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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. 6.0 Idling: 6.0 Cranking: Both 6.0 waveforms were taken at pins 30 and 31 with the ground leads at the battery negative. The pins are labeled + on the schematic, but the CKP wave goes downward on its initial sweep. Pay attention to which pin you use and which direction the wave goes on its initial sweep, if the sensor is wired backwards it will act up. 6.4 is the same, the last time I posted I couldn't find my 6.0 waveforms. I probably could have changed my voltage scale to make the CMP appear a bit larger: As for the "magnetized crank", I have "heard" of it but never experienced it myself. Keith: Is there a way to "turn up" the resolution on a picture? You can't read the voltage and time stamps, which are very important. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  2. I told the tech to graph out cranking RPM (it's a no start) and he sheepishly replied it was between 95 and 125. Problem solved. Thanks guys. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  3. Hey Guys: Have any of you ever seen this screen? I haven't. What causes it? 6.0 no start. Thanks!
  4. Are you once again forgetting who your audience is here? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rolleyes.gif
  5. No, it's the swivel fitting on the HP manifold at the top of the injector. I thought it was serviced separately.......
  6. This is a two-part question: First, does anybody have the PN for the o-ring where the swivel fitting mates to the "W" HP manifold (2005)? The Ford dealer says it is not serviced and a complete manifold must be purchased. I thought this was serviced separately. Second, are you guys using the ZTSE 4725 male hex socket to remove the adapter, or have you figured out a better way? Thanks!
  7. This kind of pressure won't hurt the IPR. it's made to handle 3-4K with no problem. A very similar discussion was held last year on an E-van where the guy pulled the engine, hooked a Porto-Power pump to the access port in the rear of the HPOP cover, powered the IPR, and found leaks at the injector inlets. This was all done on an engine stand. It was a hard start hot after an injector change. I think it's a great idea. Maybe Keith can find the thread. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  8. I agree completely on all points. We switched to Alliant 5-7 years ago and have had 100% success with them since. I agree on the 50/50 but I was just pointing out another option. Need any snow up there? Biggest storm in years, we have well over a foot since yesterday! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  9. Back in the 80's I had a defective Fram filter cost me an engine in one of my dune buggies. Fram inspected the filter and wrote me a check for retail on parts and labor. There was an accompanying letter that said something like "We admit no fault in this case, but in the interest of customer relations we'll pick up the price of this engine." Yea, right. I still hate Fram filters and won't use them at any price. I'm an OE guy- I use all OE filters, OE coolant, OE tranny fluid, OE brake pads on my own stuff. When I had the shop we used a lot of OE filters and all OE electronic parts. We did use aftermarket brake parts to be competitive, though. The more OE parts I use, the less complicated my life is. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  10. I'd agree, but make sure you check a few other things. First, glow plug amperage should be 190 initially on a cool/cold engine, and make sure cranking RPM is above 150. I belong to the "replace the injector club", but I have a buddy who has fixed a lot of these by unbolting the magnets with the injector still in the head. Under the magnet collects a lot of steel-based sludge which makes the injector stick when cold. Clean this out, and voila! the injectors work correctly. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  11. That truck is probably wired more like an IH than a Ford. You don't have an interface cable to run MD, right? Check the power circuits going to the ECM and FICM. I'd either voltage drop them or apply a load to them to verify they can handle amperage. Common problems- corroded power wires and pitted relay contacts that pass voltage but not amperage. Does it rattle the injectors at KOEO? Big snowstorm this morning- all schools are closed and plows are going strong. East cost people beware- you're next! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  12. No, by my pictures it looks like it's tee'd into the outlet lines that go to the heads.
  13. This isn't really covered in the F550 WSM, but in the F650 WSM it states the IPR can be hot wired for up to 120 seconds when doing an air test. On a previous thread some guys stated that they had done it much longer than that, but I think it would be safer to keep the time limit down. Another tech used a 9v battery to activate the IPR which shouldn't have the wattage capability to hurt the IPR. Jeff, are you comfortable checking fuel pressure before the filter and standpipe? I'm not. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  14. No, in a PM he said he's just got too much on his plate right now keeping up with other websites and life in general. I was in his area a few years ago (northern California) and had dinner with him. Like most techs I've met, he was a great guy and very knowledgeable. He is aware of this site via the grapevine, but I doubt he has any objections to it.Keep up the good work!
