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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. My sentiments exactly. I do a lot of EVT training and have recommended this upgrade be installed in every class. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  2. Part of the reason for this is that MD has been discontinued, pending the release of a new version of software called Service Assistant, or SAINT. IH screwed up a bit and discontinued MD before SA was ready for release. I called OTC this morning by chance to check up on the release date and still no more info besides "sometime in December", which usually means late winter. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  3. I've never seen this on a Ford but have seen it a few times on IH DT engines. IH has a TSI letter stating the proper way to bleed the fuel system after a filter change or when there's air in it. (Pump hand primer, unhook CMP or injector harness, crank 30 seconds, clear codes) They claim if there is a mixture of air and fuel under the plunger, it comes down too quick, and the resulting pressure rise is too fast for the nozzle to handle, and it departs. The resulting damage is major FUGLY.
  4. I sent your scope wave to my PicoScope guru, Matt Fanslow. He agreed it was a problem and further examination of the tone wheel is a good idea. I'm thinking it's a sensor problem myself, because the only way a tone wheel would cause that would be if it had a tooth in the empty spot. Highly unlikely, but possible. Let us know when it comes out. Good Luck!
  5. I'm pissed. I KNOW I have a good capture of a 6.0 CKP/CMP waveform and I CAN'T FIND IT. But I do have a known good 6.4 and it "might" be the same. It's exactly like yours- the CMP wave is 14-15 teeth to the left of the CKP identifier. (For those who don't see it, there's a red wave in the background that barely shows up on the screen against the black until you zoom it.) I enhanced it a bit: There's a big question though- what's with the "double whoopee" for the CKP identifier? It should clearly show a gap and a substantially higher AC voltage like the one I have. When I zoom in on yours, it shows some kind of double bump instead of a nice oversized AC sine wave. It's kind of grainy when I zoom in on it. Could you zoom it and repost it? I do have a known good 6.0 CKP without the CMP in it: Taken from pin 30 to ground idling. I'm thinking your big problem isn't your cam pin hitting your CMP, it's your CKP trigger wheel or something wrong in there. Maybe try a new CKP sensor and some kind of a CMP shim (?!) and check the waveform? I'd be less concerned with your "wavyness" and more concerned about the identifier (or lack of). /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  6. Warm or cold? Most F-model 6.0's crank about 215 on the IDS compression test when warm. It seems E-vans /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif crank about 175 or so warm, I'm guessing because of the battery location. When someone calls me with a hard start and says, "It cranks fine", I always make them physically check the cranking RPM with a scan tool. Slightly low cranking RPM is undoubtedly the #1 reason behind a hard start and very few guys can hear it audibly (I can't). Does this truck have the original batteries in it? (sidebar: 7.3's crank at about 175 RPM warm, 6.0's 215 warm, and 6.4's 245 warm. What do you think the engineers have found?) (sidebar 2: the cranking RPM listed in the diag sheets is BULLSHIT! 100RPM cranking will barely get these trucks started on a warm summer day in Miami, much less a 0F day in Cleveland.) If the cranking RPM is excellent, I'd compare graphs of similar '03 trucks cranking and see if there are any subtle differences. Didn't the HPOP volume output go up on the similar '04 pump? Maybe you could use this as leverage to tell the guy that's why '03's don't start as fast, or install an '04 pump on a lark. (Will it fit?) Why isn't it starting immediately? If I were to guess, I'd say a slower rise of ICPV is the most likely item, so I'd be looking at graphing the ICPV vs. RPM graph very closely. You could do an air check of the system (yech) as I know of at least one truck that has a slight audible air leak yet still starts fine. If everything is dead on as far as ICP/RPM graphs went, I'd scope the CKP/CMP and make sure they weren't noisy, and check the glow plug amperage on a lark. (170amps initial cold) Try a heavy dose of fuel lubricity additive in it and see if it makes a difference. Also, what's MFDES at a hot idle? I'm thinking 12-14 is about right. If it's higher than this, it's starving for fuel (bad injectors). I've seen plenty of hard start trucks up here that a set of injectors fixed, but they were usually hard start cold. Good Luck!
  7. It sounds like everybody is giving good advice. I have seen a couple that would start and run 15 seconds, run the reservoir dry, stall, and not restart. The problem turned out to be a worn LP pump. On one, I had the guy pull the gears and they looked fine. I told him to take a feeler gauge and measure between the gear teeth like this: His bad one measured .013-.015". I had a new pump on the shelf which measured .003-.004". He sent me the old gears, which "looked" OK and not worn to the eye. New gears fixed it. The problem is the .013-.015" gap allows the whole LP oil system to drain back into the pan after shutoff hot. On start up, not only do you have completely dry LP galleys, but you also have a LP pump which is struggling to prime. By the time it primes and fills the galleys, the reservoir goes dry. Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  8. Well, it let me do a few more, but still not all of them.....
  9. Hey Guys; I completed this engine a few months ago and have not found the time until now to upload some pictures. FMC donated this engine to me about a year ago in hopes of making the rollout go smoother. I hope it has! The engine is currently on loan to the FMC training center in Brecksville (Cleveland) Ohio, to help Mark Maser (the trainer) better explain the systems. Keith: Is there some kind of daily PhotoPost upload limit? I only got about halfway through the pics I wanted to post, and it won't let me load more.
