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    BC, Canada
  1. I have seen head gaskets leak on earlier tritons. The symptom was always overheating on initial warm-up cycle - to the point of guage pegged, loss of heat, coolant out degas & ck engine light on. after a few seconds it would be good for the rest of the day. They usually came to me after having water pumps,heater cores & rads replaced.
  2. I had one were the lines had been off a couple times before due to shorted wiring under cover & connectors popping off under cover that leaked with the new vitron seals. The banjo fittings wre concave (dished) - vitron seals didn't seal. I only found out after the cab was back on & job completed - bleeding air from fuel - fuel running onto floor. I replaced the lines. Watch for this as the copper gaskets would still seal.
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