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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. I know of virtually nobody that cleans LD DPFs, either, besides one guy on Ebay. I'd take it off and blow it out with an air gun, with a vacuum cleaner bag taped over the inlet.
  2. Try some Stanadyne. *Reserve Capacity is the amount of time a battery can last driving after the alternator has failed. *Battery Council International defines this as” the number of minutes a new, fully charged battery can be discharged at 25 amps and still maintain a voltage equal to or higher than 10.5 volts for a 12 volt battery.”
  3. My favorite is where they ran a rocket powered sled on rails into a car at 700mph. Man, that is some serious energy.....
  4. This is one to put a breakout box on and start check basic electricity to the PCM. Powers and grounds, voltage drops on all of these, ACV output from the alternator, dirty power, etc. You might want to try driving it with the alt unplugged. The baro is internal to the PCM so if a 107 sets with different PCMs the PCM is telling you it's pissed off about power somewhere. The 340/344 will set if it's cranked for a while in a no-start situation, but you didn't tell us if it starts right back up or cranks a while to start. I'm a scope dude so this is where I'd start, it only takes an hour to do this. I did have a 7.3 years ago that had a bad harness and bled power from the turn signal circuit to the CMP circuit. I didn't change the harness, I only put a piece of polyloom over the green wire to isolate it, which fixed the problem. On yours I would suspect the CMP signal might be corrupt, or wrong CMP air gap, or perhaps cam end play on a long shot. Adding some CMP shims might be a backyard test. Unplugging the ICP puts it in default, raising the IPR command and ICP to cover up the problem, which may not be in the HP circuit at all. Where did you check the FP at? Fuel sample from the drain looks good? Is this your own truck? Is it Cal emissions with a GP module? I'm assuming it's an F-model?
  5. I sure wish people would tell us what year the truck is when they post a help request. There is a considerable difference in how the Gen 1 7.3 works compared to the Gen 2 7.3.
  6. If you have low compression (physically measured) on one hole and high crankcase pressure, it's almost impossible for it to be anything else but a piston/wall problem. It may look acceptable even with the head off until you have the piston out. It sounds like you're paranoid, if you want to verify it you could put that cyl on TDC firing and apply shop air to the injector hole with a rubber tip blow gun, it should be leaking considerably out of the crankcase. Good Luck!
  7. Once I road tested a truck just moments after one of my techs road tested another truck. As he had pulled out of the shop and into the street, a RACK of his S-O sockets had fallen off the cab step and into the road, scattered across both lanes! I collected them, assembled them back on the rack and waited until the end of the day when he was putting his stuff away. He's looking all over hell when I said, "You looking for these?" Another time one of my 3/4" impacts came up missing. I'm sure it went out laying on a frame rail, crossmember, or somewhere and fell onto the road. Another time a tech left a NGS case complete less scan tool (extra cards, cables, etc) laying on the flat area in the rear of a wrecker during a RT. I missed it immediately and went looking for it but it was gone forever. These are just the stories I remember off the top of my head. This is the reason I use Craftsman most of the time, and the SOs sit in my box unmolested (and unlost!). Believe it or not, I actually prefer Harbor Freight's color coded sockets as my eyesight isn't so great anymore, and at $6 a SET who cares if you trash them!
  8. This goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Do the right thing, but be prepared to lose your job for doing it.
  9. I've found many tools over the years, but not as many as I've lost! Notably a 1/4" drive Snap-On ratchet, long extension, and swivel socket under the hood of a car. Once I ran out of gas on the highway and had to walk a mile or so to the next exit. The amount of tools I collected on that walk was quite incredible- screwdrivers, sockets, and all kinds of stuff. It was really quite surprising.
  10. Does FMC offer any incentives for dealers to be open 24/7, 16/7, or anything like that? I know Shell gas stations get incentives for 24/7 that make it worthwhile even if there is little business in the middle of the night.
