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Everything posted by robp823

  1. Hmmmmmm never even thought of taking the seats out.Ill keep this is mind for next time if it makes things easier.O and there will be a next time
  2. ahahahahah sounds like it.On the new common rail stuff you can use diagnostic equipment but on older stuff like that which i havent actually got to wrench on.What would be he procedure???I mean i think there is nothing electronic on 5.9s until 1998 with the 24 valve.
  3. That is pretty nasty. Ive had guys actually tell me to check for missing cylinders to crack lines like on old 5.9's with p7100 pumps.
  4. No joking around i think i need some!
  5. Hey Aaron, where can i get the instructions for it????My back is starting to hurt
  6. hmmmm I ran the engine and did a visual of the high pressure system but could not find anything.Im already low on compression so im not gonna continue with that diagnoses.Im gonna lift the cab and rip the head off. But next time im gonna fill the secondary housing with dye then run it.There was another test too cant remember though something to test to see if the high pressure pump is leaking
  7. o my god the wheel lift is awsome!
  8. Wow, thats pretty bad when the head bolts are rusted away.I too am in the Northeast and see stuff like this alot.Especially oil pans.
  9. no not affected by 09B08 and yes the lower cac tube had about a quart and a half of oil/fuel in it.So whats going on the injectors leaking or just shooting to much fuel and melting pistons from the heat?
  10. nice job man.Next time smoke check the exhaust tooo.Just pop out the ebp sensor tape the tailpipe and start smoking. I find leaks 99% of the time that way.
  11. Well you don't have to pull the cab to do head gaskets but it makes torquing the heads down way easier and you will get more accurate torque.Ive done it both ways, its all personal preference.As for a procedure for pulling the cab on a 6.0, i dont think there is one.Just take your time raising it up and keep your eye on everything.Example i forgot to disconnect the parking brake cable on the first one i did .Its looks like your in Pennsie as am i.What dealer ya work at?How far are ya from Scranton?
  12. http://video.competitiondiesel.com/recentvideos/13/bdc08ed5-330e-40e8-96c7-99c600203bed.htm
  13. This is what the glow plugs looked liked when i pulled them out today.Is this caused from overfueling? I also did compression test with cylinder 2 with 335psi and cylinder 8 340psi.The rest were up around 375-380 psi. I also ran the engine today wih the valve covers off and could find no fuel leaks in high pressure system.By the way Jim one helluva 6.4 problem was a good read and i will never trust relative compression on a 6.4 again
  14. Had a chance to play with the truck more today found sft-trim for cylinder 2 at almost 20.
  15. im interested to hear what the culprit is on this one keep us updated.95-97 dont have the high idle feature for cold weather correct?
  16. supposly when you run oasis it should flag a truck with recall for the injectors double checked it this morning anyway and wasnt one of them
  17. Actually i think i got my first 6.4 doing that today topic is in 6.4 forum and your right not a good sound.
  18. Would this be considered a loud knock???
  19. It sounded pretty good to me ahahahah
  20. i hope he blows the engine next time no wait no i dont cause my dealer will find some way to make it warranty.
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