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About estew

  • Birthday 11/22/1971


  • Member Title
    Freshman Member

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  • Location
    Central Washington
  1. I've got a head scratcher in the shop. An f-250 with a 6.0 comes in running very rough and blowing white smoke. We were unable to get it fired, so we pushed it in, replaced the EGR cooler and valve, crank no start, performed ICP test,pass. Checked IPR,14% when cranking, rpm is good. FICM syncs up. Changed glow plugs. What gives? Could the screen in the IPR be plugged and still be able to get pressure to the ICP? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hello to all, Just your friendly neighborhood Diesel Weasel.I was just curious about joing the U.A.W. because I'm so tired of givng up so much to make the DP's rich and feeling stupid for doing so. I not the kind of guy who can not work as hard or as well just because I'm upset. I have a solid work ethic and responsibilty to the customer, which I am quite positive most of us have. I am just tired of being screwed with. I can't afford the benefits that are offered here in Cali because the DP doesn't absorb the increases. He does not even contribute to our retirement. I love what I do for a living, it's just not much of a living. Can we unionize nationally and what do you suppose would be the pros and cons? Peace be with my brothers in wrenches.
  3. Hello to all, I am another tech looking to jump ship. I am 36 years old, have been a Ford tech for my entire professional career starting back when I was a freshman in high school sweeping floors and dumping garbage. I now find myself at a crossroads, I love being a Ford wrench, I just can't stand working for these pathetic, disrespectful, smug, smarmy, pieces of collective crap any longer. I refuse to work flat rate. Don't get me wrong, I like to work at a good clip, but I just don't see flat rate being good for the customer or the tech. I'm tired of being a member of one of the most difficult trades to work in and being paid less than them. Plumbers, electricians, etc, for the most part don't have the investment in tools that we have. Our trade is getting more and more complicated. For instance, compare a vehicle built in 1990 to a vehicle built in 2008, other than four tires, they are not even close. Now, compare a toilet from 1990 to now, whats the difference other than the guy installing/repairing it makes a ton more money to do his job. I live in the San Francisco bay area and I cannot afford to live here anymore. I would like to make a decent enough wage that my wife can stay home and raise the kids, we can live in a modest home in a decent neighborhood , and maybe put a little money into savings. Hell the jerkoff I work for doesn't pay for A.S.E. testing. He doesn't even contribute to a 401k for that matter. I need to find a shop where I can work my ass off and feel like an idiot for doing so. I would love to look forward to going to work again. Hell, I'd like just to make 40 hours a week. How is it out there? Are there any places like this left?
  4. Having been a Ford tech for going on twenty years,I do not see the ownership changing for the better. It seems like when "owner junior" inherits the business he cuts our collective throats. These new owners fresh from business school only understand spreadsheets and the bottom line. So I now negotiate a guaranteed contract.If you think about it,why not? It can be set up anyway you both agree on. For instance, I'm the gut who gets mark 8 heater cores,4.0 and 6.0 motors in milk crates towed in from the local independant. There is no way you can make flat rate doing that and warranty work. Think about it.
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