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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. WTF? IH sells the updated plug and a video on the proper resealing of the pump and Ford says "do not remove"? IH builds the engine and sells it to Ford? Who knows more about these engines, IH or Ford? I've pulled the ferry plug/edge filters out and cleaned crap from the bore that got in there and caused high ICP/low IPR because of restricting the exit port on the front of the pump. This saved replacing an otherwise good HPOP. Do not remove???
  2. I'm with ya, Jimmy. Not only am I with ya, but I bought a DOC/DPF assy off Ebay (from some flake that put a "test pipe" on, no doubt) and I'm looking for some kind of diesel repower truck to install it on. Screw these assholes running McDonald's "Biodiesel", I'll put together a truck that REALLY is cleaner than anything else like it on the road.
  3. Ditto, and make sure they're testing the PH level with litmus strips. Are the cores OEM? If everything checked out, I'd put a flow restrictor in the hose. Good Luck!
  4. It's a common leak, but I've never seen it drain out and cause a hard start. It only stands to reason that it could.
  5. I agree in your theory, but I feel that the IDM/PCM could be confused and setting the wrong DTC. The circuit has been proven perfect with the overlay and is still setting the code. You've never seen the PCM set the wrong code before?
  6. I tell all of my students to run like hell from these things.....
  7. Yes. They are installed with Loctite at the factory and you should warm them with a heat gun before wrenching them out to prevent yanking the soft threads out with the plug. The threads are commonly damaged, so the replaced plug has longer threads so the pump doesn't have to be replaced when the threads are damaged. Ford doesn't have any of this info in their WSM or TSB's anywhere? I've never seen it. IH has cool videos on DVD on just EXACTLY how to reseal one of these pumps.
  8. Wow, this is a tough one. Some ideas come to mind, and all are far fetched: 1. Ohm out all 8 injector circuits at the IDM plug to verify they all have the same resistance. Perhaps the IDM/PCM is seeing an injector circuit problem but misidentifying the injector it is on. 2. Do you have an amp clamp or low current probe that you can scope these circuits on? I'd compare the waveforms of each injector during the buzz test and idling to determine if one circuit is looking screwier than the rest. 3. A harness problem is an obvious possibility. If there is voltage/RFI/EMI bleeding from one circuit into the #4 circuit, the IDM/PCM could be upset by this voltage and setting a code. I have seen 4 different trucks where the primary wire vinyl insulation became conductive over time and caused REALLY weird symptoms by bleeding voltage from one circuit into another. I was able to positively identify these circuits. This is why sometimes you'll replace a harness that "looks" good but solves the problem. I'd scope all of the injector voltages and look for stray signals. Beware if you do this, the 110VDC or so you're dealing with may be higher than your scope allows and you could need a 10-1 attenuator, which reduces the voltage by 90% so it won't hurt the scope. If I think of something else I'll post it. Good Luck, man.
  9. The ferry plug? IH has an updated plug that has longer threads:
  10. I missed that earlier. Yes, I think your MIL is due to the GP problem, not the IDM/P1298. I've seen plenty of P1298's with no MIL, no running complaints and consider them a ghost code. The updated module is for getting rid of the code...... Good Luck!
