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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. What is Mass Fuel Desired at a hot idle? It is usually 10-14mg. Has the oil been changed during this process? I'm wondering if aeration could cause your problem. There are some really good guys on this forum that keep a close watch, post your findings and you'll get responses quite quickly. I'm only a couple of miles from you in Strongsville, too. Look closely at the banks in CylBal. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  2. There are a lot of programs that can do this, and possibly some free ones. If you push the "Print Screen" button on your PC, it copies the monitor display to Windows Clipboard, where it can be pasted into a MSWord or any word processing program document. I use a $40 program called ACDSEE that not only changes the monitor display into a JPEG, but also has a great photo browser and even better photo editor program. It is very user friendly and can do 90% of what PhotoChop does. I have edited many thousands of pictures for my programs with this simple, user friendly program. Explore your computer for a photo program, it may have one that came free with other software or when new. If it does, look in the help files and see if it has a Print Screen convertor. Let us know and perhaps one of us will know if will do what you want. Meanwhile, experiment with the PrintScreen button and MSWord. Good Luck! PS: Just got back from Seattle, Spokane, and Bremerton for WSDOT. Got in game 2 at Safeco, too, but the M's lost. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif PPS: WSAFC Yakima in Sep: 3 days of 7.3/6.0 PSD and one day of Navistar Engine Controls. Didja get your IDS yet? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  3. The pulses look very suspicious, but I'm a diagnostic freak. Before it gets a pump it gets an air check and a known good/new IPR. It could be an o-ring that seals up to 300psi before it burps. I check the low side, too, I just had an '03 no-start in class Friday that would not fill the oil filter. They're checking the pan for chunkies and pulling the LPOP now..... I assume the KOEO ICP was in range? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  4. Does anyone know if there is a high idle mod like the 6.0 has? Thanks!
  5. http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6392&page=17#Post6392 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  6. Also, monitor misfires in Cylinder Balance and see if they are bank specific.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  7. I'm with you guys on the IDM, I have a known good test unit that fits all years. There were some false DTC's on '99s and FMC released a different PN to prevent the false codes. I'm sure there are programming differences between the PN's but I don't know what they are. Seattle now, Mariners game vs Texas last night (COOL!), Hendrix rock hall and Space Needle today. 7.3/6.0 classes for WSDOT this week. Have internet in the room at night but I have scheduled a lot of sightseeing on top of teaching. Spokane tomorrow. Anthony's digging it. Boy, does the Mastertech scan tool suck on a 6.0, that's what WSDOT uses. Poor bastards....... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  8. You're right, it's a clogged vent on the cap. Replace it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  9. Launch is sending me a free CRecorder for a demo. If you're on the fence, sit tight for a couple of weeks until I have a chance to try it out. I may or may not get it before Anthony and I leave for a long road trip Thursday. Louisville for the Truck Show, then teach in Grand Rapids, Seattle, and Spokane.....(Steve?) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  10. I "think" the CR Recorder records OBD2 generic, and that's all. If you think it's going to compare with the VDR/IDS, it's not. They were supposed to give me one of those to demo, but so far I haven't seen it. I'll look into it a bit further. I know one possible use would be to record your teenager's driving habits- TPS, VSS, and RPM, etc. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  11. I attended a Wabco ABS/Stability control conference last year where they talked about tire inflation systems and retrofit kits for semi trailers. It was pretty cool- drill the hollow axle tube, install fittings, a module, special hub cap, and lines to the tires. It would pull air from the air brake system to keep the tires full, but set codes and MIL if more than X CFM were needed to top off the tires. Technology......! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  12. The Pico IS the cat's ass. Bernie Thompson at Automotive Labs has an 8 channel PC based scope I tried, but I still like the Pico better. You wouldn't believe how fast, or how slow you can make it. As fast as 500ns per division (one half of a millionth of a second) or as slow as 50 seconds per division, with a multiplier that can go to many hours. That's great for looking at dropouts. if a dropout occurs, you can zoom in on a small portion of the screen to see which sensor fell out first. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  13. Geez, the first time I read this post I thought we were talking about a gas engine. Yes, I'd say #6 is overfueling. Compression test passes? Does your smoke go away when you disable #6? Can you correlate smoke diminishing when you kill any injectors? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  14. Correct on an AC (PM generator) style of sensor, but not on a digital sensor. On an AC sensor, the faster the shaft spins, the higher the voltage output. On a digital sensor like a Hall Effect, there is no relationship between output voltage and shaft speed. To refresh memories there are two common styles of motion sensors used in automotive applications: AC Output, also called a PM Generator or Analog sensor. This is what we're looking at on the 6.0 CKP and CMP, and 90% of ABS WSS. The advantages of these sensors is that they are very reliable. One disadvantage is that the PCM cannot process an analog signal. This requires and extra component inside the PCM called an A/D Converter (Analog to Digital) to change the analog voltage into a digital signal that the PCM can understand. Another problem is that for an AC sensor to put out a signal, the shaft has to be spinning fast enough to generate a signal from breaking the magnetic field. Therefore, these sensors need "some" RPM to work. (Hall Effect and MR Sensors work at a creep speed, PM's do not) If you scope the CKP in (analog going into the PCM) and CKP out signal (digital signal going to the FICM) on top of each other, you'd understand this relationship, and the need for converting analog into digital. I drew an analog CKP signal on top of a real CKP out signal to show you what it would look like. Note the time base is expanded- 1ms per division. (Keith, what are your time and voltage bases in your waveforms? That's real important.) How do you identify it? Usually two wires with no VREF input. It may have some voltage on the line for CCM to verify circuit integrity. Fake (analog) CKP in overlaid a real (digital) CKP out This is a good example of what an A/D converter does inside the PCM. The second most popular motion sensor is a regular old Hall Effect, like the 7.3 CMP had. It is also called a Digital Sensor, and it's signal does not need to go through an A/D converter like an analog signal does, because it's already digital. Advantage- no A/D converter needed. Disadvantages- higher failure rate because there's electronics built in. Also, it usually costs more because of the electronics built in. Output is a square wave of any voltage depending on what the design is. How do you identify it? Usually three wires with a VREF input. Those two motion sensors probably comprise 90+% of CKP, CMP, and WSS on a car. The other sensor coming into popularity is a MR or MRE sensor, which stands for Magneto Resistive. These are getting more popular for WSS and some CKP sensors. They look like a two wire PM generator, but have a digital output like a Hall Effect. The signal is a unique square wave that is also directional, that means the waveform is different when the shaft spins forward or backward. Advantage- Extremely accurate, like measuring vehicle movement by the inch in a WSS. Regular PM generators need several MPH before they read vehicle movement. Output is a square wave, but commonly very small, like 1v in height. Application: Ford "Active" WSS sensors and the speed sensor on 4WD transfer cases. Focus rear WSS on drum brake cars. Also many WSS in high end Japanese and Euro cars. How do you identify it? Usually two wires, but one has a higher (12v?) voltage on it, because it needs a power supply. Also you can identify these by the price tag. ($$$) They may have a bunch of magnets built into the reluctor instead of a metal ring with tabs, like we're used to. (Focuses have the magnets built into the wheel bearing grease seal!) Why do you need this expensive, highly accurate sensor? Because with Traction Control, Stability Control and etc, AC sensors are too sloppy. You need a highly accurate sensor in a ATC system. On some VW vehicles, the WSS do not have any connectors between the WSS and the ABS module, which means the WSS has a 20' wire harness on it and you have to take half the car apart to change them. Why no connectors? Because of the low output voltage, they are afraid to introduce connectors and the associated problems with connectors. My soapbox just collapsed... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  15. BTW, the scope teachers will always bitch at you for having a small waveform on a big screen. Get your settings set up where the waveform fills the screen. There's things that you can see when the wave fills the screen that you can't see when it's squeezed down in size. HTH, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  16. Please see the post above, just bringing it to the top to show my edit. Yea, Jim, it's CRS setting in...... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  17. Hush your mouth, boy! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif PS I have to update a big error on my last scope post. That CKP wave wasn't 80v, it was 8 volts, I had the frigging 10x turned on on my scope. Duh.
