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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. I can understand FMC not giving us EEC4 in the IDS. First, how many EEC4's do we see these days? Around here, it's not many, and for the ones we do see, the NGS does a very good job. Yes, it would be handy to have an all-in-one tool, but there would be considerable software expense to do it. The cost is not justified. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  2. http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubb...h=true#Post5047
  3. It is normal for them to leak at the pump shaft. Ford has it in writing in a TSB somewhere, but I'm old and CRS. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  4. I agree with replacing the sender as an assembly, but I've also cleaned the filters. I have a sneaking suspicion that the 1994 7.3 PSD "rock catcher" filter on the side of the filter housing is the same PN. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  5. Tell us about your repower project- What type of vehicle is this going into? Are you sure you want to invest a large amount of time and money into a 6.0 repower? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  6. What kind of project? Re-power or teardown for experience? Does it need to be a running unit? Good ones start at $2500 on Car-part.com. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  7. I think he's saying not to blast the CHRA, as you can't disassemble it to clean stray abrasive from it. It's fine to blast the vanes, unison ring, and exhaust housing, after you've disassembled them of course. As for the exhaust housing, I just blast the area around the pins. You can blast the whole frigging thing to make it pretty if you like, but who looks at it? Clean the CHRA surface where the unison ring rides with a whizzer pad, but be sure to cover the turbine wheel up with a Caplug or tape it well to prevent stray abrasive from hanging around under the wheel. I prefer glass beading because it does not alter the surface of the metal being blasted. Sand does leave a "roughness" that was not there prior. Like I said before, glass is best, but sandblasting is probably better than a whizzer pad. IH says minimum 20 mile road test after it's done. Too bad FMC won't pay you to do this..... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  8. I prefer glass bead, as it is less invasive and does not change the finish the way sand does. Just a personal opinion. I am fortunate enough to have two blast cabinets at the shop- one for sand and one for glass bead. We usually use sand on nasty stuff and glass on aluminum and finer stuff. If you only have sand, then sand is the way to go. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/coffee.gif
  9. Do you have access to a high pressure gas like nitrogen, or a Porta-Power pump? Both of these sources of pressure have been used successfully in diagnosing HP leaks. Good Luck!
  10. I'd verify low pressure oil system performance before getting to deep in this one. They don't have an oil pressure gauge in the dash and my CF600 MD recordings show the EOP steady at 25psi regardless of engine rpm, which makes me sure it's a bogus number. This will probably require yanking the EOP sensor and installing a manual gauge for a road test. If the LP system checks out, I'd deadhead the HP system by grounding the IPR return momentarily to see how much ICP it will build. IH tech support says 4100psi is a minimum and I'll agree with that. My guess is either the HPOP is starving due to LPOP performance, or the HPOP is bad. A 333 at WOT with no other complaints has commonly been a bad HPOP in my experience. (I know yours is new) It's common to see this exact complaint on a DT with a bad HPOP. I don't understand Hotline recommending injectors. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  11. We've been here before, so here's some reading for you: http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=12630&page=0&fpart=1 I'll remind you that FMC never released the CAN bidirectional code to ETI, which means that no aftermarket scan tool has bidirectional controls on a Ford CAN vehicle besides basics like KOEO, KOER, and buzz. AutoEnginuity is a GOOD (not great) scan tool for the $1000 you spend to get the enhanced version. Don't buy the $300 homeowner version (generic OBD only) It talks well to GM, Ford, Chrysler, Japs, and etc. and has good bidirectional controls on all except FMC CAN vehicles (6.0). The truth sucks, but you really need an IDS to fix 6.0's effectively. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  12. For sure? No. I suspect it's IH, since they are already tied to Mahindra and Mahindra in India making truck engines and farm equipment engines. We talked about this a few months ago. http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=14750&page=5#Post14750 This is not much of a surprise to me and I won't miss them a bit. I've never liked Cat due to their constant need for specialized tools and procedures, their lack of support for the aftermarket, and their obvious intentions of eliminating the independent shop from servicing their engines. The EPA has been far too lax in instituting/enforcing regulations in the HD market like they have in the automotive market. Hooray! No love lost. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601091&sid=a6_BXKNE.BJE&refer=india Mahindra has released a press statement stating they are to build a LD diesel pickup with a German engine to be built at an unnamed Ohio plant. This has to be a a Navistar facility, I'm guessing, like the Springfield assembly plant. I welcome any more LD diesel "anythings" but am skeptical at whether Mahindra's $22K diesel pickup has a place in the US market. If it was $12-14K it would be hot, but the high vehicle price, high price of fuel and the unknown overseas name will combine to give it quite a hurdle to overcome. It will be interesting.... I'm thinking this project has been slowed down or shelved due to high diesel costs and slow economy.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  13. OK, I'm thinking out loud here, so bear with me. IH has an IPR blockoff tool that is used in the DT466 (EGR) engine for HP diagnostics. Coincidentally, that engine shares the same IPR PN as some 6.0's (small tip). How could this tool be used in diagnosing 6.0's? Wack the handle and use it on an E-van? IIRC, the late IPR is the large tip, so it would only fit 2004 E-vans? Comments from the crowd? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/coffee.gif