  11. Mike: A know good 7.3 IDM and a known good 6.0 FICM are two tools that are indispensable when working on PSD's. New ones are outrageously priced, and FICMs sometimes work correctly and are changed to get rid of a ghost P1298. Usually there is no MIL when I've seen this in the past. I also have a known good one I could ship you for a loaner if you like. 98/99 E-Van; 99 F-Series built through 4-12-99, Check engine light/DTC P1298: The Check engine light may illuminate on these trucks with a false trouble code P1298 (IDM failure). This may be due to circuit tolerance inside the Injector Driver Module setting the false code if battery voltage is low. Verify battery voltage is greater than 10 volts. Perform all scan tool code retrieval diagnostic tests. If any codes other than P1298 are retrieved, diagnose and repair these first. If P1298 is the only code retrieved, and the engine cranks good but doesn't start, test the glow plug system and check for voltage drop or PCM reset during cranking. If all of the above is OK, or the P1298 still exists after all repairs are done, clear the code, then cycle the key off and on three times, leaving the key in the on position for five seconds each time. Check Key On Engine Off codes and if P1298 is retrieved, or if P1298 returns with no other symptoms or codes, replace the IDM with P/N XC3Z-12B599-AA. TSB #99-13-2 Using www.car-part.com, here's all the ones listed near you in Canada. Most of them are listed without prices, but all have phone numbers: Year Part Model Description Part Grade Stock# US Price Dealer Info Dist mile 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty 01/01,7.3L,A 8NV017 $Call A and L Auto Recyclers Can-ON(Stoney-Point) Request_Quote 1-800-265-2128 Request_Insurance_Quote 83 2000 Engine Computer Ford Van 06/00,7.3L,A 8NV016 $Call A and L Auto Recyclers Can-ON(Stoney-Point) Request_Quote 1-800-265-2128 Request_Insurance_Quote 83 1999 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty FOR REBUILDING CORE,XC3F128599AC E28627 $Call Hilltop Auto Wreckers Can-ON(Richmond-Hill) E-mail 1-905-773-5806 218 2001 Engine Computer Ford Van E450 Super Duty 4-REBUILDIN,COUPLE DAYS,XC3F12B599AC 7218T $Call Cookstown Auto Center Ltd. Can-ON(Cookstown) E-mail 1-705-458-4366 225 2001 Engine Computer Ford Van E350 Superduty INJ DRIVE,2C24-12B599-AA 08G025 $280 --Can-- $350.00 404 Auto Recycling, Ltd. Can-ON(Sharon) E-mail 1-866-277-4045 227 2003 Engine Computer Ford Van E350 Superduty CK ID JN756 $Call Mills Auto Parts Recycling Can-NB(Campbellton) E-mail 1-506-753-4108/1-866-753-4108 874 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F450 Super Duty C X00491 $280 --Can-- $350.00 Island Auto Salvage, Inc. Can-PE(Charlottetown) E-mail 1-902-892-0138 990 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty 7.3L,TUR-DSL,CATO,4X 4,INJECTOR DRV 080041 $Call Red Wing Auto Recyclers Can-SK(Prince-Albert) Request_Quote 306-922-2210 Request_Insurance_Quote 1381 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty Ele Cont Unit (ECU), (L side of firewal 080161 $Call Red Wing Auto Recyclers Can-SK(Prince-Albert) Request_Quote 306-922-2210 Request_Insurance_Quote 1381 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty 7.3L,AOD,03-01,INJ.D RIVE CONTROL,LT FIRE R083339 $280 --Can-- $350.00 SGI Salvage -- Saskatoon Can-SK(Saskatoon) Request_Quote 1-800-667-3973 Request_Insurance_Quote 1384 2002 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty 02 02 7.3LDSL INJ DRIV MODULE OC5026 $288 --Can-- $360.00 Alberta Auto Wreckers Can-AB(Redcliff) Request_Quote 1-800-465-7692 1-403-548-3149 Request_Insurance_Quote 1512 2001 Engine Computer Ford Van E450 Super Duty CHK ID 070742 $Call Allen & Sons Auto Recyclers Ltd Can-AB(Calgary) Request_Quote 1-403-236-5991 Request_Insurance_Quote 1661 2002 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty 2C24-12B599-AA,CODE 1 A W70730 $Call Western Auto & Truck Parts Can-AB(Calgary) Request_Quote 403-272-8891 / 