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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. Where'd ya get the avatar? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  2. It is free to upload it to Yousendit.com, where anybody you want can download it. it can either be private or public when done, and files up to 1GB are free. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  3. Ugh, there's plenty of red flags here. First, I hate performance modifications. Second, to disassemble and replace injector parts in a garage situation gives me the heebee geebies. Third, you've hung parts without testing them, checking flow rates, and setting the armature height. If these overfuel, it takes out a piston, might trash the wall, and it's motor time. Not a good risk, if you know what I mean. Be glad you were only the R&R guy..... Yes, it sounds like it's overfueling. On a '97 you don't have PERDELS like a later one so you're limited on diagnostic capabilities. Start with the basics like KOEO, KOER, and Cyl Cont tests and see if it pops up. Run the CC test three times, in Drive if it's an AT, as this will show up weak cylinders better. If not, try the cylinder killer box, record MFDES, and see if it shows up. If it's a broken nozzle spring it may not show up easy. Hopefully it won't require more antiquated methods such as a infrared gun, Windex bottle, pulling the manifolds to look for smoky cylinders, or pulling the injectors all back out and checking the tips with a MityVac. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  4. .54v cranking won't enable the injectors, which turn on around .8v ICP. What's the IPR command at a hot idle? It should be in the 9-11% range, if it's higher there could be leaks. If you have time, pull the VCs and look for leaks at the top o-ring while idling, they will be very obvious. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Check a fuel sample for oil dilution, which would show the center o-ring leaking. Possibilities: O-ring (top or center) leak (very likely) Bad IPR Weak pump (not so likely) If you want to deadhead the HPOP, ground the IPR return while it's idling and see what pressure it builds. It should go to 4100psi or more. (4-4.5v+) This is a very aggressive test though, so don't do it for fun and don't do it for long. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  5. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  6. I agree. Many times recommended service intervals are market driven, not decided by the engineers: the competition says 100,000 miles, so the OE says 105,000 miles just to have the edge. IH did this with their DT's on valve adjustment and got burned with excessive clearance beating out the rockers and valve tips. They issued a TSB reducing it from 100K to 12 mo/50K. I've seen several other instances of obvious market driven intervals, too, such as lifetime ATF, coolant, or fuel filter lifespans. Keep in mind the OE's first interest is to get the vehicle out of warranty, and that's it. From then on it's not their problem. A lifetime fuel filter? Who the F@#! are you kidding? Use common sense......! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  7. Probably none. There could be some bizarre EMI/RFI interference problems, but my guess is these would be rare. IH put a shield on their CAN bus harnesses for a few years, then stopped because it wasn't needed. With the injector feeds at 48 volts and 20 amps, there won't be a ton of EMI. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  8. Plug and play on a 7.3. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  9. This test does work on a lot of engines, but not the 6.0. It has a return line from the secondary FF but not from the heads. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  10. Ditto. Seen it/ heard of it several times. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  11. At the shop we have the mother of all air hammers, it's made for cutting concrete block and makes all other air hammers look wimpy. Harbor Freight used to carry them, but I don't see them on their website anymore. Here's a couple of Ebay links: http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Pneumatic-Air-Ch...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/Chicago-Pneumatic-Ai...1QQcmdZViewItem (make sure you get the long barrelled version like the second one, it's much stronger) These are large, heavy, two handed tools meant to do serious damage. They are great for driving kingpins out cold or breaking loose large parts that are really stuck in place, like wheels. They use a .680 shank, I generally buy the longest tip and cut it blunt for my use. I think a regular air hammer uses a .401 shank tip. I also have a CP 717 with a .498 shank that does serious damage for a one handed tool- much stronger than any Snappy I ever used. He who dies.......! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  12. I take it you haven't met Joey? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  13. This might also explain why the engine died so quickly when I pulled the FP relay out when I was doing scope patterns...... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  14. One of my buddies has a nifty idea that works well. He has taken a large heavy rod (1.5" hydraulic cylinder ram about 5-6' long) and welded a hook to the end of it. He puts it across the end of the axle flange and hooks the hook inside a hand hole opposite the valve stem. With the leverage ratio involved, he can wail some serious leverage into the wheel and break it loose. Much of the time he only needs to grunt this once, but sometimes he needs to spin it 180 degrees and access the other hand hole. This time you gotta watch the valve stem. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif It sounds like an idea to try. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  15. Only one in my stable- a '63 Vette Split Window Coupe, 327/300hp, factory knockoffs, completely restored and driven regularly to shows! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  16. Emissions warranty used to be 5/50 years ago but changed to 2/24 with the exception of the PCM and cat, which are 8/80. His 6/60 was probably an "internally lubricated parts only" warranty and not bumper to bumper. Your Dad should have gotten an estimate? