Got an 08 f-250 6.4 come in with the complaint of a loud bang then truck shut off.Truck is lifted and im guessing the air filter was clogged because when i opened the hood the clips were undone on the filter lid, the inatke hose clamp was still loose ,the filter minder was unplugged and the air filter was brand new.Also if they went through all that trouble you would have thought they would just hit the button on the filter minder to reset it .The batteries were dead but when i finally got it started it it blew white smoke and has what almost sounds like a lifter tap. Crankcase was way overfilled and had DTC's P1336,P2291.So now im following TSB 07-8-9. Disconnected cac tube at bottom of cac and about a quart and a half of oil came out. Drain engine and way more than 14 quarts came out and oil stank of fuel and was almost like water.Ran engine again with proper amount of oil but still had my tap/knock and continued to blow white smoke.Did relative compresion with cylinder 2 down 2%.Did this with engine hot.Ran power balance ,cylinders 2 and 7 were down and when you turn fuel correction off the truck would almost stall.Then power balance was all over the place.Im following section A of TSB 07-8-9 and im about to pull the valve covers.This is the deepest ive been into a 6.4 so far and im just wandering if there is any tips you guys have for me or what i should be looking for???Maybe one or two of you guys ran into this before.
Help always appreciated!