800-294-0687 Request_Insurance_Quote 1661 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty SA89021 03/09 XC3F-12B599-AC $Call Reg's Auto Wreckers Can-AB(Lacombe) Request_Quote 403-782-3989 / 800-661-1328 Request_Insurance_Quote 1676 1999 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty 7.3,AOD C 08A285 $Call Popow's Auto Wreckers Can-AB(Lacombe) Request_Quote 403-782-3771 / 800-661-1573 Request_Insurance_Quote 1676 1999 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty INJECTOR DRIVE CONT,ID XC3F12B599AC C 08A614 $Call Popow's Auto Wreckers Can-AB(Lacombe) Request_Quote 403-782-3771 / 800-661-1573 Request_Insurance_Quote 1676 2003 Engine Computer Ford Van 45SD A K70003 $640 --Can-- $800.00 Central Auto & Truck Parts Can-AB(Edmonton) Request_Quote 780-447-1767 Request_Insurance_Quote 1691 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty INJECTOR MODULE B K60079 $Call Central Auto & Truck Parts Can-AB(Edmonton) Request_Quote 780-447-1767 Request_Insurance_Quote 1691 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F550 Super Duty C K90050 $Call Central Auto & Truck Parts Can-AB(Edmonton) Request_Quote 780-447-1767 Request_Insurance_Quote 1691 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty 8-99,7.3,DIES,F6, C LL8214 $Call D & M Auto Recycling (Lumby) - QRPBC Can-BC(Lumby) Request_Quote 250-547-2310 888-661-6555 Request_Insurance_Quote 1873 2000 Engine Computer Ford Van 9-99,7.3,DIES,CAT4,I NJECTOR MOD A LL8381 $Call D & M Auto Recycling (Lumby) - QRPBC Can-BC(Lumby) Request_Quote 250-547-2310 888-661-6555 Request_Insurance_Quote 1873 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty Elec Cont Unit (ECU) (L side of firewall) 8-445 (7.3L, diesel) injector drive control ID XC3F-12B599-AB AC and AD VL-F685 $236 --Can-- $295.00 Wheel's Truck Parts Can-BC(Kelowna) Request_Quote 250-769-6006 / 800-719-9969 Request_Insurance_Quote 1896 1999 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty Elec Cont Unit (ECU) (L side of firewall) 8-445 (7.3L, diesel) injector drive control ID F7TF-12B599-AD VL-F655 $236 --Can-- $295.00 Wheel's Truck Parts Can-BC(Kelowna) Request_Quote 250-769-6006 / 800-719-9969 Request_Insurance_Quote 1896 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty B 7J0618 $Call Kamloops Recycled Truck & Auto Parts Can-BC(Kamloops) Request_Quote 250-828-2030 / 800-663-3932 Request_Insurance_Quote 1934 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty XC3F-12B599-AD B 8G0690 $Call Kamloops Recycled Truck & Auto Parts Can-BC(Kamloops) Request_Quote 250-828-2030 / 800-663-3932 Request_Insurance_Quote 1934 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty B 9A0724 $Call Kamloops Recycled Truck & Auto Parts Can-BC(Kamloops) Request_Quote 250-828-2030 / 800-663-3932 Request_Insurance_Quote 1934 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty XC3F-12B599-AD C 9C0743 $Call Kamloops Recycled Truck & Auto Parts Can-BC(Kamloops) Request_Quote 250-828-2030 / 800-663-3932 Request_Insurance_Quote 1934 2002 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty C 7J0613 $Call Kamloops Recycled Truck & Auto Parts Can-BC(Kamloops) Request_Quote 250-828-2030 / 800-663-3932 Request_Insurance_Quote 1934 2002 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty XC3F-AD C 9C0744 $Call Kamloops Recycled Truck & Auto Parts Can-BC(Kamloops) Request_Quote 250-828-2030 / 800-663-3932 Request_Insurance_Quote 1934 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty Injector drive control,7.3L (Diesel) 8B1006 $Call EZ Auto Parts Can-BC(Surrey) Request_Quote 1-604-580-8590 Request_Insurance_Quote 2042 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty INJECTOR DRIVE,7.3L,TUR-DSL,CHK ID B 8E0005 $Call Action Truck Parts Can-BC(Surrey) Request_Quote 604-584-6444 / 877-902-2666 Request_Insurance_Quote 2045 2002 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty IDM,7.3L,DSL,AT 4X4 B 090027 $Call Wasney Automotive LTD. - QRPBC Can-BC(Burnaby) E-mail 604-526-4266 / 866-526-4266 2047 2000 Engine Computer Ford Van E350 Superduty 7.3L,IDM, B 090024 $Call Wasney Automotive LTD. - QRPBC Can-BC(Burnaby) E-mail 604-526-4266 / 866-526-4266 2047 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty 7.3L,TUR-DSL,INJECTO R DRIVER AA1215 $Call Elcam Auto Recyclers (QRPBC) Can-BC(Burnaby) Request_Quote 604-525-5456 / 877-525-5454 Request_Insurance_Quote 2047 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty XC3F-12B599-AC T2019 $Call Prince George Auto Wrecking Can-BC(Prince-George) Request_Quote 250-561-1111 / 800-663-8218 Request_Insurance_Quote 2063 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty 7.3L,AOD A T2282 $Call Prince George Auto Wrecking Can-BC(Prince-George) Request_Quote 250-561-1111 / 800-663-8218 Request_Insurance_Quote 2063 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty 04/01,7.3L,6SP,CHECK ID B T2354 $Call Prince George Auto Wrecking Can-BC(Prince-George) Request_Quote 250-561-1111 / 800-663-8218 Request_Insurance_Quote 2063 2002 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty 7.3L,6SP,CHECK ID T2391 $Call Prince George Auto Wrecking Can-BC(Prince-George) Request_Quote 250-561-1111 / 800-663-8218 Request_Insurance_Quote 2063 2003 Engine Computer Ford Van 7.3L,AOD,CHECK ID C V680 $Call Prince George Auto Wrecking Can-BC(Prince-George) Request_Quote 250-561-1111 / 800-663-8218 Request_Insurance_Quote 2063 2002 Engine Computer Ford Truck F450 Super Duty XC3F-128599-AD- A 02N068 $Call Keating Used Auto & Truck Parts Can-BC(Saanichton) Request_Quote 250-652-9195 / 888-652-9195 Request_Insurance_Quote 2071 Here's the cheapest ones in the US, all under $100: 1999 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty TEST RUN ALL ECUS SOLD ASIS XC3F-AB 001275 $100 Crest Truck Parts USA-GA(Cartersville) E-mail 1-770-382-1595 / 1-800-424-2065 685 2001 Engine Computer Ford Truck F450 Super Duty ALL ACUS SOLD ASIS 1C3F-YB 001328 $100 Crest Truck Parts USA-GA(Cartersville) E-mail 1-770-382-1595 / 1-800-424-2065 685 2002 Engine Computer Ford Van Z070P $75 Parker Motor Company, Inc. USA-NC(Oakboro) Request_Quote 1-800-222-3388 Request_Insurance_Quote 536 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty THROTTLE PEDAL ASSY F81A-9F836-AE B F4769 $75 R & L Truck Parts USA-KS(Augusta) E-mail 877-775-5975 / 316-775-5963 1016 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty Ele Cont Unit (ECU), (L side of firewal-GOOD B G26-33 $65.03 Westex Auto Parts Inc. USA-TX(Big-Spring) Request_Quote 1-800-622-1888 Request_Insurance_Quote 1431 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F250 Super Duty Ele Cont Unit (ECU), (L side of firewal-GOOD C G34-15 $65.03 Westex Auto Parts Inc. USA-TX(Big-Spring) Request_Quote 1-800-622-1888 Request_Insurance_Quote 1431 2000 Engine Computer Ford Truck F450 Super Duty Ele Cont Unit (ECU), (L side of firewal-GOOD C G32-38 $65.03 Westex Auto Parts Inc. USA-TX(Big-Spring) Request_Quote 1-800-622-1888 Request_Insurance_Quote 1431 The closest one to you in NY is $225: 2002 Engine Computer Ford Truck F350 Super Duty 7.3L 4WD AT.INJ.DRIVE CONTROL A HE3450 $225 Howbill Auto Parts USA-NY(Chaffee) E-mail 716-496-5772 / 800-884-5491 Good Luck!
  12. First of all, I don't know squat about a Cummins, but I can make a suggestion on the diag. Does the new sensor also read 85 ohms? Check voltage at both sides of the sensor with it installed and the key on. You should have 5v or 12v VREF on one pin and a return voltage on the other pin. Check and make sure your return voltages are the same. If they are not, change the resistance by adding a resistor in series or parallel with the two pins. In series with the circuit will increase the resistance and lower the return voltage, in parallel across the pins will raise the return voltage. Buy a multi-pack of resistors at Radio Shack. A lifetime worth of resistors (50-100 resistors ranging from 10 ohms to 10 megaohms) for this kind of stuff will set you back $1-3. Good Luck!
