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Everything posted by GregKneupper

  1. Seen front covers leak coolant but not an oil cooler.
  2. Fuel pump for sure. Have had a bunch with this code. It has always been a pump.
  3. I have seen a few of these also. One a customer brought on the drive missing. The advisors and managers all saw it running rough. He shut it off and when I went to check it out it ran perfect. I could not get it to miss any more. I replaced the injector on it and it never came back. So I do the same with the others that have misfire codes after everything checks out ok.
  4. You know Keith I would think so but that was not the case. Now I do not know high up these calls went but no one could tell us for sure yes or no on much. But the more I thought about it the more sense it made that it was normal. At 70 mph a 450 turns much more rpm. Therefore it burns more fuel which in turn plugs the dpf faster. Therefore it goes into regen much more. This is due to the gear ratio obviously. I found it strange that no one noticed this until we sunk a bunch of parts and labor into this truck. I would also like to let you know that this truck at first did have an actual driveability complaint originally along with the excessive regen complaint. I felt that the bad turbo seals would fix the whole problem but the regen problem never went away of course.
  5. Nope. Always rusted here. Lucky for us they are the only things that rust on cars around here.
  6. f 450's and 550's will regen more often than a 250 or 350. Quite a bit more. Our fse and I figured all this out the very hard and expensive way. Worked on a truck on and off over an 8 month period for excessive regen. It would regen about every 55 to 75 miles. We put everything on this truck and I mean everything. The fse made many calls to many people and no one could say for sure how often this truck should regen. No one could say if it was normal or not. After all was said and done I drove more and more f450's we decided that it was normal operation. I have had more with this complaint and I now just say it is normal. I also bet if you run codes on it that it will have a p1000 in memory now matter how far he drives it. That also appears to be normal.
  7. I have had a few vgt solenoids cause this concern.
  8. You should never assume that what the customer says he did was even done or done correctly.
  9. That is a bunch of crap. I would be more worried about our shop ids infecting a car than my personal one. Personnaly I do not think it is possible. But I would make sure that you have one that can handle the ids program.
  10. I recently did one with the cab on and just tightened the bolts with a wrench. It worked out just fine with no leaks. I think you will be ok. But I would make the clicking sound to guarantee it will work.
  11. This probably is a stupid question but what is IMO?
  12. Seen that many times. That is usually a good indicator that the egr cooler is on its way out. It starts to seep coolant and then those big chunks start to break off and stick in the valve.
  13. That recall 01b85 expired on april 1, 2004. Now rechecking 00s31 it appears as that it is still a good recall. Is that the recall that is actually on the vehicle? If so I would claim the 00s31 recall and I think it would fly as long as that is the recall on the car.
  14. This is just really a truly sad time for America. What it all boils down to for me is that these companies have been around forever and it looks as though they may go away someday. It is just so dissapointing to see that everything in america is for sale. And who is buying it all up? Foreign companies that want a piece of the pie. Everyone says "But they employ americans". Big fucking deal I say. Why cant a company from here employ our own people. Every damn thing I buy in some way goes to some one else over seas. All my kids toys, my furniture, my appliances, parts of both my cars, (they are both fords), and even my fucking beer is owned by some foreign corporation. Well the japs build better cars I hear. Ok. Maybe so. What is the excuse for china building all the pieces of shit that are sent over here. People sure love buying that crap up. I dont mean to rant but I am just fed up over everybodys non chalant attitude toward globalization. I am fed up with crooked politicians. I am tired of america looking like a joke while the japanese are put on pedestals around here. Everybody says america is the best country in the world. We do everything better and faster. It sure does not look like it when we all buy things from other countries all while waving our american flags made in china.
  15. I am really just being sarcastic Keith. I do realize that ford is in the best shape. Hopefully they can pull through this and be a better company in the end. I have noticed a dramatic improvement in the quality of their cars. I am just worried that one day the ball will drop unexpectedly and all of us will be hung out to dry. I cant understand how the big three just let the japanese waltz into the coutry and take over everything. It is time for ford to come up with something that will win these customers back. Toyota somehow convinced everyone that hybrid vehicles are the way to go and that is part of what has given them the competitive edge that they have right now. I personally am not convinced that hybrids are the answer to our problems. Ford needs to step in and introduce something that is better than a hybrid. Perhaps diesel cars or hydrogen vehicles. It is time for the american manufacturers to get their heads out of their asses and show people what they are really made of. I know that we can do better than them. We use to be the envy of the world. Why can we not be that again.
  16. I am starting to wonder if I should just go ahead and find a new job with another manufacturer and get a head start on learning a new product before everything really goes to shit.
  17. Ford is planning on closing approximatley 606 dealerships across the country. 367 of those are going to be in their large markets. This is stated in their business plan to congress.
  18. I have to agree with this statement as well. Unfortunately I do not think that the american public will take to diesel powered cars. We as technicians see the benefit of them but your average consumer still sees them as stinky loud engines that belch smoke when you accelerate. Americans have bit onto the hybrid craze and until someone can change their minds on hybrids I do not know if diesel cars will do well here.
  19. Keith, go to fmcdealer front page and check out the message from Ken Czubay. There are some links in his letter to fords plans. I have read the whole thing and I think that it sounds pretty good. Dont know if congress will go for it or not though. From the sound of it Ford is in a better position than the other two.
  20. Ahh yes. Of course the two shittiest nuts to get to are the ones that spin the most. At least for me. I get them out by removing the headlights and I have a 7/8 wrench that I bent to hold the nut.
  21. All I have been reading about the past few months is how the big 3 are finally going to fail. The problem is that no one seems to care and alot of people want it to happen. The problem is that none of these people abviously have anything to do with the american auto industry. I for one and quite upset over the current issues and am very worried about what is to come. I have always driven fords and even wanted to work on them since I was in high school. I have worked very hard to move up to where I am and to have a bunch of guys on capital hill debating whether my job is worth anything does not make me feel to well. I know that I can probably get a job else where but I really like to work on fords and can't really see myself working on anything else. I am curious as to what everyone else thinks of this. I would like to hear from people who would be affected by this and not some reporter who does nothing but bash the american auto industry. What are your opinions on the bailout and do you think it should happen. I know these companies have problems and have made mistakes, but the idea of being forced to drive a foreign vehicle makes me sick to my stomach. Cars are about the only thing that I can still buy that are made in america. Enough of what I think, what are the other opinions.
  22. when I pressure wash one I just do it outside against the building. We do not have any solvent tanks in the shop. I also do not pressure wash the entire intake out. I just do the egr passage and around them as there is where the problem carbon hangs around.
  23. I just use a regular pressure washer to clean the carbon from the egr ports. It actually does a really good job getting the big chunks out of it and not a single one has ever come back. I clean the intake on every cooler job I do.
  24. Cab removal on this truck was not a option as all the lifts in the shop were taken up and the truck needed to be repaired asap.
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