I asked 4 different people (including supposed "truck" product specialists) about the Transit and the 3.2 it was clear I knew more about it than they did (or were willing to say). It fries me when this happens as I spend a LOT of effort for this show. Complete strike out, IMO. Oh, well, sometimes you hit a home run and sometimes not. One year I got a free 6.4 from the guy there. (2006)
  19. You cheated, there's no truck wrapped around that engine. Nice job!
  20. The oil pressure regulator is very accessible, as you know. Maybe pop it out and inspect it, I might even rub it with some 400-600 paper if it has scoring (they usually do) or replace it. Good Luck!
  21. IMO, probably not. All DEF sold mets international (DIN?) standards so it's probably not the DEF.
  22. Holy smokes, I could write a book on this topic as I've been to Industry Week (that's what the first week of Nov is called) almost every year for the last 12 or so. Sandy cancelled my flights last year so I couldn't make it. Industry Week has 6-8 automotive conferences running on top of each other (NACE- Auto Body Repair, Tires and Wheels, and others) and is Vegas's second busiest week behind CES. Prices reflect this. Anyway, Sema is mostly chrome, glitter, custom paint and shiny wheels that I'm not into hardly at all. It's also massive, 3 giant buildings, one of which is dedicated to wheels and tires (WTF?). I spend 80-90% of my time at AAPEX (Sands Conv Center, 1 mi from LVCC) checking out new tools and equipment. At Sema I go to the tools/equip section and the Ford display and blow out after an hour or two. Custom cars with fancy wheels just don't do anything for me, I'm into vintage cars restored to OEM spec, not modified. I arrive Mon aft, depart Wed 11pm, and am staying at the Clarion (cheapie) hotel just north of the Sands. My cell is 440-263-9282 if you want to have a drink Mon or maybe Wed but Tue I'm tied up. I'll be at a party Tuesday 5-7 sponsored by AVI at the Sands, they might let you in, too, but I'll be busy talking to industry people that night. I don't know where you're staying, but take advantage of the free shuttle busses that run from the big hotels to Sands/Sema. Parking is very difficult at all locations and the buses are the way to go, LVCC is so large there's three bus stops there. I'm close enough that I can walk or take a cab. Look at all of the free clinics running at AAPEX and see if any of them interest you, your badge gets you into Sema and AApex. Go through the Sema program and ID specific booths you want to visit and map them out. If you try to do them all you'll fail miserably. AAPEX tool area is much smaller so you will be able to do them all. If you want to be freaked out go downstairs at Aapex and walk through the thousands of Asian vendors selling clutch discs and other common components.
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