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Everything posted by ChristopherH

  1. We have had three 09 6.4s in the last week with less than 200 miles on them come through the shop with the hot side cac tube lower connection blown off and the large clamp missing out on the road somewhere. I was surprised by this due to the large barbs on the 6.4 cac tube connections--maybe they are being under-torqued at the factory? Anyone else seen this? It caused at least three pissed off customers in our area after they had just bought a new truck! (Maybe I'll go out on the lot with my torque wrench and a creeper........)
  2. Does anyone have a part # for the gray 2 wire pigtail for the 6.4 dsl fuel temp sensor? I think the coolant temp sensor and the 6.0 oil temp and air intake temp use the same pigtail--can't locate a part # for it anywhere though.
  3. We have had 2 F350s in the last week with this complaint that the truck goes into regen more often after the recalls were performed. No dtcs, everything looks good on both trucks. Customers do not idle excessively and have maintained them properly. They also only tow occasionally. Service manager drove one extensively today and it went into regen after about 60 miles of driving. Regen lasted 21 minutes at 70 mph cruising. Compared to other trucks I have seen this seems about right--maybe it is just a customer perception issue, but we have heard this complaint many times since the recalls came out.
  4. Yeah, and when they submit their list of dealers (I have read many articles saying between 2100-2600 dealerships) to the bankruptcy court for termination of their contracts watch the crap hit the fan. The original plan called for them to let 1,100 of these dealer agreements expire in October of 2010, but under bankruptcy they can terminate them at will with little to be done to fight it. Our dealer lost Jeep (We still have Ford, Lincoln, Mercury thank God) when Chrysler cut 789 dealerships and our town of 30,000 lost the Dodge/Chrysler dealer, and another Jeep dealer. If you live where I do now and want warranty service for your Chrysler product it is a minimum of a 2.5 hour drive away now. What do you think will happen to all of these rural dealers and communities when they cut 3 times as many GM dealers? I thought Obama was going to save/create jobs! On another note, our sales has picked up considerably with a bunch of dodge cummins and jeep trade ins!
  5. That was great--I needed a little laugh today!
  6. Our dealer got the certified letter this morning that informed us that our Jeep franchise was being pulled due to the Chrysler bankruptcy. The other local Jeep dealer and our local Dodge/Chrysler dealer are also losing franchises. A total of 10 dealers in Utah are going away. See the complete list of who goes and who stays at http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?category=AUTO01 Right now I am glad that our main business is Ford/Licoln/Mercury. The other shoe (GM dealership closings) is due to drop very soon. I have several friends who are techs that are going in the unemployed category after this--and I feel for them.
  7. That was quite the test, and I did get the ICP question that you referenced right. I noticed several questions on there that were right out of power stroke land and I had some sympathy for my buddy sitting next to me who works for a Chevy dealer and does Duramax work only. Then I found a few questions that were way out there, and some that were fundamentally flawed. All in all, it was a good test and a good refresher on a few things.
  8. I have submitted three over the past few years and after a few weeks, I have always gotten a phone call at the dealership from someone at Ford following up. The people I have spoken with had no technical knowledge about the procedure--they just wanted to make sure they had all of the details about why I felt the labor time was too low. Nothing ever changed because of it, and I didn't hear anything from them afterwards. My feeling is that its a waste of time.
  9. Hell, I might actually buy one if it had the DTS logo!
  10. After I read this, I felt like the people in one of those horror movies who think that they have survived the homicidal maniac and are now going to get away only to be split in half with a machete right at the last minute. I was really looking forward to the warranty expiring on our local ambulance fleet sooner rather than later!!!
  11. Yeah, and if you follow the flow chart, when the EGR cooler gets replaced so does the oil cooler heat exchanger kit. No prior approval needed for the oil cooler now said the hotline because it is an automatic with EGR cooler R&R. I have had the exchanger out of a few of these suckers and they have some nice tight o rings holding them together. (kind of like the 7.3 tube type oil cooler when you replaced the o rings on the end header pieces--and it doesn't look like they give you any extra time to rebuild the oil coolers) Although, there is an op now for the flush like you said.