  10. BTDTGTTS, it looks like you've made some good decisions. What are you using for programming- J2534? Which one? What exactly are you looking for feedback on? Which scope? MOD/Alldata? Be careful of leasing too much- it is a common mistake for a new shop owner to do this. (former 25 year indy shop owner) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  11. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  12. You think this is a lot? You should see my Windows with about 20-25 applications open, including 5 or more Powerpoints, each several hundred meg. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Even with 2GB ram, I can still clog it up. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif This was pre-repair. Dwayne, there was no oil in the pigtail but I thought it was a safe bet to change it....
  13. How much ICPV "hash" in the graph do you guys think is normal? This one seems a bit more than normal to me. This is a 2003 with an intermittent no-start, no ICP. The ICPV is .15 KOEO, which is just out of range low. I suggested they hang an ICP, IPR, and ICP pigtail for PM. Comments?
  14. No, you don't need to pull the head or engine, it's relatively easy to change the cups in the chassis. (I'm assuming it's a F model) 2001 should have stainless steel cups but the original Rotunda kit is made for brass cups, and I don't know if Rotunda ever upgraded their stuff for SS. I have both the Rotunda kit and an aftermarket kit and I prefer using the aftermarket kit. The Rotunda kit requires a slide hammer, and obviously space is limited in the back of the engine. Some "creative engineering" works also, I'm told, with the Rotunda kit, like using a bolt and a piece of tubing instead of the slide hammer setup. If you're locked into FMC/Rotunda as a supplier, I'll look at mine and see if the PN's are on the box Monday. If your bosses are open to other suppliers, call Rich Wengatz at Kwik-Way/ Irontite 440-526-9017 or e-mail him at rich-wengatz@irontite.com. His tools work better, and he has the optional "roll-in" tool that seats the top of the sleeve like it should be. (second item below) Rich might give you a discount if you mention my name. Beware the roll-in tool is several hundred $ by itself. http://www.irontite.com/PDF/Diesel%20Repair%20Catalog.pdf Beware that the last pic below is slightly outdated, the removal tool has been upgraded to accommodate SS. P.S. Do all 8 sleeves, and look for an overheating problem as the root source of the failure. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Good Luck!
  15. I certainly don't know as much about these trucks as you guys do, but I've a soft spot for them since they were released. I think it was Ford's biggest mistake this century to cancel the deal and not put the 275 in a F150 through F350. This engine (to me) is a pleasure to drive and a great city truck. Someday I'll do a repower of a vehicle just for "funzies". If it were right now I'd put the 275 motor in a SUV. The whole rest of the world uses between 30-50% diesel powered cars, and even higher percentages of light trucks and SUV's. It saddens me that our country, the cradle of transportation, doesn't see the light....... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crybaby2.gif
  16. I'm guessing to prevent oil starvation on a 0F day with 15W40 in the pan. I have pics of the coarse screen in the 6.0 tube, but not pics of the 7.3 tube. I seem to remember that the DT has a coarse screen, also....
  17. First of all, does it has gas or E85 in the tank? The injectors should have a much higher flow rate on a FF motor, which would cause big grief if they didn't transfer the peripherals. Look at the engineering # on the injectors and cross it, as if they are wrong, the PCM will be really confused. A reflash is the first thing I'd do, because they've upgraded the software several times on these engines. What does the alcohol % read in scan data? You can use a beaker and some water to figure a %. It should have a alcohol sensor on it an read % in datalogger. What scan tool are you using? Good Luck!
  18. I really don't have access to that info, but common sense tells me that it will follow at "some point in time". What have we seen in the past? A few weeks to a few months?
  19. I've had more bad reman injectors than I can count...... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif We switched to new Alliant Power units years ago and have not had a bad one yet.
  20. Please clarify: It runs well, but sets a #1 Contribution code? Does it idle fine? What are your Perdel readings? If compression is even at 400, the cylinders are sealing well. If these are all fine, but it's setting codes, you may have a bad injector. Run the CC test 3-4 times in a row, with the tranny in drive if it's an automatic. Switch #1 and #3 injectors and see if your problem travels. Good Luck!
  21. Perdels are percent change in rotational velocity, used for detecting a misfire or weak cylinder. Larger numbers indicate a misfire being detected. This only exists on ’99.5 up trucks and only works after warmed up. #8 cylinder almost always shows a higher number like 1.0-2.4% It takes about 3% to set a code during the Contribution Test. The PIDs are only active at idle and go to 0 if revved up. The Good cyls are 0%. The BAD cyls are 1.5%-2.5% and higher (except #8). #8: 1.0-2.0% is normal. Good Luck!
  22. I'm at the SEMA/AAPEX show in Vegas right now. Do you know how many aisles of tools there are here???????????!!!!!!! ARGH! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/surprise.gif
  23. Hello, Jim, my name is Bruce, and I am also a toolaholic. Wanna go shopping? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
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