  13. You're right, I think it's actually a mishmash of parts. I was thinking DT by the small gear, but the dual outlets definitely says 7.3/T444E. Maybe it's a 7.3 pump with a DT drive gear. That's the only cutaway I have that I didn't build myself personally.
  14. You mean like dis? This is actually a DT530 HPOP, similar to a 7.3 and early 6.0.
  15. Ray: After you put up the picture, there's a button to push near the bottom of the page that copies the picture link to your clipboard, which makes it easy to paste into your post like this: Use a 1/2" inch turnbuckle nut and a 1 3/4" long 1/2"x13 bolt to get extra travel from tool to compress valve spring. Simply remove thumb screw and use this adapter. Good Luck!
  16. The smoke is from misfire, obviously. What are your PERDEL readings when warm? It probably should have gotten 8 injectors. Patching old trucks usually doesn't pay off. Good Luck!
  17. I saw that too, Jim. I first noticed it on an Edge that I had in for a PDI and wondered why, if the coolant was so special, did they not put a warning label on the cap or overflow bottle stating as much, and oh, I don't know, THE COLOUR IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE, MAYBE!!!!! Duh. Brain fart from the top. Same as the gold coolant, no-one who isn't in the know like us techs seems to put the right colour back in if they flush or add coolant. Why do they need 4 completely different and incompatible coolants in Fords anyhow? It has to do with the different alloys of aluminum used. Each coolant is only compatible with some alloys, but not all alloys. The engineers specify many different alloys depending on the usage, temp range, stress, etc. of the part in question. If they can use a freaky new head alloy that lets them cut 10% from the weight of the casting, you bet they will, even if it requires a new coolant. The aftermarket sells a long-life coolant that is supposed to be compatible with all systems. What would be wrong with using that? The aftermarket companies that state their product is compatible with all engines are simply lying. No one in the aftermarket has the deep pockets or balls to sue these companies, which have large legal departments to fend off small peons such as you and me. Believe me, it isn't true. Those universal coolants are NOT compatible with every engine on the planet and nobody has challenged them in court on it (yet). You think you have it bad- the Euro car guys have it even worse.....
  18. From my book: Weatherhead 7897 is the adapter fitting to check the HP oil with a gauge at the head ports. Normal bias is ± 10%. Thread is ½” NF with an o-ring, also known as 5/16” inverted male thread. You will need to supply a gasket for the bottom of the fitting, a metal rimmed drain plug gasket works well. I'm assuming it's a no-start, you're watching ICPV which is starting very close to .20v and not rising much, and the supply reservoir is full. Pull the fittings out of the heads and block off one hose end at a time and try to start it. You can also apply air to the head port and listen for air leaks. If it acts the same with each side blocked off, it's not getting HP oil, like the IPR or HPOP is bad. Does this help?
  19. You laying on the floor again, like a dog? There's a new invention out you ought to look into, called a CREEPER.....
  20. That was my favorite though the amazing hill climb is impressive. I don't see it but I think I've seen it before. Does it include big jugs?
  21. It's your birthday and they give you an E-van 6.0? Happy fucking birthday.........!
  22. Probably a good thing as far as Fords go. I'm pretty sure the front aluminum adapter housing is different on an IH chassis. I remember being able to get everything from IH for this except the front adapter housing and gasket (which is also Ford captive, IIRC). I've got some used ones, too, but I'm not sure if they're any good. Sidebar- one of the parts guys I called this morning to check the F81Z-6881-BA PN didn't even let me get the PN out of my mouth. As soon as I said F81Z, he blurted out the rest of the number. He was obviously miffed at how many (DTS) people were calling all at the same time for the same PN. He's probably wondering WTF was going on.... Good Luck!
  23. PartsVoice showed 3 stocking dealers, but I called them and all are showing zero. One said he had three calls this morning on it alone- DTS members? Good luck..... Edit: Were were running the same number and calling them at the same time.
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