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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. Buy a reman assy from Jim Linder at Linder Technical in Indy. He ships everywhere daily. http://www.lindertech.com/ Good Luck!
  2. Damn, you're right, I forgot about that, it's REALLY important for it to be correct. IIRC it should be above 63psi. If it's below 58 it won't run right- the poppets don't open.
  3. This is with the left side fender liner out, I see the ABS module, the red steel is the core support, and the camera is facing forward and to the right a little bit, right? I think I see the electric water pump, but the it is not in its normal rubber mounting grommet like I'm used to seeing. How is the electric water pump mounted? It looks like it's just hanging there. Great tip!
  4. My memory is really weak on these, but I'll give it a shot. Did you mix up the spiders where they are supposed to go in the ports? They won't run for shit if you did. Does yours have a "flapper valve" motor on the rear of the plenum,(electric dual plane manifold) or an EGR? You can pull them out and look inside for leaks, it's really common to have bad (stuck) injectors or leaks under the plenum. Look for wetness or puddling, which is not normal. Cycle the key and look inside, the large tubes toward the rear will split. Standard has an update where the injector assy is changed and the tips now have the electrical portion built in, but you have to buy the assy and I doubt it's cheap. P0135 is O2 heater, do an amp test at the fuse or do a voltage drop across the fuse terminals while the key is on, a drop of .1 or .2v will indicate it's working. STFT of 50% makes me think you have a poppet stuck or switched the tubes around. Does it smooth out if you feed it propane or ether? I have a lot of pictures of this system but not your model year. Good Luck!
  5. This was a new OEM module and the data came from an IDS. (student)
  6. Is this new? I haven't seen this before on replacement FICMs.
  7. Brad, are you changing the head because of the scuffing?
  8. I think I'd do a compression test before putting injectors in it. Check the FP at the right head, there's an 1/8" NPT square head plug there for FP on the upper inner surface. Look at MFDES and Perdels at a hot idle in scan data and tell us what they are. Check glow plug amperage for the cold start problem, should be 195 tapering off to 125 after 30 seconds. Lotsa dusted motors in 7.3s..... Good Luck!
  9. Done lots of DMF's in my life, never had one make the noise you describe. Shakes and chatters, but never a loud thunk. Ask the owner if anything has been done to it, on that old of a truck it may have already been replaced (SMF installed). Yes, it could be the DMF. I don't know anything about the frame rivet. Use a Luk single mass update if you change it, he'll love it. It comes with the flywheel and clutch assy and it cheaper than buying a DMF from Ford. Good Luck!
  10. I saw one liftoff from a highrise condo in Orlando, 50 miles away. It was cool- watch it on TV take off, then at about T+15 walk out on the porch and watch it live. Even at 50 miles it was clear what you were watching and quite thrilling, and that was decades ago. Last year the shuttle went over Naples during landing while I was with a customer in a large metal building. The whole building shook with the sonic boom and scared the crap out of us. I didn't know what it was until I watched the news that night and they told us.....
  11. I've been guilty in the past of saying nitrous oxide also, but since I wrote a diesel emissions class I've been trying to say it correctly, nitric oxide (I think!). When I was a kid my dentist gave me nitrous oxide, and it was a great buzz!
  12. We just complete Easter dinner, having the whole family over for ham and turkey with all the trimmings. We had it today 'cause I'm driving to Richmond VA tomorrow for classes. Seeing my Mom tonight, we see her separately because her Alzheimer's is fairly advanced and she gets confused in crowds. The weather here is finally beautiful....
  13. If your ICPV starts at .23v and climbs to 2v cranking, your problem is not likely in the HP oil system. Plug the homemade "dual light bulb tool" into an injector harness and see if the injectors are getting a pulse command from the FICM during cranking. If you have all of the above things that you state, your problem is in the injectors, compression, or fuel. Good Luck!
  14. Ditto on all above, unplug the ICP and see if it starts. ICPV should be .17-.24V KOEO, IPR is 15% KOEO (I think actually 14.85%, Jim), but if the IPR is going to 85% there's something the PCM doesn't like in the HPOP system. The injectors are enable about .8 but it should build 1.5V ICP cranking. DON'T DEPEND ON ICP PRESSURE, ONLY VOLTAGE during a no start!
  15. And probably mine, too. My web guy used to have an IP adress tracker to see who visited my website and how many times. Most were once or twice, but there were a couple that were into the HUNDREDS of visits. Even I don't visit my website that much. It can only be FMC and IH keeping an eye on me.......
  16. Knock wood, I've never lost a module while reflashing, only remember once having one bail out and have to start the process over. Can I ask everyone on the board what their experience is in percentage? What percentage overall of reflashes end up with module replacements? Under 1%? Under 5%? Thanks!
  17. Put a piece of tape on the bottom of the mouse so it won't work.
  18. Light travels faster than sound, this is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
  19. Just got back from the show and it was disappointing this year. Ford's exhibit was very ordinary and blah, and not even any engines on display. (They have at least one cutaway 6.7 if not several, and a boatload of gas engine cutaways) It consisted of several trucks with their hoods up (a couple of 6.7s, a V10 F650, vans, etc) and a game show giveaway where you pick the numbered suitcases and get what's inside. Very uninspired if you ask me. IH redid their exhibit but used most of last year's engines so I was disappointed there, too. The MaxxForce 15 engine on display was new, it's the Cat C15 makeover for those not informed. The MFDT on display was last year's model when there were major changes to their engine lines lately. The newest engines now have electric fuel pumps and a few other changes. They did have a truck with the current engine in it (big whoopee) but you can't see squat on the motor when it's in a chassis. Their emphasis this year was on clean emissions, showing off a hybrid DT truck, a MF11 bi-fuel which uses 85% LPG and 15% diesel to run, and a LP converted DT using spark plugs. The trouble is, when these are in chassis, you can't see $hit. I did take 500 pics but a lot of them were repeats of last year.
  20. No, I'd take Gabrielle Miller in a heartbeat, too. She is a great looking woman.....
  21. I'd never even heard of the series before you guys, but because of the chat here I got it from the library. We finished Season One so far and are a couple of episodes into Season Two. I like the episode with the portable sign best so far, where the final shot is Karen Slept With Hank. My wife loves it, too, kind of like a modern Mayberry RFD. Good clean fun, little or no sex, and no laugh track.
  22. They could also easily remove the check valve from the 6.0 banjo bolt, as I do when making a E-van fuel test tool. It's not rocket science....
  23. Well, you're correct there about the control group weather thing but I have a valid point. I have customers through the Caribbean and most of them have shitty fuel and horrible fuel system failures at unbelievably low miles/hours. If you put the high sulfur fuel into the equation and the fuel system failures go away, there has to be a connection. You seem to be in a pissy mood today, did the liquor store close?
  24. Sorry, Jim, I disagree. I think the launch of the 6.7 has been far smoother than the last several new diesel motors by far. I remember more problems with the 7.3 when it was released in '94 than this one. As far as aftertreatment, you have to expect rollout problems with that and all mfr's are having them, not just FMC. It's new emerging technology, and they haven't worked the bugs out. Be glad it's not base engine problems. The motor's been out a year, and how many engine or injector failures have we seen? From my perspective this engine is a great success at this point. I hope it holds up.
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