I actually owned one of these beasts. THe one I got had been sitting for awhile to. after I got the glow plugs and the choke working it fired right up. there not the fastes truck but the look on peoples faces when the ask whats wrong with your ranger and you tell them its a diesel. I don't have it anymore because the body was falling off. but it was fun to have.
I Believe the hubs are the same I could be wrong but from memory I think they are the same. We get gears from a local speed shop but i've heard some people like the summit gears.???
I don't know how many of you do remote starts but I had a taurus today that didn't have all the ignition wires hooked up and it was setting a code for low resistance in the fuel sender. the wire that wasn't hooked up was for the fuel gauge and other warning lights. so when remote started. The fuel gauge wasn't being energized so after a few starts with the remote start it would turn the light on.
the only problem with the tool it only works if no porclin was left behind. I found using a long punch you can actually chip away at the porclain and blow it out. But don't hammer on it to hard or you'll knock the porclin down in the head. I learned that real quick.
We actually seen one about a year ago it didn't entirly hydrolock but when the tech next to me got all done. it had a knocking noise. bent rod. I alway check powerbalance if it comes in running. then I do a fuel test if it doesn't hold pressure I replace those injectors on the cylnders that were missing. I found that it helps if you blow out the fuel in the intake when you take the injector out
I don't know were I actually read this but it is a common thing. I believe it was if you drive them 10-20 miles it would "relearn" were the idle should be. The first one that did it to me I almost crashed to brand new vehicles
Im only 27 and I think if you asked other people in our shop to do points and condesor they would look at you like a deer in the head lights. But then again I love old cars
I'm with all you guys. our manager was against taking bodies off. until I finally just did one and he seen how easy it was. He hasn't complained since. This from the man who got mad I took a little old ranger box off to do a fuel pump!
Nice pic keith. You all are correct I'm glad I have found this site full of people willing to help others and take the time to take pride in the vehicles they work on. I used to rush everything I did. then something change and I do everything right like I should. Wouldn't you know I actually make more money taking my time then working on comebacks.