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  17. Yes, it's common to have an IDM failure where you lose one bank. I'd disconnect the IDM and ohm check the injectors at that point to verify circuit integrity to make sure you don't have some melted glow plug harnesses. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  18. Anthony and Dwayne: Thanks very much for the great info, I will forward it to the fleet and see if it helps. Thanks for the phone call yesterday too, Anthony. I know it is many times easier to explain things over the phone than type out a huge response. Have a great week! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  19. When I first loaded IDS, I had massive problems caused by my AV and firewall. Disabling the AV wasn't good enough, I had to uninstall it. Even now I have trouble if I try to connect to the VCM after running a big Powerpoint file. (2.1 Intel, 2G RAM)Rebooting the PC is needed after closing the PP file. Try a fresh reboot if you haven't already, and disable/uninstall your AV. Likewise, I had horrible experiences with tech support. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  20. Without MDF, you're pretty stuck. Are there enough MD trucks in your neighborhood to justify the expense of activating MDF? Run it by the management and see what they say. Otherwise, ship it to an MD dealer. Send it down here, I'll look at it for free. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  21. Vehicles: Multiple E model ambulances from 04-06. Complaint: Will not run KOER with P1502 setting Code Description: Invalid test, APCM functioning Fault Trigger/Comments: Aborts test, KOER, CCT, Switch Test Probable Cause: APCM active while test is running This fleet of ambulances will not run the KOER. The trouble is, we could not find APCM's mounted anywhere, the techs state they did away with APCM's and hard wired the circuit into the ambulance package. I did this class last week and 3 units would not run the KOER. Sooo, is the APCM hidden away in never never land, or is it really hard wired in? If it is hard wired in, how would we disconnect it or enable the KOER? I can't believe how many million miles these units have run with nobody running a KOER. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif Has anyone seen this before? Thanks! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  22. Rust comes in many sizes, and rust contamination is never limited to one size. That means when you have rust, you have all sizes. If it's larger than 10 micron, the primary filter catches it. If it is between 4 and 10 micron, the secondary filter "should" catch it. The trouble is that the rust powder that is finer than 4 micron gets through both filters, and acts like liquid sandpaper on the injector barrels and plungers. The result is considerably shorter injector life. It is a death sentence to see a filter with a lot of rust in it and you should sit the cust down and explain his problem to him in clear detail. The tank needs to come out and be cleaned/coated/sandblasted/replaced. If he ignores this situation, it is common to be right back at square one with bad injectors in a short period of time. I've seen this numerous times, and IH had a clear problem with it several years ago like I stated. If the cust declines the tank service, you should note this on the work order so if it comes back the SM can make his call then. This is part of the reason I'm so anal about taking a fuel sample from every vehicle I work on. I want to know what's in the filter! Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  23. I wish I could be of more help here, but I see a hundred DT's for every VT365 I see. Here are a couple of captures I have on file for VT's, I think the first is a known good and the second is a known bad. Have you done an injector waveform in CCT/IDT and expanded the screen out? The test drops cylinders and compares fuel rates and load in a graph, it's a little known but very important part of MD Fleet. This is what a known good DTEGR looks like, what you want to see is each cylinder being the same. The six sets of humps correspond to each cylinder in a DT. If you have one graph lower than the rest, it shows a bad cylinder. FWIW, IH had a bunch of NGV's in 2002 that were built with rusty fuel tanks from the supplier. Filters will not catch rust in any engine and it will trash the barrels and plungers in the injectors. They had repeat injector failures in these trucks and ended up putting new tanks in them to solve the problem. I bet the supplier was backcharged for this, rumor was they left a bunch of new tanks outside and they got rain inside of them. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  24. On second thought, if it misfires and the EGR is open, it could bring fuel into the intake. My apologies. You said you changed the fuel- does that mean you drained and refilled the tank? What's the consensus of the rest of the lurkers- try a FICM or PCM? I have a both but I don't know about PATS on the PCM. I'm still thinking bad fuel for some reason. Didja try PM17 in the FF? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  25. Even if it was running pig fat it would not have fuel in the intake unless there was a valve train problem. See if this liquid is water soluble by mixing it with some spit. Drop two drops of water onto the carbon inside and see if it bubbles up (oil/fuel) or oozes in (coolant). Taste the liquid to verify it's chemical makeup. If it is sweet, it is coolant, if it is oily, it is fuel. (this info came from an old curmudgeon who prefers to remain nameless) Scoop a bit of the soaked carbon out and see if it ignites with a match easily. (if it's fuel, I would think it would ignite easily) Compression test in IDS is perfect? Balance test shows which cyls/bank dropping out? 24mg shows it's having a tough time running. Was there any change after the injectors were replaced? I assume you drove it hard to bleed the air out of it? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
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