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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. Jimmy: Do you know where I could get those two videos offline? (.wmv or similar format) I'd like to show them in class when I don't have internet...... Thanks!
  2. You're not concerned about reusing a DEF bottle for fuel?
  3. http://bulletins.schaeffler-aftermarket.us/ Luk's tech support dept is (was) awesome. I have an old number, 800-274-5001 press 3, try them. Good Luck!
  4. Ditto here, been saving them my whole life. When I sold the shop he got the box, but my new box is aready quite helpful......
  5. They did- don't you have it? http://www.motorcraftservice.com/vdirs/wds/diagnosticsites/GOBDII/usen/
  6. Stay away from the Modis, for its abilities and its price do not match. We've been down this road before and I still like the AutoEnginuity. Bang for your buck is very good. Genisys isn't bad, don't get the scope module or HD truck setup. Autel Maxidas is supposed to be very good but I haven't used it. What are you working on- everything and all systems? You are familiar with aftermarket scan tools, right? You know that most do 25% of what an IDS does, right?
  7. I think the WIF light problem was corrected a few flashes ago where the original flash allowed the WIF to delay several key cycles but the new flash makes it respond quicker to the WIF sensor. Can anyone supply me a TSB or SSM and an approximate date when this flash update took place? Thanks!
  8. Yes, seepage leaks are the first sign, then wet leaks. The multiple failures are the odd thing- it's a PTO bucket truck and runs the PTO an hour at a time on higher idle speed....
  9. I'm teaching in Oregon, and a student has multiple 6.0 FF housings cracking where the "strut" between the OH and FF housing attaches to the OF housing. Trucks are '05 ish F550 manual trans (no DMF), one truck broke 4 of these housings. Any idea why? I'm thinking a harmonic imbalance, but student says they run and drive fine.
  10. How about a Mack with a triple stick tranny? IIRC it was two four speeds bolted end to end and a reduction box. It was in an old 237 dump, I think, and low low low was slightly faster than a snail. I put it in LLL and it was too slow to get out of the shop.....
  11. Here's some caps I have from quite a while ago. I "think" the voltage measurements on the sides are correct, but don't bet money on them. I remember having some troubles with scaling the voltages a while back. On the cranking waveform I'm seeing about a volt P2P on the CMP and 20v on the CKP, which is bogus. I think the CKP decimal should have been one more place to the left giving 2v. On the idling waveform, I'm seeing about 2.9v P2P on the CMP and 4v on the CKP which sounds right. By the overlay it looks like I "fixed" the capture on the CKP years back. I have the scope set on DC coupled, which means I am showing both the AC and DC portions of the waveform. I might have been better off selecting AC coupling for an AC waveform. The DTS website compresses the pics making the voltages harder to read, if you (or anyone) wants the originals e-mail me.
  12. The amplitude of the CKP dips at the same time the CMP wave dips, suggesting a change in cranking speed. Can you give me peak-to-peak voltage measurements? Those are very important, too.
  13. Keith supplied me this pump about 2 months ago and it's been staring at me sitting on the bench. I've been messing with personal projects and finally got around to tearing it down and shooting pics. The pictures speak for themselves, as the pump ingested DEF causing massive damage inside. One of the lifter rollers finally dislodged, jammed between the lobe and the aluminum housing causing the housing to split. Here's the plungers, severely discolored. Even after cleaning, the lifter rollers show their triangular wear and discoloration. This truck ran for several minutes, miles, or hours as the DEF flowed through it. I'm sure the pump was making quite a racket as the rollers decided to quit rolling, sliding across the cam lobes grinding away their last minutes. At this point the engine should have been misfiring severely from ingesting DEF also. It would be nice to have an honest interview with the driver about the last few minutes of the pump's life, but it will never happen. Thanks, Keith!
  14. I've seen both diesels and busses with 2 speed axles, but that goes back to the awesome 80's. I remember two speeds like yesterday, we stocked a motor because the salt ate them up so bad. Early ones had a contact points-like switch in them, later had an electronic circuit board. I'm fucking old.
  15. I'm thinking most Travelalls and Scouts got the little brother 304 engine? I have been inside numerous 345/392 engines and still remember the differences like 2 bolt/3 bolt ex man flanges, many different cylinder head configurations/combustion chamber sizes, the extra bolt hole on the top of the head that would leak oil under the VC if not plugged, #8 timing, of course, and a million other details. I don't remember what I had for lunch yesterday. The other IH gasser I was really familiar with was the MV404/446 family. I started out in the 70's doing mobile repair for rock bands and those were the two staple engines in nearly all the local bands trucks. Ahh, yes, the good old days.
  16. Eric: I have heard many similar stories and I think the problem is industry wide, on both sides, dealer and independant. May I politely remind you that your audience here consists mostly of dealer techs. People may remember statements like that when you ask for help someday.
  17. Even if you unplug both VC harnesses, you will still get 8 buzzes (?) from the IDM. It's been 10 years but I remember doing it a long time ago. I don't think I'd put an IDM in it at this time. I'd put a small load on the 6v going to the FP and see if there is potential for current there or not. I'm wondering if there is a monitor circuit in there to verify circuit integrity through the pump? Just thinking out loud. Many 7.3's will run (sometimes fine, sometimes rough) with the FP inop.
  18. What are Perdels? Read this page about halfway down: http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubb...=true#Post22830 A compression test is always a smart idea as 7.3's are getting tired.
  19. My personal opinion is to use the OEM recommended coolant and change it more often than the OE specifies. Who are we to argue with the chemical engineers who design the truck? The reason there are so many coolants these days has a lot to do with the alloys of aluminum that are used. An order comes to a dept. from above to cut 10% from the weight of a casting, and the only way to do this is to use a lighter, stronger alloy, but that alloy is more corrosive in some environments so a new coolant is developed to be compatible. Somewhere in the DTS files there is a pic of a 6.0 PSD front cover that had green coolant in it and ate a hole the size of your thumb behind the WP. I have the pic and I can't remember who posted it. The next time you're talking to a Euro car guy, ask him about what happens when you put the wrong coolant in one. Euros, specifically German cars, are super sensitive to the wrong coolants and have massive damage happen quite quickly. From eating the WP impeller off (within weeks) to eating through castings, to eating the surface off of an $10K Mercedes aluminum cylinder head, I've seen it all. It's amazing....
  20. Didn't old E-vans loop at 400k or something?
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