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Bruce Amacker

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Everything posted by Bruce Amacker

  1. No, but I'll work on getting a PN. The dummy sheet that came with it is 1171922R1, but I think that's the dummy sheet PN, not the kit PN. It's not on ISIS yet, but I've seen BIG lag times between release of an update and it's arrival on ISIS. Up at the IH dealer, one of the techs was putting a branch tube kit in. It appears to be a "one size fits all" kit that has extra pieces, of which this was one. There's a weird little sheet metal tool (Branch Tube Adapter Installation Tool ZTSE4876-2) for the proper adjustment of the fitting and nut. It's funny- in the dummy sheet it says not once, but twice, to make sure the holes in the doohickey face down and not up. Do you think they've had some guys install these upside down? Let me think- no ICP, air check is good. Must be a bad HPOP, eh? It's mine and YOU CAN'T HAVE IT. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  2. Have you guys seen this yet? It's part of a new branch tube update from IH for all V-6 and V-8 engines.
  3. I've also made more tools than I can count, and keep several sets of tools on hand so when I need to trash one, it's not the Snappy. I've bought ten times more Snappy from the pawn shop than off the truck. I've welded bearing races into various assemblies to do a certain task. I saved bearings for decades, and on slow days even had the guys cut the cages off to use the inner race. They are still on nails in the rear of the shop, probably nearly a hundred of them organized by size from 3/4" to monster Mack 8'ers. I just used one last week.....
  4. Man, this website is running painfully slow today, but all my other websites are running fine. Anybody else having trouble?
  5. Yep, nitrogen. Click the link below. http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8266&page=1&fpart=3 Good Luck! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  6. Ford P/N 7U2Z-14S411-AA, $33.00 list price. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. These complaints all point toward one thing: a high pressure oil leak. I'd suggest doing the air check again. Leave the air supply hooked up for 30 minutes, plug in the block heater, and use a stethoscope to help identify leaks. A doctor's stethoscope with a piece of 1/4" brake tube attached to it may be of help, especially if the valve covers are still off. I don't think your ICP value is lying to you, but it's a good idea to look more at ICPV than ICP on this kind of a no start, as ICP is a calculated figure and ICPV is an actual number. You should see ICP at .2v KOEO and it should climb to about 1.5v with the accompanying ICP being about 1200psi while cranking. IPR should spike to about 70-80% momentarily and settle at about 40% cranking. The PCM needs to see the ICPV at .8v or more to turn the injectors on. I also experimented with nitrogen testing at 1700PSI that worked well. Do the air check again, and look around for a nitrogen bottle. The Evap tester in your shop may have the bottle, but you'll have to find a gauge and hose, etc. If you get it started, graph IPR and see if it is climbing or falling. If it climbs, it's almost a sure sign of a HP leak. I don't think you have a base oil pressure problem but a quick test is to pull the oil filter and crank the engine, the filter housing should fill with oil. Good Luck!
  8. 6.0? What's wrong with the Rotunda 303-765 adapter? How about this? http://www.tooldiscounter.com/ItemDisplay.cfm?lookup=STATU-32-27
  9. It might be easier than that. It turns out that nitrogen tanks are available in different pressures, and the lower PSI is 2000-2200. I bought a small 60 cubic foot tank, (mebbe 8" dia, knee high) used no regulator, and ran it full pressure in an ICP test. The tank cost $120, and the fittings and gauge another $45. Refills are $8. The supply shop told me it was 2000-2200psi, but the gauge showed 1700. The test worked very well! What I did was pressurize the system, close the supply, and see how long it took to bleed down. Here's my results: 1700PSI start, IPR at 97% Close nitrogen supply valve 1 minute: 1100psi 2 minutes: 850psi 3 minutes: 700psi 4 minutes: 500psi 5 minutes: 350psi 6 minutes: 250psi 7 minutes: 100psi (approx) I thought the IDS shut off active commands after a few minutes to prevent overheating the IPR. I left it in active commands at 97% for over a half hour.... I'm told you guys already have a nitrogen setup for evap testing. Is this correct? I'm willing to bet this setup will pay for itself quickly in time saved on a hard start hot...
  10. I'm willing to bet you already have, it's called a bad HPOP. Nobody ever takes one apart to see why it's bad... 258 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  11. This is a thinly veiled attempt to keep one post count ahead of Dwayne. I don't think I'll ever catch Grandpa. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  12. I noticed the IPR actually closes halfway at 9% and all the way at 18%. Mebbe all you have to do is hook up the air and cycle the key, which defaults IPR to 15%? I noticed no ICP leakage aired up KOEO unless I commanded the IPR down. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  13. You mean newer 6.0's with the V pump' date=' '05 up? The one you use for air testing on E-Vans?/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif Originally Posted By: DwayneGorniak There is a plug in the top of the housing. But the severe lack of access to it is what got me thinking about testing at the high pressure rails in the first place. [/quote'] You're referring to '05 up F models? Sidebar disclaimer: After grounding the IPR, shooting the pics and loading them into my PC, I realized how stupid I was holding a maxed out 5K gauge in my hand. If you guys decide to do this, please follow better safety procedures than I did. The only safety gear I was using was safety glasses. If something was to have let loose, I could be missing fingers, a hand, or worse. The truck also started hard after that test, and showed some leakage with an air check. It was not driven, so I don't know if it was starting hard from the air and HP nitrogen test (that I haven't posted yet) and the HP system not being bled, or it's because I blew a seal while grounding the IPR. I'll keep you updated.
