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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. I agree this is borderline "not your problem" but can see both sides of the problem. I Googled "ThermoKing V500 Schematic" and got this among other things: http://www.thermoking.com/products/pdf_manuals/51857.pdf It's an installation guide with an engineering schematic starting on page 58. Good Luck! PS Be careful when referring to your SM on a public forum, this kind of stuff can bite you.
  2. NGSPC: $1495 list IDS: $2714 list + laptop (I'm using a Eec Asus 1005, $249 at Best Buy a couple of weeks ago, 10" screen)
  3. I'm betting he wants the Matco tool to use as a secondary tool when the IDS is tied up on another truck, or for a quick scan and code check after a successful RT. It could also be used for a quick direction of where to go. I'm sure it will do all of those just fine as long as it's not used to replace the IDS. As a second level/backup tool, it will be just fine! As for the Genisys, I have one and it's pretty good for a generic tool. AE does more for less money though. You even have to be careful referring to "Genisys", as there are dozens of PNs of Genisyses (Genocide?) ranging from a grand to 5 grand.
  4. Power balance, yes. Compression, no. They're working on fixing the bidirectional controls, which are weak at best on CAN. I'd still take AE over NGSPC, and I have them both. The latest AE release has some BiDi on Ford CAN but I haven't tried it yet. AE is saying this spring they'll have PB test.
  5. You obviously haven't tried fixing a 6.0 with it.....
  6. For S&G, see what PIDS you can pull up and make sure all of the good ones are present. Count how many there are, I bet it's half what the IDS has. For $450 I'm sure it's a good tool. I have to stop myself from comparing it to a $3000 IDS, as it's just not the same.
  7. Which PSD? It's probably limited on what it can do on 6.0/ups. Ford never released the bidirectional CAN code to ETI, which means aftermarket scan tools have little or no bidi on Ford CAN vehicles. At that low price it probably reads/clears CAN codes, does KOEO/KOER etc and has PIDS, but not all PIDS. It probably works very well on 7.3s, which are still SCP. Good Luck!
  8. All of my laptops are "non-approved" for IDS. And IDS works fine on ALL of them..... Good Luck!
  9. Greg Knepper posted this originally, and gave me permission to use the photo. The other one is from my demo motor. Any comments from the crowd? Is this a good example of the problem? Good Luck!
  10. When I had the shop we only had two 9000 lb lifts, so any MD/HD work and a lot of bigger LD work was done on the floor. Wreckers were about the largest thing that would go on a rack, maybe a 6-7' dump but no more. Many longer dumps, 350/550 flatbeds, rollbacks, etc. were done on the floor with no complaints from the guys, and some even preferred the floor. Many/most MD/HD shops do not have lifts for the big stuff anyway. Two of my techs one time told me they wanted to get a union in my shop and I couldn't do anything about it. I boiled over immediately, saying it would be a cold day in Hell there was a union in my shop and yes, there was something I could do about it- close the doors. I told them the shop was officially closed the minute a union set foot inside and they should test me on that. That was the last time that ugly word was mentioned. I have a personal agenda against unions starting when I was 18 and fired over a union dispute, which is an ugly story that has left me bitter and full of hatred against unions my entire adult life. My dad warned me that union guys are lying MFers and would lie to my face. As a stupid kid I didn't believe him, and boy, was I wrong. One of my happiest moments was several years later seeing the business agent that F*ed me go to prison for stealing pension funds. If anyone on this forum is considering starting a union movement I'd think twice. PS Getting fired in 1978 was the best thing that happened to me, leading to a successful life of self-employment. That's the last time I worked for anyone.
  11. I do a lot of 6.0 E-van classes. I hear the (indy) techs tell me every excuse known to man that their dealers have given them why they can't/won't/don't want to work on their rigs. Some have resigned themselves to doing ("warranty") work in their shops and eating the cost of it. They claim it's better than sending it to the dealer, having it sit there 2-3 weeks and be returned unfixed. I've heard it from every corner of the country, so it's not just a few bellyachers, it's a true epidemic nationwide. All I can do is shake my head.....
  12. My experience with a knock coming from the air filter has usually been valvetrain related: valve tip trashed, rocker broken, crosshead, seized guide, etc. How's the balance graph and IDS compression test? How about killing the cyls one at a time and see if it changes? I might suggest an oil analysis if nothing else checks out (Napa/Wix 4077, $14). The scope wizards would use a pressure sensor in the intake manifold to graph out intake manifold pulses, indicating a mechanical problem but I've only done this a couple of times. The sensor is called First Look. Good Luck!