  18. IH just released a recall on VT275s for a new fuel pressure regulator and installing a low fuel pressure switch that's wired to the PCM with an overlay harness. It will set codes and turn on a light on the dash when FP drops out. AFC Number: 07916R AFC Date: March 17, 2008 I wonder if this has any relevance to this problem?
  19. I'll cut you a break since you're a DTS member- $299 gets you both book and video sets. That's $60 more off the package price. There's no link for that on the website so either call me at 440-846-3885 or e-mail me your CC info in a file attachment. That goes for other DTS people, too. Thanks! BTW, I'm now a "Tinker Toy Engineer"? What the hell is that? Keith, what do you do, stay up all night dreaming up these wild titles?!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  20. This is a very difficult question to answer. Although Anthony and I are very busy, 95% of the classes we do are closed to the public. These are private classes held for Departments of Transportation, government agencies, and large utility companies. We only do a few public classes per year, which are always listed on my website. The next one is next Saturday in Grand Rapids, MI, where I do 6.4 and Bendix Air ABS and Anthony does IH Multiplexing. Later on will be Toronto, Akron, WA, and PA. How do you get into a class? I really don't recommend the public classes for the most part (except for WSAFC) because they are compressed classes. Compressed classes suck because it gives you a great taste, but leaves you hungry. (How do you compress a 16 hour class into 3 hours?) Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs has me do a full week of full classes, without shortening them, in September. There you can get the full 16 hour PSD and other engine classes. I do regularly have people travel across the country to attend one of my classes. So it's tough. How do you get into a class? Contact a local ASA chapter or other industry leader and get them to hire us to come in. We charge by the day, not by the student, and it's expensive. It takes at least 15 people to make a class cost-effective. I wish I had a better answer for you, but I don't. Thanks! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  21. Hey Guys: I made an error when I took these original captures. I had my 10x button pushed, which made my 80V wave actually 8V. When I went back and re-read this, it didn't seem like 80v was possible, and it's not. Please read the edited version of this post. With the Pico, not only can you use automatic or normal settings, but it has a ton of automotive presets for common sensors. You can also zoom in on the waves to fill the screen. It is a very powerful state of the art scope with up to a half million captures per screen. It's not expensive, either, with a full blown 4 channel package about 2 Grand with amp clamps and lots of leads. Idling, I used DC bias, 10ms per division, the CKP went from -2.4v to +5.6v for a peak-to-peak voltage of about 8.0v, and CMP went from -1.5v to +4.2 volts for a peak-to-peak voltage of about 5.7v. The reason they are not centered on the zero voltage base is because of the bias voltage the PCM feeds down the line to verify continuity of the circuit. (If it sends voltage down one line, the PCM expects to see the same return voltage on the other line. If it does not, it sets an OBD2 circuit fault. It's the Comprehensive Component Monitor in action, one of the three continuous monitors.) Bias: With the scope on DC bias it shows both the AC and DC voltages, so the waveform "floats" above ground. With the scope on AC bias it shows only the AC portion of the wave so it is centered on the ground plane. Cranking: For some reason I turned the CKP bias to AC where it shows only the AC voltage on the waveform. (Note the wave is centered on zero) Cranking, I used 50ms per division, and the CKP went from -1 to +1v. CMP went from +2.5 to +3.5v. You may notice the bias button on the top left of the screen capture next to the voltage range. This is a 4 channel scope, but I was only using two channels, that's why there are 4 sets of settings. Pins used were 30 and 31 with the scope negative lead on the battery negative terminal. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  22. Like I said about empty..... WTF is up with the incompetency in this world? It absolutely amazes me how people can be so worthless and still draw a paycheck. I see this on a daily basis in so many areas that it blows my mind..... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif PS When you use that adapter, you can only connect to one PCM connector at a time. It's not much of a real problem as all of the drivability pins are in the center connector. I think the tranny pins and chassis pins are split in the other connectors.
  23. That's not the only thing empty over there.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
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