  14. I resent that comment about tons of time..... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Guess what? The ICP female is another morphodite fitting that nobody makes. Parker says they do not make a M12x1.5 female anything that the ICP will screw into. Here we go again wasting a half of a day running around to hydraulic stores.... The tube nut is metric and has to be drilled out to 1/4". It is also too long and bottoms against the ICP o-ring, so I had to take a whizzer wheel and shorten it by 1/4" or so. Luckily, the bottom of the ICP has a flare on it for some reason unknown to me. The rest of the stuff is pretty basic 1/4" tube, but I used a high pressure compression fitting, 'cause I knew I'd be abusing it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif The victim: 2006 6.0. It's a sweet young thing, still wet behind the ears with only 700 miles:/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif The result: Is my ICP biased? No, it's DEAD ON! You know, I've always gotten a rise abusing stuff. I wonder what would happen if I ground the IPR while this is together? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif That IDS won't let me go to 97% KOER.... Mebby I better put the 5k gauge on..... You can clearly see the HPOP internal pressure relief valve opening and closing, with the engine doing an accompanying "dance" from the timing variation while the ICP cycles crazily from 3500-5000psi. This is how IH tells you to test HPOP's, with the minimum PSI cutpoint at 4100PSI. The ones I've had with bad pumps that set 333 codes (P1211) would only make 1800PSI or so with the IPR grounded. It set a few codes, too, but I wonder why the IPR command went to 59% with the ICP so high? It set a few codes, too. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif More fun to come. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  15. No, it doesn't damage the pump, I've done plenty of them. It's called a ferry plug and is loctited in place, so warming it up with a heat gun is a good idea so you don't rip the threads out. There is an updated ferry plug with longer threads in case the threads are damaged from the HP pump pulsations under IH PN 1842906C92 and the ball is available under 1833830C1. Be careful to do this off the truck, as "stuff" falls out when the plug is removed. There is a check ball and edge filter behind the plug, the check ball is trapped in a passageway to the side and the edge filter looks like a screw from the end. IH has reseal kits available but I don't have the PN handy. They also have a video on EXACTLY how to do this job correctly: hold the pump in a vise like this, heat this with a heat gun, torque it to this, etc. I'm surprised Ford doesn't have that on PSD Central. (?) PS: His IPR is way high, so he might have leaky injector o-rings, a sticking IPR or other HP problems. PPS: Don't leave the check ball out, the truck won't run. Don't ask me how I know this. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif If you're a slob changing a rusty oil pan and crap gets in there, the crap ends on on the edge filter, causing really low IPR and really high ICP. Good Luck!
  16. I'm curious: how did you narrow it down to #4? Were there other complaints besides fuel in the coolant? You ran the borescope through the injector hole? Keith: On yours, did you change the injector sleeves first, or did Ford tell you to hang heads? I've seen this a couple of times and replacing the sleeves fixed it.
  17. Why did I spend all that money on scan tools when the dice and 8-ball were all I needed? *sigh*
  18. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Had a 7.3 in with a rag in the turbo inlet. Complaint: lack of power. I've also seen plastic shopping bags, leaves, and newspaper blocking air filters with similar complaints. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  19. It will have to be backward compatible 'cause they discontinued MD. (Which puts me in a bind, as I just had a meeting with a fleet IT Dept. to spec out software. What do you tell them? You can't buy software now? WTF?) The current MD works on '08 emissions, but doesn't have the EGT and DPF pressure pids.
  20. I'll work on getting a PN for the Tee fitting so this can be done externally on the later 6.0. The fuel pressure adapter 303-765 is the same 12mm/1.5 thread as the ICP, but the metric Tee to screw the ICP back in is a stumbling point. It would probably be a good setup for identifying a biased ICP. I've always used 10% as a cutpoint when doing this test on 7.3s and IH trucks. It's amazing how many you'll find....
  21. I agree. You guys don't realize how good you've got it with the IDS. FYI: IH quit selling MD lately and the replacement software, Service Assistant, will be available shortly. I've seen it, but not used it. It is a complete redesign and shows little resemblance to MD. Hopefully it will have all of the cool stuff the IDS has. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  22. That's why I have always bought non-flammable brake clean. It's a tough decision: either burn to death, or die from cancer.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif I don't think they even sell it in California.
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