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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. I don't agree with that. Due to the design of the HP reservoir since 95ish they have a standpipe where the oil is fed into the reservoir. This means gravity cannot cause the reservoir to drain back through the LPOP in most cases, but if there is a failed gasket under the reservoir this might not apply. In my experience, most reservoir drainback cases are a bad HPOP. If the check valve inside the HPOP leaks it allows the reservoir to bleed out. I have never seen the LPOP cause a reservoir drainback after 95. A similar problem is if the reservoir is full in the morning, goes empty and stalls after 10-15 seconds running, that is commonly the LPOP. Good Luck!
  2. Twice when I had the shop we put in complete new engines caused by a chunkie falling into an open hole while an engine was apart. (these were sub jobs from other shops) Both times the debris entered the combustion chamber and cocked the piston sideways hard enough to break the cylinder wall. One was a 300 inch E-van 6 and the other was a 6.5 GM diesel in a P-van. Quite an expensive lesson! Just a few weeks ago I helped a buddy working on his classic car, he had the carb off and dropped a small piece of unidentifiable debris into the intake which lodged between the piston and head causing a wicked knock. We pulled the motor and head off to inspect the damage. He was lucky, no real damage so we put it back together and in, but still had 30+ hours invested doing it. I have many pictures supplied to me by techs that I use in my classroom presentations, some of which show 6.0s with the intake off and all ports open to the wind. I usually comment on how bad of a habit this is. It's much better to learn from someone else's mistakes than your own...... Cover those holes up, guys!
  3. You need 8 injectors, as they are all compromised. If you chase the high ones the comparitive lows will shift to other cylinders. Do your basics like fuel pressure and maybe a compression test, and probably suggest 8. Good Luck!
  4. IIRC, it will be in the "next" release. Call Beevo (Bill Van Orden) at AE for details. Aftermarket scan tool companies are starting to crack some of the FMC CAN bidirectional code. There used to be NO bi-di but now "they" have some, and more will be on the way soon.
  5. Yes, if you compare AE (or any other aftermarket scanner) directly to the IDS (or any other OEM tool) you will be terribly disappointed. I never said it was a good replacement for the OE tool, I said it is a good value for what you pay and what it does. AE will do about 75% of what an IDS will do on a SCP vehicle and about 30% of what an IDS will do on a CAN vehicle. Remember you're paying 1/6th the amount of money for it, too. ($2700 vs $450 for enhanced Ford AE) I've said it before and I'll say it again, you guys don't realize the IDS is a frigging rocket ship in scan tool technology with almost nothing comparing to it. I hear the new Chrysler WiTech is better than the IDS, but I haven't used one yet. Comparatively, slow? Yes, absolutely. The update rate on the IDS is about 20 times per second with 5 Pids selected, the AE will update only about once every 3-5 seconds with 5 Pids selected. This will be reflected in the clunkiness of the graphs compared to IDS. There will be glitches present on Pids available, occasionally connection problems and other problems, too, but that's how aftermarket scan tools are. All of them, bar none, refer to paragraph 2. Try a Snap-On scanner sometime on a Ford CAN vehicle- you'll find the same problems, perhaps even more, and a price tag big enough to choke a horse. The updates on a Solus/Modis are about $1000/year, and that's without flash files! AE has more Pids available than Snappy does on their tools. Updates are $50/yr per continent (that's $50 for Ford or domestic, $50 for Asian, and $50 for Euro if you buy all of their options). JBarnett: DON'T LISTEN to anything the Snappy salesman says, he's likely to be extremely uninformed and a terrible liar. He'll say anything it takes to get you to buy the tool and then dump you on tech support when it doesn't do what he says it will. If you're serious about buying a Ethos, borrow one for a week (if he'll let you!) and make sure you investigate it's bidirectional controls on CAN vehicles (which will be slim to none) and flash a PCM with it, too. On a GOOD day, (by the time you identify the file, download the file, and blow it into the PCM) it will take 30-40 minutes to flash a PCM, and that's IF nothing goes wrong. ALL aftermarket scanners have plenty of glitches, period. Snappy LIES to you about their tools' capabilities and robs you on updates, mark my words. AE will do nearly everything Snappy does (except Troubleshooter) at a fraction of the price. I don't own every scan tool, but I do have over a dozen. I have used nearly every scan tool on the market. Good Luck!
