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Everything posted by robp823

  1. ahhhhh ok gotcha ill look into how expensive one is
  2. Yea Bruce your cut-a-ways are awsome!
  3. How do you get accurate torque with that doing the 90 degres three times???
  4. ahhahahaah well either way its gotta be done.Ill try that routine Keith, if it doesnt work ill go with the IC Jim.Thanks guys
  5. ok just wandering if maybe someone knew how to do it before i go searching but thanks for the link to that program!
  6. This will change the truck from kilometers do miles do you use ids?
  7. My dealer got a Canadian 06 f-150 and there wondering if there is anyway to change it from kilometers to miles????Anyone help here?
  8. yea i think after the the hell i had with the body mounts on this one i will try that next time.It does work quite well once you get the six bolts out and would def be a quick easy way if rust didnt exist.Thanks for all the help guys
  9. OOOOOOO wow explain!By the way love your crank seal installer!
  10. Cool, ill try that way next time.I already have 4 of the 6 cab bolts out except for the front 2 that are just spinning.So tommarow front bumpers coming off because the frame is fully boxed in the front and i need to find a way to keep these from spinning so i can get them out.
  11. Did you have the adaptors to lift the engine up?
  12. yea got the seats out no problem next time will use the blue wrench on the bolts...but i dont know how you can use heat on the front 2....
  13. well i have 4 of the 6 body bolts out but im stuck on the front 2 they are spinning and the frame is boxed in?????
  14. well i can get to the front 4 body mount bolts. the next 2 the seats have to come out?
  15. Is that safe?? do you keep a jack under the engine just in case??
  16. cool thanks i figured if anyone would know it would be you being how much you like working on E-series and all! just kidding of course
  17. Got an 06 E-series ambulance that i need to put injectors in on the right bank.Never did this before and was looking in the workshop manual and i guess you have to remove engine mounts and use a hoist and what not. Just wandering if there is an easier way to go about this because we dont have the adaptors 303-D043 to lift.I mean im sure i can rig somthing up to lift it but just wandering if you guys have any better methods.Thanks
  18. 2 times already ahahahahahah
  19. Well finally got to work on this thing again and got the head off.The head checked out ok with the new procedure and valves look alrite as well.This picture is cylinder 2 the one i had SFT +20 on. The pictures dont do it justice because they were takin with my phone but the piston is actually started to melt.It is deformed and the cylinder wall is scuffed pretty good.The answer i got from hotline is because the crankcase was overfilled(usually a lack of maintenance) It sucked oil/fuel up through the breather and back through the intake which was acting as extra fuel.
  20. Never been able to get one out yet without either breaking the egr valve or the puller breaking.Now i just get the valve and the intake elbow and dont even waste my time.My service manager surprisingly agreed with me
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