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About LeRoy

  • Birthday 05/02/1956


  • Member Title
    Freshman Member

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  • Dealership Name
    Capital Motors
  • Interests
    Drag & Open road racing

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  1. On the second reman turbo I took it for a drive today to try a few different things it appears that the Excursion has a throttle plate that has a bad position sensor and the plate would go shut while looking for the egr to operate and block off the intake disconnect actuator and test drove way better no air in - no boost - no power
  2. At a warm steady cruise @35mph under hard accell - WOT - the engine will rev to 3000rpm and hang there boost drops to 0psi until lift off the pedal - WOT the boost comes up and accells normal 3500 rpm and upshifts - This happens after warmup - runs normal cold - tried a Boost pressure sensor- Fuel press is 50psi at wot - EBP 37psi wot - ICP goes to 2850psi wot even at the failure - loosened exhaust at turbo - no difference - replaced turbo assy - same results - HPOP new - was loosing / dropping pressure on accell last month - would build to 1700 drop to 400 @ wot Outta ideas ? I retired working on these things and my former dealership is asking for help - I may have forgotten a few things but not the 6.0's I'm open to anything - Thanks in advance
  3. The only one I’ve seen is the lack of compression in #3 cyl due to the inj stuck open and customer failing to recognize the fact that the further ya drive the more damage it would cause and the longer it would take to repair said same engine
  4. I"ve pulled a 3,7 out thru the front - sounds good - I'M pullin it thru the front
  5. Bad engine - Do they have to come out the bottom or can it be pulled thru the front ? our hoist situation is poor at best . . . . let alone the engine / powertrain table is non existent . . . . .
  6. anybody else had this and MAYBE have a parts list to complete repair and labor times . . . Thanks
  7. just had the same thing happen - spun rod brg - replaced s/block - no start - 377 psi cranking - bleed system three diff. ways for 2 days before they would approve a h/p pump . . . put the new pump in - re-bled system 2 times - fired off and sent it down the road . . . . .
  8. locate the wastegate sol. under cac tube on drivers side front and replace it. Had three repairs already .
  9. I've only got 2 with the P164a codes--been a month and a half--customers are gettn a little restless.....
  10. I also had a p2263 code that kept repeating,would not complete KOER,followed p/p tests with no results-replaced the ebp sensor and checked pipe,retested still there,reprogrammed pcm,finally got the KOER to complete p2263 gone but then got a p0401 code egr stuck.also forgot to say that I remember a SSM stating engineering was working on a fix for p2263 and not attempt repairs.cannot remember the number.
  11. I also would not leave the egr disconnected,but might I also suggest installing a fuel pressure gauge and instructing the drivers what to watch for and what to do if pressure drops close to the borderline.
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