  12. Thanks for the timely replies guys--that worked just fine!
  13. Does anybody know how the hell these things are supposed to go? The tools for the older seals do not appear to fit this new seal (has a flange on the wear sleeve, red sealer already inside the sleeve, and a plastic ring in the package with it). The WSM doesn't say anything about this--just wanted some feedback if anyone knows the real info on this seal.
  14. I have a 2006 Fusion SE with the 3.0. It is a great car, and the only thing I have had to do so far is change the oil and rotate the tires. It rides nice on the interstate and has plenty of power. The fuel mileage is pretty good with the V6 also--I have gotten as much as 33 mpg when I drive it just right. Our other car was an older Taurus and let me just say it is a major step up. I would recommend the Fusion to anybody that asks!
  15. Ditto--I have seen that a few times when the head gaskets get really bad too.
  16. Is anyone here a technical expert for justanswer.com? How do you feel about selling off your hard earned experience and knowledge a little bit at a time? I am not sure what to think about it, but part of me thinks that it beats answering "free" questions that I get over the phone all the time. (only for "very good customers" of course) I would love to hear some opinions on this one. Thanks in advance.
  17. I had forgotten about the power steering fluid and they also sell the little bottle of power steering additive--and it really does help get rid of that nice Ford power steering whine.
  18. I've had a few of those injector flow tests show all is well only to find a fuel injector causing a misfire before. Sometimes as "low tech" as it sounds, swapping injectors around is a good way to find the problem. Frustrating isn't it?
  19. Thanks again Damon--I had a chance over the weekend to read through that info and there is quite a few differences in the aftertreatment system and some of the sensors. (oxygen sensors on a diesel--oh boy!) At least now I know a little bit more about these things until our Dealer can get us caught up with our technical training.
  20. I looked there already, but I only found it as part of one of the 6.0 red box kits and the price wasn't much better than buying directly from Rotunda. I know my Snap-On guy and our Mac guy haven't found anything for me on this yet either. I keep hoping they will come out with something. (I have the Snap-On ICP sensor socket for the 03-04 6.0s and the flat 6 point 10mm turbo bolt wrench and they work great--just no info on them making an IPR socket) Do all the International guys use the OTC sockets too? Maybe I'll just make one--after all some of the best tools are ones you make yourself.
  21. I don't see much difference either running it through the "machine" or through the fuel in the tank. I don't think that in most cases these flushes are doing any harm either (no matter which way you use the cleaner) its just that IMHO once a vehicle experiences a failure its too late for a flush. I do really like the BG transmission fluid machine--I use it all the time without the chemicals. We also have a new BG coolant exchanger that has a tank for new coolant and one for old. It allows you to push the old coolant out with new coolant--I don't think it works as well as the trans machine, but it isn't too bad.
  22. Dittos. Does anyone know of a borescope small enough to fit down the injector hole on a Powerstroke? There are times I would pay good money for such a tool!
  23. So at 8.2 hours (+ pressure test!) warranty time, is it possible to break even on this job? Any tips that might help out?
  24. For what its worth, we have a customer with an 08 F550 6.4 who installed a DPF back exhaust system and an "engine duster" air cleaner. He has had repeated check engine light concerns with DPF, EGT, and MAF codes despite the fact that all of these sensors check out fine. Sometimes depending on his use of the truck he will go for a couple of months with no MIL and then at times it will come on every few days. Has also had one DPF replaced under warranty so far. I can't say that I have conclusive proof that these changes are the root cause here (our FSE thinks so), but I can say that these 6.4s are very finnicky and even very small changes seem to affect them. Hotline told me that any change on these engines from where the air comes in to where the exhaust exits will cause a MIL eventually.
  25. One big problem we have here is that our manager likes to sell these BG flushes (especially diesel or gas injector flushes or induction cleaning) as a repair for a problem and not as a maintenance service. While the value of these as a maintenance item is debatable, I have rarely (if ever) seen a flush repair an actual problem with a vehicle. I know where to find a brand new BG diesel inject-a-flush apparatus for a real good price!
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