  6. Especially on '99s- they were known for them. I may remember a TSB or SSM on the topic, loud noise in TQ. Good Luck!
  7. I used to run diesel fuel samples regularly when I had the shop using Napa/Wix PN 4077 Oil Analysis kit, but they removed diesel fuel from the allowable fluids to be sampled and put it in a different (and much more expensive) kit. it used to be $13-14 and now it's about $80 for a basic analysis that does not include lubricity. Anyway, I regularly got cetane samples in the mid to upper 30's and one was 34. Have you (or anyone) used CTC Analytical Services in Cleveland? The local FMC training center has some kind of connection as Ford supplied them with fuel analysis kits from CTC. 800-726-5400, I'll get more info next week.
  8. It's not the owner's place to decide what emission controls they want on their vehicles by price or failure rate. It's still a legal crime and a crime against nature to disable emission controls. Using your philosophy opens up a huge can of worms- you mean that federal laws should be taken only as a suggestion and can be abided or ignored as one sees fit? If they can't afford to replace EGR coolers, then they can't afford to drive a 6.0 and should be driving a gasser.
  9. ...Which will never fail, given its location....
  10. And violating federal law with a $10,000 fine for each violation is of no concern for you? Nor the pollution, which is now many times the allowable limits? Thanks for caring about the world we live in.
  11. In Mexico and the Caribbean the police use Ford pickups set up with two benches on the bed sides (a la military troop transports) for prisoner transport. No seatbelts, no protection of any kind for the occupants. It's a different world all right.
  12. I know a guy with a Mustang, changed ratios, and used an aftermarket programmer to correct his speedo. I don't know the name of the programmer, though. I'd contact a speed shop or search a Mustang hipo forum, I'm sure this has been corrected countless times. Good Luck!
  13. I'm with the others- if the CEL light isn't working, the PCM is either bad or has dirty power. Does it have Case Ground in datalogger? It should read dead on 0.00v. If not, it may have a bad PCM ground. Good Luck!
  14. We would also do PDIs (Post Delivery Inspection) on our customer's new trucks after delivery. It's a shame how much stuff is pencil whipped at our local dealers. On MDs it was common to see the diff a couple of gallons low due to being shipped with the axles out, and the axle flanges were rarely torqued properly, too. I think the delivery driver put the axles back in with a crescent wrench.
  15. Ditto, trying to fix that engine is courting the devil. Replace the engine and save yourself some time. Good Luck!
  16. So if regen is disabled, what happens if/when the DPF restricts? I understand disabling regen, but it seems like this would be a brick wall shortly when restriction occurred. I am baffled by a fleet of school buses in one of my training fleets. The Cleveland School Board has 300+ T444E buses, 1999-2004 model years, all retrofitted with DPF's at the EPAs expense, that have no regen programmed into the ECMs, never restrict, and generate only a teaspoon of ash per year when serviced in a cleaning machine. Most production trucks with DPFs don't have "issues" but some go into excessive amounts of regen or plug the DPFs in situations when they shouldn't, like a long haul tractor. Then you have this fleet of school buses that in theory should be plugging DPFs on a weekly basis and never plug them. I'm just exploring the strategy behind when the processor decides it's time to regen and what happens if this is disabled/neglected. Thanks!
  17. Production cal with regen off? I'm confused here. I'd think it might be a non-production cal with regen off? Could you explain? I thought all production cals would have regen enabled... Thanks!
  18. I'm guessing this involves sacrificing the valve but not damaging the housing? Please educate me....
  19. What the hell is a gas bar? Do they have premium unleaded next to Jack Daniels and Cuervo Gold?
  20. No problem, insured by Smith and Wesson....
  21. Rotunda finally released the updated EGR puller parts to the public for sale, until now they were a dealer-only replacement kit. The kit costs $431 for the updated parts only, what a deal......
  22. I'll tell you what "anal" is- having spare keys hidden under all of my cars and spare house keys buried in my gardens. They've come in handy more times than I can count.....
  23. Should you check fuel pressure? Yes, nearly always. Is FP your problem? Very unlikely. You've got a large HP oil problem, most likely, check your LPOP to make sure the HPOP isn't starving at WOT. I would have also put an IPR in it to rule that out, so it wasn't wasted. Likely your problem is a bad HPOP if it isn't starving on the input side. Good Luck!
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