  14. 8/80 emissions coverage is long gone. I believe the current law is 2/24 with the cat and PCM being 8/80. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  15. I'm sure you would be very welcome there. IH has a true objective of doing what it takes to make the customer happy. They have FSE's and guys that have the ability very quickly to authorize out-of-warranty repairs for things that went wrong that shouldn't have. They also do not have a one-repair policy for warranty claims like FMC has. Their Uptime Programs are also a true example of how they handle redesigned parts, and they are installed at no cost to the customer. On the VT365 (6.0) this can equate to several thousand dollars of new rockers, sensors, EGR, turbo cleaning, reprogramming, and etc. to cover things that weren't quite right when they left the factory. I have seen them bend over backward numerous times to do the right thing. I tease Anthony regularly about adding CP PSD repairs to the menu at his/our local IH dealer. I feel it would add a half million dollars of annual gross to his benefit, and he thinks he would be lynched by his fellow co-workers. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif He does still work there part time along with almost full time with me. While I don't claim to be an expert on hybrid trucks, I believe Freightliner is using the same Eaton hybrid drive system. It's really not that new as we do training for Florida Power and Light, and they've had prototype hybrids several years now. FPL has told us that when they break Eaton sends guys (engineers, probably) to diag and fix them. It says in this link that they have 3 with 5 on order, but I believe that is very old info as I think they have more than a handful in their fleet at this time with the eventual fleet size of 600 hybrids. I've seen them, but was not able to get pictures of the hybrid drive in their fleet. Here's some shots I took at the Louisville Truck Show this year, the trans looks like their medium duty AutoShift with the motor/generator in the forward area: /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/coffee.gif
  16. We've always used Tide, and I agree on the "snuggly odor"! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  17. Forward only, right? Does it act up when you lightly press on the brake, or when you press harder and the engine starts to torque up? Do you have a 104 pin BOB and the 122 pin adapter (Rotunda 105-R0107) for 6.0's? Are you familiar with their use? I'd start with PCM powers and grounds, and proceed to VREFs and sensor circuits. Can you unplug the tranny and see if it affects the problem? Anybody else have a comment on this problem? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  18. Not on a PSD, but that's a common pattern failure on IH chassis. The IDM relay chatters when there is a lack of good power and ground to the PCM/IDM. Better double check your voltage drops at the PCM/IDM power and grounds. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  19. If this one was in my bay I'd be looking for a harness rub. You can't find anything doing a wiggle test? Does it still stall if you have the drive wheels off the ground and you drop it in gear without hitting the brake? Torquing the engine may be the root of your rub. Check the shift linkage, too. If that gets you nowhere, try to identify what circuit(s) are dropping out by checking voltages on sensor circuits, and verifying good power and ground to the PCM. Start with the VREFs and see if that drops out before the engine stalls. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  20. I'd backprobe the EBP and see what voltage you get during the KOER vs. what you get commanding the EBP closed. There's a threshold that must be reached during KOER. You say it blows a 476 immediately on KOER, try plugging a spare EBP in the harness and blowing into the bottom of it with a rubber tip blow gun when the KOER is running to trick it into thinking the EBP is causing good backpressure. Do you hear the "vacuum cleaner" noise when KOER is running? You're going to a lot of trouble for a ghost code....... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/coffee.gif
  21. I won't disagree with Brad, 'cause this DTC doesn't turn on the money light. Has the PCM been reflashed? Are there any non-OE modifications? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  22. That is a GREAT tool for determining if your PCM is alive and well, recognizes Sync, ICP reaches minimum voltage, and is enabling the injectors. If you've got a dead hole, it also verifies the circuit and FICM output. I love little homemade tools like this that verify what you're already thinking.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  23. All our stations went from $3.79 to $3.99 this afternoon...... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  24. Absolutely the strongest in the heart of auto manufacturing in the industrial Midwest. Cleveland has taken a BIG hit from corporations moving away from the union stranglehold to the deep South and Mehico. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  25. I was fired for joining a union in 1978, which is highly illegal. The union "claimed" they'd get me my job back, back wages, scale pay, blah blah blah. It was a life experience that changed me dramatically! My Dad told me to beware, the unions would lie their ass off, and they did. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif Boy, did that change my life at that point and my perspective on unions forever. In retrospect, it was the best thing that ever happened to me, as it was Day 1 of being self employed, and I have 30+ years now. It did cost me my best friend at the time, who was a die hard union member. Steve- what happened in Yakima? Things get busy at the shop? You were on the roster..... Just got home after a red-eye home that changed in Houston, just before closing the airport 'cause of Ike. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tired.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
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