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Everything posted by robp823

  1. Mchan68-Not a stupid question, This might be a stupid answer though i thought when the service writers run oasis that it would let you know automatically when running the vin???? Aaron-It was sucking oil through the crankcase vent before i set the oil to the correct level.Inspected in intake and was all soaked with oil. Also when removed bottom cac tube at bottom of the cac about a quart and a half of oil/fuel came out.The oil was broken down from the fuel and was almost like black water.Im following section A of the tsb because that section covers the dtc's i have but i have not seen any external nor any evidence of turbo leakage.
  2. Got an 08 f-250 6.4 come in with the complaint of a loud bang then truck shut off.Truck is lifted and im guessing the air filter was clogged because when i opened the hood the clips were undone on the filter lid, the inatke hose clamp was still loose ,the filter minder was unplugged and the air filter was brand new.Also if they went through all that trouble you would have thought they would just hit the button on the filter minder to reset it .The batteries were dead but when i finally got it started it it blew white smoke and has what almost sounds like a lifter tap. Crankcase was way overfilled and had DTC's P1336,P2291.So now im following TSB 07-8-9. Disconnected cac tube at bottom of cac and about a quart and a half of oil came out. Drain engine and way more than 14 quarts came out and oil stank of fuel and was almost like water.Ran engine again with proper amount of oil but still had my tap/knock and continued to blow white smoke.Did relative compresion with cylinder 2 down 2%.Did this with engine hot.Ran power balance ,cylinders 2 and 7 were down and when you turn fuel correction off the truck would almost stall.Then power balance was all over the place.Im following section A of TSB 07-8-9 and im about to pull the valve covers.This is the deepest ive been into a 6.4 so far and im just wandering if there is any tips you guys have for me or what i should be looking for???Maybe one or two of you guys ran into this before. Help always appreciated!
  3. injector interupt enhanced diag sheet.Is there a place on pts where i can print some of these off???
  4. I hear people talking about a fuel knock in diesel engines alot.Can someone please explain to me what it is and what causes it?
  5. na he takes it out everytime he brings it in
  6. I know, its my dealer,They will just keep taking care of himand it sucks.
  7. i think thats just what i will do prolly get in big trouble but i dont care
  8. yes very true i have had failed egr coolers but only when hott
  9. I think they will be forced to do it. With cummins working on a 5.0 v8 for the dodge half tons and gmc's confurmed 1/2 ton diesel
  10. got me excited youll have to open a teaser for the new 4.4l f-150 diesel too!!!
  11. yes he is planning on keeping the tuner and yes its warranty.The truck has 97,000 miles on it and the kid just bought it from us used.I tried to explain to them that if the truck made it 97000 without headgaskets and this kid has the truck for 3 weeks puts a tuner and a straight pipe on it and all of a sudden it needs headgaskets????? there is a somthing wrong there!
  12. refused studs, im going to tell my manager to stick it up his pie hole when its comes back!
  13. ok is that under the performance diagnostic procedurs?
  14. what are you using to test for combustion gases in cooling system??
  15. i have no idea who that one was about but it as damm funny!
  16. Got a good ole 7.3 in today, havent done much drivability on these so bare with. Customer complaint runs rough and intermittenly will just shut off. had a cam sensor code but there was a message saying to ignore it if there werent other dtcs with it.Also there was a code for the waste gate actuator but neither code is continous.the truck runs alrite under load but if you sit there and just hold it to the floor it will break up and blow blue smoke.Smells of fuel but if you take throttle and bring it to wide open slow it wont do it.Fuel pressure concern possibly???? Any help appreciated!O yea this is getting the cam sensor recall regardless
  17. got the heads off today and sure enough there is black soot in various spots where the gasket seals around the cylinder on the gasket(where the blue goo is).looks burnt
  18. hahhahahah i dont think so either
  19. o ok so alot of you guys are just basically making stuff to work??
  20. found this on a Power Stroke enthuisist site didnt know where else to post it enjoy. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch?e=20090309164019476
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