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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. PS IH did change the EGR about '05 going to a different valve and separate module. They still had a lot of the problems the 6.0 did, just not to the level.
  2. Some of this is my opinion, backed up with many conversations with IH guys. I feel there are much fewer problems with the VT365 than the 6.0 because: The VT365 is rated at much lower HP and uses much lower ICP pressures. The VT wasn't involved in a HP race the way the pickup trucks are. The VT has a larger cooling system. The VT has better airflow around the engine for keeping components cooler. The VT does not have the same IDM (FICM) strategy as the 6.0 which wrecks FICMs. The VT had better support from IH including many parts updates (Uptime Programs) that Ford (IH?) would not pay for. IH typically doesn't bump warranty claims like Ford does, and IIRC, when IH Tech Support tells you to do something, they always pay for it. The VT had better trained mechanics working on it from the beginning. I took a 2-3 day VT class at my local IH dealer in May of 2002 that included two engines- one we completely tore down, and another on a live run stand we did running diag on. This was early in the life or before the techs saw the trucks. I know many Ford techs did not get training until well after the trucks were on the road. I also took the 6.0 Ford class and I thought the IH class was better. The VT is typically used more like a diesel should be used- no grocery getting, short trips, etc. They had a load and ran down the highway more often. The VT had a better air filter and probably a less restrictive exhaust than the 6.0. The VT didn't have !#^^&*holes putting chips and tuners in them and guys "rolling smoke". There's probably more reasons that will come to mind later....
  3. Years back I had a 7.3 with gas in the tank traced back to a Sunoco station that had cross fueled its underground tanks. Sunoco paid my bill, but the funny thing is that Sun Oil asked all of the local TV stations to broadcast this to find other buyers of the mix. The reason? Because some people run diesel in K1 style torpedo heaters. Can you imagine?
  4. Auto mechanics 101- oil filters only work when the oil is warmed up, when the oil is cold virtually 100% of the oil goes through the bypass. I've been told the filter does virtually nothing below 140F EOT, that's why the screen is there......
  5. Are you sure about this? The oil schematic shows the reservoir gets filtered oil....
  6. I've had students tell me they've cut the crossmember out with a Sawzall, changed the pan, and migged the crossmember back in......
  7. Is it aluminum rot where the seal goes from lack of cooling system maintenance?
  8. Big time pattern failure on E-vans, commonly loses a bank when it happens. There's a TSB on a mounting change to keep water from getting in, but an inner tube flap works well too. How about the buzz test? I also have a tester if you need it and I'm a lot closer than CA.
  9. People are gonna be laughing at you the whole way east. Good Luck, and have fun!
  10. You're serious? The amount of teaching/learning that can be done on one of these compared to a complete truck is unbelievable. Think of some of the things that could be done vs a real truck- the breakout box alone would keep me busy for hours watching voltages and responses. I'd have a hundred scope captures at least if I had time because of the ease of access with not only the BOB but access to harnesses for amperage waveforms with a low current clamp. (It would be easy to get current waveforms from the FP, DEF pump, VCV/PCV actuators, injectors, etc.) Fuel pump return flow would be super simple to test. I don't like the fact we can't watch EGTs while doing a manual regen, this is easy on this unit. (Watching EGT temps on other makes is critical for diaging why they have issues) Comparing true voltages with what's reported in IDS would also be cool to see what they're lying to us about in datastream. The "bug box" has dozens of switches in it that open and ground circuits, and I'm betting that those are a lot harder to diagnose than you'd guess. Think back of how many times you've diag'ed a weird DTC or symptom to find the root cause had almost nothing to do with the DTC set. It would be super easy to ground or open actuator circuits, too (you don't want to do that with a BOB because the wire gauge might not take the current) and that would be really tough to do on a complete truck. Access to the components is the key. Man, the learning involved here would be amazing. Watching temps with an infrared gun would be cool, too, even though the rig can't be driven. It appears they've put a flowmeter in the secondary coolant hose to show flow in the system. As for the stand, it would not be used for major disassembly exercise, it would be performance and minor tests only. This would not replace the current first level class, it would be advanced diesel performance all the way. A class built around this stand would be only for well experienced techs on this engine. IH used to have run stands like this and take them around the country doing live training in the dealerships. The 6.7 is by far the most complex diesel engine FMC has ever built, and techs will be challenged in a way you've never seen before as these trucks get aged. Experience on a trainer like this would give you knowledge of the systems that would be nearly impossible on a complete truck. This run stand was sold to Bellingham Technical College in Bellingham, WA. By coincidence, not only have I taught there, but I know their HD diesel instructor very well. If I get up that way for any reason, you can bet I'll stretch my trip out and schedule some time on this rig. I'm sure they would be happy to allow me this.
  11. I'm finding the website doesn't like my preference of posting large amounts of pics in one post.
  12. What are these two modules? I don't recognize them right off: Inertia switch? It has a breakout box built in (jealous, are ya?) and a fault box for tripping open/shorted circuits for the students to diag.
  13. I was at a training conference in Quebec this week, and a company called Consulab built this for a tech college in WA: That's one monster tranny! It's too bad FMC can't build these for the dealer guys to train on. Retail price was reportedly $42K, it was built using a wrecked donor truck. (VIN on dashboard).
  14. The sales/service info says it’s standard but it’s not. 2012 info says (Std. in AK, CO, IA, ID, ME, MI, MN, MT, ND, NH, NY, SD, VT, WI, WY) They come with a plug in the block. Element - Ford PN: BC3Z-6A051-A ($30.43) Cord - Ford PN: BC3Z-6B018-C ( $135.77) The ZeroStart P/N is 3500069, $60 or so. Installing it will require a 9/16” Allen socket, it’s in a tough place above the starter, removing the wheelwell helps. On Chrome 'cause my IE7 doesn't like the new website.
  15. I have had many students rave about better mileage with Stanadyne PF.
  16. Stanadyne makes several products as well. I also think one could do it, but people may just want the basics at a lower price. The "marketplace" and competition is probably the driving force here.
  17. Ditto, ICPV should be about .24 KOEO and rise to 1.2-1.5v range cranking, idling about 1v. Watch your ICPV and IPR % and see if V drops while % rises, signalling a problem. IPR is usually 9-11% at a hot idle. Is the fuel turning color in the FF?
  18. The exhaust shop guys will cut and weld in a generic one-size-fits-all for a fraction of that. If you have a Mig you can too, or send it out. The cheapest exhaust shops are in the inner city around here, we did many that way when I had the shop. Edit- Universal cats seem to work fine and keep the rear O2 and tailpipe tests happy. I have heard of rare times in Cal where they didn't quite make emissions.
  19. Hey guys- I have a DOT with a bunch of 6.4s used in traffic applications. They have had several situations where EGT failures cause immediate shutdown in traffic with work crews around resulting in a dangerous situation. Is there a way to delay this shutdown so that the trucks are not sitting in the middle lane on the highway? Thanks! :
  20. Hey Guys- I have a student mounting a body with rear heat on a 6.7, he needs to know where to tap in or connect the rear body heater's coolant hoses to the engine and he isn't seeing anything obvious. There's nothing on the BBAS body builder site, either. Does anyone know where to tap in the heater hoses? Thanks!
  21. I tell guys in class to remove the belt(s), have their buddy hold the engine at WOT and listen/ run their hands around the CAC and hoses for leaks. You probably would have felt it then......
  22. No pictures here, but Mother Nature sure did give us on hell of a show last night with a top shelf electrical storm. I was teaching at First Energy yesterday so they were on edge a little bit about the forecast......
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