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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. I'd be happy to debate that with you, DEF does not degrade much at all over time unless the storage temp is dramatically above normal. Ford (or somebody, I don't have all of my stuff with me right now) did a test using Phoenix's summer temps and still found a very long (Months? Years? I'll look it up when I get home.) shelf life of DEF. I have a bottle born (IIRC) in May of 2009 and it still tests out at 32-33% using an electronic tester. It's been stored in an unheated building in Cleveland since I bought it. There's a TON of incorrect info floating around about DEF, still. I'll put more info up on this when I get home. I almost think we already had this discussion and I might have already posted the info......
  2. Not handy as I'm out of town right now. The IPR body is soft steel and allows a (1/4"? 5/16"? NC) tap to be run partially into its end hole, and then stuff a bolt in there and whizzer wheel off what's left. I've seen brazing rod used also......
  3. Or install one that you've plugged/brazed shut and do your air test.......
  4. Hey Steve! Look closely at the air filter and MAF as they play a part in the calculations. Here's captures from an identical truck- 2012 F350 DRW at a steady cruise, this guy is a friend of mine and his DEF usage is normal or below normal. These captures were taken at a lightly loaded 46mph on a flat level road at light throttle, I was actually surprised to see the DEF injector working at all. Maybe take yours for a ride and compare the graph and pressures..... PS the spec for delivery is 45-55ml, the one I tested barely made 45ml.
  5. This is an aftertreatment injector from an unknown late model Cummins. Before bead blasting: After bead blasting: Numbers on the AFI: 1T003059C P3683570 Questions: 1. What engine does this fit? 2. How much of the junk is carbon and how much is gasket? IH's have a tendency to fill this area with carbon, I assume Cummins do too. 3. There are two large ports on the side that appear to be coolant. Is this correct? Thanks!
  6. Ditto, they were marketed as the "Smokeless Diesel" IIRC. That's why glow plugs run after startup, to reduce white smoke.
  7. Great write-up, nice documentation, excellent case study.
  8. I took this capture several years ago on a 6.4, it's possible/likely that this selection no longer exists:
  9. Sometimes this is referred to as "Hyrdrocarbon Slip". Google it, but get a cup of coffee first.....
  10. It's a stepper motor, appears to be powered both ways and not a spring return. Click the photo for a video. Under Programmable Parameters, there's a "Reset EGR Valve Position Sensor Offset" that I assume is for setting the closed valve voltage. Does anyone know more about this?
  11. I don't think the log is at fault, I think the fitting was overtorqued. If you wanted to replace the log to avoid issues with the injector swivels I wouldn't argue with you.....
  12. This is a list of screen caps I use in class to continue a private conversation between Keith and I. Any comments you guys have are welcome. What PIDS do you use when diaging aftertreatment? What opinions do you have on my captures? THANKS!
  13. Yea, right, like you're ever gonna see this again.....
  14. Twin tank with switching valve? I've seen the switching valve on those trucks cause weird things. See if the guy is using it, or bypass it for a test......
  15. I can't believe it hasn't been done yet. And probably won't be for fear of safety concerns......
  16. What PN are you using- 8C3Z-9F464-E? Have you ever tried Partsvoice? They show 25 dealers having stock, can you transfer from another dealer?
  17. That doesn't work, I've tried when I had the shop, the problem is dawdling while getting ready. If the guy sets his alarm 15 minutes earlier, he just dawdles 20 minutes more (watching TV, internet, phone, etc). The best method I've found of training a latecomer to arrive on time is to rescind his benefits one-by-one, it's the only method that worked for me. I told new hires that they got two tardies a year and that was OK. I didn't really track them, and I didn't use a time clock, but if a guy was tardy more than once a month it quickly came up in discussion. I remember one guy who lived 5 minutes from the shop that was the worst, it was funny that guys who drove several times farther were never late but he was. Another part of the problem is poor management and failure to deliver consequences. If management is habitually late (ANY management) it only encourages bad behavior, management must obviously lead by example. I generally arrived at the shop 1-1.5 hrs ahead of the gang to do a quick clean up, get my head on for the day (organizing the day's work), receive new work coming in that morning, order parts, and look for snafus. If a mgr says he's going to do something and later does not follow what he says, his word becomes a joke and nobody believes anything he says. Integrity and continuity are an incredibly important part of being a good mgr.
  18. No tinnitus here, but I did have regular ear infections for as long as I can remember. My regular MD told me about 15 years ago to irrigate my ears with rubbing alcohol daily to kill bacteria in the ear canal. Holy smokes, so simple! I keep a squirt bottle in the shower and just shoot a small stream into each ear while I'm in the shower, I haven't had an ear infection since. My dad suffered with this his whole life, too, and was always using prescription ear drops which did not work. Too bad.......... Is this off topic?
  19. Nice documentation! How much time does it pay?
  20. I have stuff in my files bout Uptime programs for VT engines, here's what I can pull from memory: Air Management Update- a bunch of new parts, reflash, clean turbo. Rocker arm update (IIRC) all new rocker arms Rear gear drive- new drive gears for fuel pump (weren't hardened properly?) I'm pretty sure IH would pay parts/labor for all ops.
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