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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. It should be a pull cable under the hood hooked to the water drain that commonly sticks or breaks. (7.3 E-van) Ditto on what Mike said, even though it's gone. I use plenty of lubricity additive when this happens. Good Luck!
  2. The 99.5 Diag sheet says 15psi minimum, a buddy of mine has a stock 2000 7.3 with a boost gauge on the dash and makes 25+ at WOT.
  3. 8PSI is waaaay low for that engine, this sounds like a textbook case of fuel starvation, check it at both heads if the first one shows OK. The screens in the tank or a bad pump are on the top of the hit list. Good Luck!
  4. The chunk could also be an unrelated piece of casting flash leftover from engine production. We (a cust of mine) just went through this a few weeks ago without much learned or the real issue solved. You should probably read this post- it will sound familiar. http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=35854#Post35854 I can't think of what the previous tech could have done during the leak fix to stop oil from reaching the top of the engine. If I were in your shoes, I'd replace the LPOP, check the regulator and reinstall it, and advise the cust where you are. Let him call the shots to keep you out of the hot seat, but chances are good it will be fine with a new LPOP. Lay the gears on a table and check the distance between the tips of the teeth, IIRC it's supposed to be .005" or so. Commonly I measure bad ones at .012-.015". Keep us informed. Good Luck! Good Luck!
  5. Experience can be a difficult teacher, you usually get the lesson first and the instruction afterwords.
  6. One great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
  7. Over the years I have acquired about a dozen FICMs with unknown backgrounds. Some of these are brand new ex-IH units that look identical to 6.0 FICMs but I was not able to program them when installed on a 6.0 Ford. I called these guys located in SC, to ask them how they test the units. The two guys I spoke with told me they are a board repair facility only and have no ability to program, check programming, or actually test the units. They did offer me $50 each after inspection, though.
  8. That's frigging HILARIOUS! I choked on my pop as I read it!
  9. It's the week of July 18 but I don't know what day yet. It's a short 6.7 class covering the basics and intro and I doubt you'd learn anything from it. I'll be there for the full week taking classes (NACAT conference at Red River College) so I'd be up for a drink at night if you're nearby..... http://www.rrc.ca/nacat
  10. It's a holiday here, too, Presidents Day...... I'll be teaching in Winnipeg this July, the pictures there look pretty cool.
  11. Do you wear high top boots/shoes to strengthen them?
  12. Latest update: The tech removed the pan, checked the pickup tube, all was fine, and reinstalled them. He then removed the oil pump again to check it, reinstalled it and the truck primed immediately and went out the door. It's been fine since then except for an unrelated EGR code. The tech claims he primed the pump with Lubriplate both times it was out. Why it would not prime the first time but primed immediately the second time is a mystery. The triangular pieces that damaged the original pump appear similar to plastic injector retainers that were broken off the injector pass-through clips through the rocker boxes. (?) There were a few of them laying in the oil pan when it was pulled. Would plastic indent the Gerotor gears like that?
  13. I'll see John Thornton again this weekend in Chicago. I'll ask him more questions about this truck, DTC's, screen captures, and anything else. He's a stickler for documenting things, I hope he took captures of this one.
  14. I know of several companies in our area using these. One is a furniture supply house (Levin's) that has multiple boxes for each truck and loads them while the other body is out on deliveries. It looks weird while they're being loaded- like the box is on jackstands or stilts in the yard, and then the truck comes back and switches boxes. Another is a local landscaper that has interchangeable bodies- I think they have a dump, a salter, and a seed blower IIRC. The govt' agencies also use removable bodies here- pulling the salters off in the summer.
  15. This is also going to be an excellent diagnostic tip in the long run, I think. If we see a regular downward spike in the FICM voltages that corresponds with an injector firing, it would make total sense that one coil is shorted. When you say "drawing down the voltages", can you elaborate? Can you provide a screen capture of this? Feel free to call me at 440-846-3885 if that's quicker. Thanks!
  16. Excellent! I'm thinking this could be a great thread to explain some of those vehicles we could never figure out. If you have scope traces saved, bring them up on your PC screen and push the keyboard button labeled "Print Screen". This used to print the monitor screen in the old DOS days but with all Windows apps it has a new function. It copies what is on your monitor screen into Windows Clipboard which allows you to paste it onto any Word, Powerpoint, Works, or Wordpad document. If you have a picture editing program it may also allow it to be saved as a JPEG or other graphics file to be uploaded onto DTS.
  17. Standard Motor Products FJ928 http://www.standardbrand.com/Online%20Catalogs-eCatalog/Content.aspx
  18. It's funny you mention this. Anthony and I were in the trade show yesterday and picked up an aftermarket reman 6.0 injector, and we both commented that it looked like the old coils and harness were used.....
  19. No real explanation. When EMI/RFI messes with signals and the PCM, strange things commonly happen. The PCM got pissed off because it was being "spiked" from the injector coil and it made bad decisions. My biggest question is how/why did a shorted(?) injector coil cause irregularities/spikes in the CMPO and CKPO waveforms from the PCM? That's my big quandary.
  20. I can't answer about the DTCs or PID data. I think the electrical noise from the injector had nothing to do with fuel delivery, it was a shorted coil or something along those lines.
  21. I was at a large training conference yesterday and struck up a conversation with one of the top instructors in the country, John Thornton. He told me about a difficult 6.0 he worked on recently. It was a no start and by the time he got there it had numerous new parts on it- ECM, FICM, sensors, harness, etc. to no avail. It had an extremely odd problem- not only would it not start, but the PCM would momentarily remove the ground from the starter control relay while it was cranking, causing the starter to audibly shudder and disengage momentarily. If the FICM relay was removed the starter would crank normally. John is one of the best scope guys I've ever met and relies on his scope as much or more than the scan tool. In checking the CKP and CMP signals he noticed a weird regular noise signature that would occur in all of the signals he scoped. He noticed this noise would occur regularly every 2 revolutions of the engine in the same spot on all scope patterns such as CKP out and CMP out, and quickly linked this to the firing of one injector. Unplugging the injector made the noise go away and the engine start! Replacing the offending injector solved the problem. Even John, who I respect highly, could not answer what was wrong with the injector to cause this EMI/RFI feedback into the FICM and piss off all of the processors to the point of a no-start. I'm just passing on a weird story in the case it helps someone in the future.
  22. I had a student tell me in class yesterday (in Michigan) that he has a couple of 6.7 plow trucks with DEF usage problems caused by air filters blocked with snow. When the filter restricts from water/snow/ice the truck drinks the DEF tank empty in no time. The drivers keep extra air filters in the cab and swaps one in to prevent this problem when plowing. I suggested he look at the foam side piece in the filter housing (near the fan) and check or remove it during this operation. Maybe we're finding why that foam piece is there.....
  23. This is a tough discussion to get into because you don't know if you're comparing apples to apples. One truck may win or lose by a great margin caused only by the match (or mismatch) of the rear axle gear ratio to its load....
  24. Dieseldog: Welcome to the forum! I'm not too far from you in Strongsville. You'll likely find the majority of forum members here are not in favor of aftermarket modifications and you might find more help on this topic in one of the public Powerstroke forums. We'll be more than willing to assist you regarding any challenges you face on a day-to-day basis during standard service and repair on these vehicles. Good Luck!
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