  13. Dave: MOD sent me a 10 page wiring schematic of the system in question. Do you need it e-mailed to you? If so, e-mail me at bamacker@aol.com and I'll forward it to you. I'll be away from my PC for a few hours this evening..... Good Luck!
  14. I also have MOD and could not find the schematic, I called MOD's support and they're "supposed" to be e-mailing me the factory info. Assuming your subscription is current, don't forget they are there for support to give you all of the factory info you want. Normally they are very quick, too, but it's almost an hour right now, which is the longest I've ever waited. I'll let you know what they send.
  15. IIRC, we pulled the flash out with NETS, (it's called a "get") sent it to Ford, they massaged it, sent it back to us and we installed it with NETS. It did fix the problems and made the trucks run considerably better! Keith- is that how Ford does it usually?
  16. NETS is the program, and flashing it did fix the cold performance problem on a F650 we did lately. http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubb...=true#Post27727 Good Luck!
  17. I'd vacuum bleed the system before doing anything. Like Keith said, that secondary pump will squeal if it's dry. Good Luck!
  18. It sounds like you are the mercy of your SM or shop foreman on this vehicle, but I do not care for the decision process made to get this truck on the road. Fix it? No, program it to a lower HP so the light doesn't come on. That's bullshit, plain and simple. If that were my truck and I found out about this, I'd be irate. If this were your truck would you like the reprogram? Have you brought that up with your SM/foreman? If this cust is treated this way, will he return to purchase another truck from you or IH? This is going to sound really silly, but I was brought up with the Golden Rule- do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. At the end of the day, can you look in the mirror and be happy with your work? I'm completely against this type of shoddy workmanship. This is what gives our trade a bad name.
  19. More importantly, if you DON'T get one in 7-10 days, start calling to find out why. I'd call the instructor first, as they're supposed to be shipped direct to your (listed) address.
  20. Yep, same thing, they took the old NGS and gave it a new housing. The software is identical- 4 lines of text, no color graphing, poor bidirectional, and poor CAN capabilities. If you even used their black and blue CAN module, all they did was incorporate the CAN module inside the NGS. Remember it's FMC only, too. I'm a Hickok distributor and will not sell it, that should tell you something right there. AutoEnginuity is a better bang for the buck, even though they don't have good CAN bidirectional at this time. They are working on it and claim BiDi and cyl balance will be out this spring. By their website AE appears to be $449 for Enhanced FMC only and $1200 for Big Three enhanced. It's a very good deal when you see what you get. Get the ProLine connector and don't buy generic- only enhanced. Are you hooked up with Bob Starr at AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN TRAINING CENTER 355 65th ST, BROOKLYN, NY.11220 718-492-0985? He provides low cost training with national level instructors. I bet he has someone there that could demo the AE for you. To be continued in a PM....
  21. Yes, I have it and it's abilities are very poor. Save your money. Hickok's in Cleveland and wanted me to do technical research, so I know a lot about the company, but that's another story. Decent alternative to the IDS? You've been reading their literature, obviously, that's like comparing a tricycle to a supercharged Lightning. It does have the cylinder balance graph and some limited bidirectional controls. Save your money. Oh, by the way, did I mention to save your money?
  22. What year is/are these? There are the early ones that take a different ICP and IPR and if they're switched a similar problem occurs, I've seen it. Were the HPOP's looked up by VIN or ESN? Are the ICP/IPR/HPOP matched correctly? BTDTGTTS.... I might put some physical gauges on LP and HP and monitor them during a road test. Doing a oil aeration test might not hurt- does the ICP/IPR remain steady as the problem occurs, or do they cycle strongly? Like IT said above, I have seen some LPOPs screw my day up real well too. Was the motor a short/long block or running complete? Pan pushed in on the bottom? Did it come from Franklin Power Products? I know, too many questions and not enough answers.... Good Luck!
  23. I got my CTB today, those who have taken the training will probably get one in the mail shortly. Those who will take the 6.7 classroom training soon should get one at the class. Page for page it appears exactly identical to the PDF on this forum. Have fun!
  24. HeadViking: I know you are a new member to this forum and we encourage you to hang around a bit and get the feel for what we do here. We're all about helping each other do OEM level repairs and proper diagnostics to get the truck back on the road quickly and efficiently. You'll find (obviously) the majority of us are not "tuners" and have no interest in modifying trucks for performance applications. I suggest you visit some of the public forums for more input to fill your performance needs. If you stick around here, you'll see we are all about helping each other on a daily basis to "get the job done". Good luck in your venture,
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