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About scott1984

  • Birthday 09/21/1984

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  • Member Title
    Sophomore Member

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    plymouth nc
  • Dealership Name
    Feyer Ford

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  1. After leaving the dealer world in 2009 and I'm back. Boy have they changed LOL
  2. Ok little update pulled secondary filter out some metal. So I pulled fuel lines on fuel cooler and found them loaded with enough metal flake to make a bass boat look dull. So fuel system it is
  3. As far as checking for metal I have not. But I will. Low pressure was 8-10psi. The truck ran fine before I removed heads
  4. Got an 2008 f350 6.4 with a ford reman. Came in pushing coolant tested both egr cooler found blown head gaskets Pulled cab and pulled both heads found both heads warped. Got the heads fixed put all back together bled the fuel system while cab was off no leaks. Super right nope. Truck cranked up ran good felt good about it. Next day came in to finish it up. Tried to start it and if would hit for a brief second and nothing hooked. Hooked the IDS up and seeing FRP was going over 5000 but I as soon as the key was key was released it shows 124 psi so I figured there must been air in the system bled again and no air. Im thinking the HPFP has gone bad but Im not 100% sure because FRP showing me that it hit for a second. Any help would be great
  5. They are a pain on the LMM transmission has to come out cause of a coolant tube runs directly over the turbo. If its a LBZ still bad but you can get it out just gotta go the pass. side wheel well to get the pipes loose. Need several 12mm 12 point sockets for all the pipes but the down pipe.
  6. scott1984


    6.7 turbo on 6.4 anybody heard about this yet
  7. If they aint used he must have put them in without the moly lube they sent and left the hood up. The indy may have priced his self of the job. Personally I love the 6.0 even when they were under warranty. I left the dealer world years ago and still get these things to work on but if had I this job I would send it away
  8. Manual transmission play hell on thrust bearings causing excessive crankshaft endplay.
  9. After reading this story. I wouldn't feel bad at other than his pop pass away. The kid should been after the first bolt broke to stop. Its time to learn that mistakes cause money. I don't mind helping people out I'll answer question but don't call me raising hell cause you broke something or did it your way.
  10. Any codes?? I would pull the glow plugs out and check manual compression. I wouldnt worry about long crank so much as the misfire. With 1 and 3 being side by side I would be looking valvetrain( bad valve, bent push rod, bad spring. Ive had new injector bad right out the box also by running buzz test it only checks the electrical side not the mechanical.
  11. Dude I know the feeling had it done to me before. They are easy the biggest thing is take your time. Cab bolts are different lengths also.
  12. Ouch man should have at least long blocked it with a ford remain.
  13. Star products makes good fuel pressure tester and great compression tester other than snappy or OTC. Keep lots of dummy plugs and egr valves in stock.
  14. Oh wow this thing is all to pieces. I love doing the exploring on these things. Its amazing on what you see. Even more so if they worked on it first.
  15. I know this sounds crazy but is the petcock in the radiator fully closed. Also check the intake and make sure its down all the way. Had one get me last ego cooler I put in. And one that note I vacuum test the ego cooler not pressure test. I had some pass the pressure but it fail the vacuum test.
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