  15. I avoid the TechMail area because it's full of guys who don't know what they're doing. There's a lot of really intelligent guys in the IATN HD Forum, like Damon Russell, Charles Ledger and others. Many of these guys I know from classes, meetings, and other events. I've tried to get Charles to join here as he's a really sharp PSD dealer tech from California and would contribute a lot.There are a lot of guys who are substandard, too. I still help out in the HDF regularly on PSD and IH problems, but there are so many of my students there that most easy questions are handled quickly. You are correct about proper tooling and information systems- it is incredible how these guys think they're going to fix a 6.0 with an aftermarket scan tool and no service manual. 90% of them have not checked fuel pressure on a performance problem. (Duh!) I regularly get myself in arguments there over using OE scanners.Overall, IATN is a very good thing if you're an independent. The problem is that most indy's won't face the truth on what tools and equipment they need to get the job done correctly.Just like everywhere, there are good and bad indy techs just like there are good and bad dealer techs. IATN is another tool that techs use to fix trucks.
  16. Nothing special, they are small 12v incandescent lights that I use on my demonstrator boards. I bought a bunch of different colors because they're cheap ($1.49) and they were handy. http://www.action-electronics.com/pilotlights.htm PN N799 about 1/3 of the way down the page. With the FICM making almost 50v you don't want to use something high wattage, because the bulb won't last. The key is to use a small low wattage bulb. I think this is a very important tool to have handy for a quick test on these engines. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  17. Yes, definitely. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  18. PS: This tool came in REAL handy on a DT466 (EGR) that I was helping with. The tech was convinced his no-start was CKP/CMP related and I had him make one of these noid light tools up. It blinked when cranking. For the injectors to turn on, you need: PCM and FICM- clean power and ground! Good CKP/CMP waveforms CKP/CMP Sync ICP pressure above .8v If both bulbs blink while cranking, you know you met have all ECM criteria for injector enable. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  19. I know they're bad and that's why I asked. I was nearly killed as a kid in my parent's car on the Dan Ryan in a 10 car/truck pileup. My back still hurts from it..... My parents and family are from River Forest/Oak Park area. Thanks for the tip. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  20. A test light does not provide enough draw for a proper voltage drop test. My test light only draws about .2a. Your test light could be plenty bright but the circuit could still not have enough amperage available to run the PCM. Do you have a 104 pin breakout box available? You've either got a power supply problem or a bad PCM. Do you have a known good PCM? I have one for a '99 that would work. PS I'll be driving to Milwaukee tomorrow for a 6.4 class Saturday. Should I go through downtown Chicago at 2pm on 90 and 94, or should I take the 294 bypass? Good Luck!
  21. Put a breakout box on the PCM and check powers and grounds. When the IDM relay clicks constantly on an IH, it's a corroded power supply wire to the ECM. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  22. Yes, it's in the fuel pump housing on the front side just under the pump itself. It does not appear to be serviceable. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif Good Luck!
  23. Take an 06E17 truck, wire the EBP into the fuel port on the FF, take the sensor feed into the cab, wire it to a gauge.. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Or- Take the MAP feed, install a FP sender in the FF pressure port, wire a SPDT switch in the dash with MAP signal on one end, FP sender signal on the other end, and the gauge input on the center terminal. Shazam! A quick flip of the switch would give you FP on the boost gauge....and a MAP DTC. Damn, why do my ideas always have a hitch? Late DT's have a fuel pressure sensor optional on the FF and it reads in scan data, but not in the cab. I'm thinking it could be wired to read in the dash, 'cause IH gives you several spare gauge positions for stuff like air brake apply pressure and axle temp. You can program the ESC and dash to read any input wired into the ESC (BCM). I think a FP gauge is a GREAT idea. Ford, on the other hand thinks that something like oil pressure is too much information for the driver. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  24. How about looking at that VGT_MES PID and see what it means? I have a 6.4 research list but most of the items are already done, or scope captures I want to do. I do have two days scheduled next week for "research". /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Did they get rid of the oil gauge in favor of a light? Can’t find either one? Message center info? Do you have time to drive a truck and take known good data captures at different load levels/speeds? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  25. Did you "forget" to tell us this problem occurs at -40F? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif What oil are you using? What ambient temp (parked outside/inside), and is it plugged in? Jesus! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
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