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Everything posted by nunan

  1. swapped the fuel rail to the 04, same thing. we sent it out, i'm out of ideas.
  2. its amazing how a couple of idiots can screw up daily work life for everyone else..
  3. yea we can see some stuff on the genesys, but not much. I'm bringing it by my buddy who is gunna hook it up to his ids, and i'll go from there. thanks for all of the suggestions so far!
  4. I agree its all pointing. Towards a phaser.how do I test them out withput an ids?
  5. yeah we have, sorry i posted this from my phone after a 16 hour day at my shop and an 8 hour day at his. 04 f150, initially came in for a knocking sound. he concluded he didnt have the time to fix it in house, so he had the guy take it to another shop. the other shop took it apart, thinking it might have been the phasers (which is what i initially thought whne i was asked about it over the phone) theother shop tore it apart and saw the phasers werent missing any rivets and said they prob werent bad and suggested a jasper motor (no idea what the history or tech quality at the other shop was). so it goes back to my buddy's shop, and he farts around with it and figures its probably a motor. he didnt swap any phasers, replace them or any sensors. so he gets a junkyard 06 engine and asks me to help him. I tried to get him to just take some time and diagnose it before pulling the engine, but he insisted on an engine swap. so i got tired of arguing and figured i'd give him a hand swapping the engine (i'm only 21 and he's 34, so my opinion on certain things usually gets overlooked) so he gets this new 5.4 from the junkyard out of an 06 f150. we get it, it has a broken phaser connector on the passenger side (from the removal i'm guessing) and a few other sensor holes either plugged or broken sensors in heir place. so we swapped the stuff from the old engine (which i suggeste dagainst, but he didnt want to waste money when he didnt have to.) truck barely runs at idle, when revvin up it runs rough but runs. it will stall at idle. I had him replace both cmp sensors, check his wiring to make sure nothing is rubbed through or not connected. with the cmp disconnected, it runs smooth, lil rough but will stay running. when we run it through a KOER test (CMP disconnected) it will run through the test fine, and only code it will throw is a oil temp not up to snuff. koeo test shows the CMP disconnected when it is, and nothing when its not. I just talked to him and told him to see if the CMP connecter will possibly interchange with another sensor. he only has a genisys so i cant perform all the tests i used to be able to at ford. if i think of anything else I'll post it.
  6. my buddy's got an 04 f150 that i helped him throw a junkyard engine in. long story short we've been having a very hard time getting it to run right now. as it stands right now, the truck will barely idle, mostly stall and not setting a check engine light. disconnect the passenger side CMP sensor, and the truck runs fine. Connect it and it dies. no codes are set except the CMP sensor code thats set after its disconnected. I'm lost. any ideas?
  7. shit guys i'm sorry.. its been a long friggin day.
  8. Thanks bruce. I'm trying to get one, but the states cutting back on budgets and my district is startin early. we had isis at one time from what the othe rmechanic told me, but i've been given the run around on more than one occasion by my own shop and international about my isis account. thanks again for your help! hopefully itll be the last time i need basic information.
  9. trucks vin# is 1HVBABN52B941118 AIR BRAKE, 54 passenger bus. is has the 444e in it if that makes any difference. i need the adjustment spec for the front wheel bearings. thanks again
  10. uh yeah, huge difference. also now i'm doing all the fighting to get the tools in my shop, dont have anyone higher up to do it for me. new experience, but not half bad. sooner or later they'll get the point that i need certain things to be able to repair these trucks, and training to repair them correctly once more and more technology gets applied to them. well..hopefully atleast lol hows the shop doin keith?
  11. its an air brake bus, and yes the wheel bearing adjustment. my international dealer isnt in the shop today, and i have bus inspections monday and need the truck out of my shop
  12. sorry, i'll have the VIN this afternoon. another 12 hour day, on a saturday. and i dont have ISIS cuz the state doesnt want to pay for it. i'm lucky i have service manuals for my some of my buses
  13. Hey guys, i have an 04 international schoolbus, i just need to see if anyone knows the torque spec for the front wheel bearing, i dont have a service manual for it. thanks
  14. quick question, the 4 water pump bolts that go straight through to the block. do they go into water passages or anything? i need to drill one out, but dont want to crack into a water passage if possible. thanks
  15. because the timing cover had a bolt that was rotted in place and no matter what i did i couldnt get it out. heat wrench, stud removers, bolt extractors, reverse drill bits. I've gotten pretty good with rusted shit, but this one would not budge. was replacing the timing cover anyway, but i had to wrench the cover out so a bunch of crap fell in the oil pan and i wanted to make sure the pan was clean. i was pretty sure i could just sneak the gasket in there, but once all the shit from the cover and surrounding areas started falling in the pan i wanted to make sure it was clean.
  16. hey guys, i'm doing a timing cover on a 5.8 and took the pan off, well took it down. i'm trying to get the pan off, have the engine hoisted up and the trans jacked up as far as it can go, and still no luck getting it out. its hitting the oil pump itself, not the pickup which i already removed. workshop says nothing about the oil pump being removed, and before i remove it i wanna make sure i can get it back on without having to do some more finagling to get it back in. Thanks again
  17. thanks guys, the last one is the one i need
  18. hey, i have a really simple question that i cant answer and feel like an idiot because i cant figure it out/find it online. how the hell do i get the disc brake assembly off of a 97 f250 4wd? i've never worked on this kind of axle, and it seems like all i need to do is take off the retainer nut but nothing i've got here/bought kits has the correct socket. i found the part # for it on fmc but, can not find it on rotunda. i'm extremely confused. Thanks Chris
  19. lol will do. i'm gunna look at it closer monday, got tommorrow off.
  20. well i was able to pull the codes, and also do a buzz test (had to borrow a scan tool) koeo codes i got were p0273, p0274, p1265, p1275, p1291. all codes point to cyl #5, but i'm thinking it may be electrical instead of just a failed injector. buzz test, cyl 5 was way too quiet, so its all pointing to the circuit or injector #5.
  21. yeah thats what i'm doing as of now. i'll let ya know. 14 running? or 14 KOEO
  22. no buzz test, turn the key on and you hear the clicks of the solenoid kick on..few seconds later a loud click. almost like a circuit breaker tripping..
  23. dont have the tool to test fuel pressure, nor a scan tool to read what the voltages are. i dont have a book to see what pins go where, etc. scan tool is just a little code reader. fuel sample is clear in the bowl, lift pump operates fine (fills the bowl extremely quick..almost too quick as my parking lot found out..) and i dont think i heard the buzz test this last time..so i'm going to double check again.
  24. I'm lookin at one of my drivers trucks. its a 95 f250 with a 7.3 truck runs real rough on idle, but only after idling for a couple minutes. what happens is you start the truck, truck runs great, no misfire or anything and it revs right up and even drives nicely too, but after a few minutes the CEL comes on, and the truck lets out a huge puff of white/grey smoke, and the truck runs like its misfiring. I try to read the codes for KoEO, with my global ob2 reader and no codes are shown, when i go to read them with the truck running it wants to die every single time. truck has no leaks, the MAP sensor hose seems intact, my driver just changed the fuelfilter to see if it would change the condition, and it still happens. it was happening intermittently at first, and now its constant. any help or steering me in the right direction would be great, thanks
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