  11. Can you be more specific? What are Perdels at a hot idle, how does it run at low speeds, how does it pull without a trailer? Does it have dead holes at an idle and lower speeds? We'll be happy to help you out, but you have to feed us pertinent information. "Misfire causing lack of power" is way too broad of a description. It's like going to a medical doctor and telling him you don't feel good.....
  12. Did you check FP while under load (50MPH, WOT)? Late 7.3s are notorious for plugging the screens in the tank, restricting fuel on the highway. You must check it at the heads. Your description fits this perfect as they will blow white smoke when fuel is restricted. A 45 degree 1/8" NPT street elbow and a Schrader (Napa 90-290, I think) will make it easier. Forget pulling the injectors and bench testing them, it's a waste of time. Edit- PS How does it run and drive at lower speeds and idle?
  13. Jim's right, it's probably a late '99 up with perdels, if it's an early '99 it won't have them. Start by reading these and then tell us what it's doing: http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubb...=true#Post31686 http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubb...=true#Post22830 http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=22830&page=1 Good Luck!
  14. What year? There's a big difference in op/diag on early vs. late.
  15. Sounds good. Make sure it doesn't fall off at highway speeds from a restricted screen on the pickup tube. Good Luck!
  16. Assuming it has no PTO, I agree. I did a power company last week whose trucks sometimes park for days with the PTO running that have really lopsided numbers also. Did you confront the owner/driver about that? I'm curious what he said.
  17. Daryl Drummond? He also taught at NACAT a couple of weeks ago when I was in Winnipeg, but I didn't get a chance to meet him. As far as museum artifacts go, you're probably the most suitable.......
  18. Wow, this sounds like a tough one and it looks like you've done your homework. The 1211 and your problem don't add up unless the injector O-rings are leaking at WOT/high ICP, but then it still wouldn't make sense because your IPR command is nice and low. It sounds to me like you're chasing a set of injectors. What is MFDES at a hot idle? Usually it's 8-10 but if it's starving for fuel (from bad injectors) it can climb higher. Suck the FF housing dry, get a bottle of Stanadyne Performance Formula (or PM-17-A, or F8AZ-9C077-AA) and fill the FF housing with it. Immediately start it and run/drive it to see if it runs differently. If it does, it's either bad fuel or bad injectors. 7.3s are old now, and if it hasn't had a set of injectors it needs them. My money's on injectors or a bad IDM or (even smaller) PCM. I have seen IDMs cause this problem- do you know of one to try? Too bad you're across the border, I have both of them I could loan you (and a OPR for MChan). I think you've done enough to "probably" rule the 1211 as a ghost code. You might want to ground the IPR return wire momentarily which should produce 4K of ICP or more. I have "heard" once or twice of 1211 ghost codes from fuel starvation but never experienced it myself. I'll think about this one some more and see what pops up.
  19. Good tip. I'll pass this along in class.
  20. I'd be putting a breakout box on both of these and check basic power and ground voltage levels for a start. IIRC, some/all 7.3s CEL go on and off at a normal key cycle. PCMs are a low failure rate on these.
  21. Ground the IPR return wire while it's idling and see how much ICP it can make. It should make 4K or more, I bet it's way short of that causing your 333. I've seen it more than a few times on the bigger engines. LCFs don't read OP in scan data like the real engines do, you might want to CYA and check that with a gauge, too. Good Luck!
  22. You didn't miss anything, it was an amateur video shot by an assumed tech, probably at a dealer although I don't remember evidence of this. He used a lot of typical Ford bashing, calling it a piece of shit etc, very crude, rude, and profane. If I were his mgr. and found out about this video, he would be history with the company. Maybe that's what happened. I still feel this engine has a better rollout than the last few diesels. :-
  23. Probably because you're at 73 and 74 is out? Maybe try loading 74 and see if it will update? If a new version is out, it always tells me there's no updates. Thanks, Keith.
  24. Yes. What version are you at? Thanks!
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