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Everything posted by robp823

  1. Its a box truck, attempted an overlay today but not sure if its gonna work. I talked to hotline and they said that there has been alot of problems with these harnesses and also that they are on national back order due to high demand. The worst part about this thing is that its intermitent so half way through testing the damm fuse doesnt blow.Ive basically been through the whole harness and cannot find anything.
  2. well checked all those spots and found no chafes everytime i unplug the mass air flow the truck comes to life with my test lite in place of the fuse.Tried switching with a known good mass air flow and nothing. i need a gun and a bullet right about now just about went through the whole harness on this thing chasing down circuits and found nothing.
  3. just curious to hear what some of you guys use for load testing??Any pictures of your setups would be cool. thanks
  4. Got an 06 that keeps popping the 5 amp mini fuse for the ipr,icp,maf etc etc.... Has alot of circuits on this fuse, just wandering if anyone has had trouble like this or knows any known wire chaffing spots only did a quick visual saturday.
  5. awsome all good info thanks guys i feel smarter
  6. Well i think the problem is in what you just said. The guy that owns the truck is a plumber. Im thinking maybe he cleaned out a customers tank and put it right into his truck.
  7. i just wanted to make sure there was no diffrence in the quality and not lubricating fuel pump and injectors properly
  8. not a problem ill def check out the article anyways were sending the fuel out for analysis to jersey per ford request and i did order a regulator for it
  9. thanks for the help..Got a link to keiths article?
  10. yea im stumped on this one said he changed the fuel filters ran fine then called back and said it was missing again replaced 2 injectors 7 and 8 figured they were just starved fuel from clogged filters also did fuel pressure test and was 45psi..ran fine ,came back the next day cylinder 5 miss replaced injector ran fine.now its back 1 and 3 are missing fuel pressure is at 40 with valve open and the fuel is bright red.No FICM codes relative compresion good just cylinder contribution codes for 1 and 3.I think im gonna try 2 more injectors and a fuel pressure regulator
  11. hmmmmmm...... well all very good points but its not under warranty anymore and the guy just dumped over 2000.00 on it so i just zipped tied the connector up and taped it off hopefully he wont have anymore problems. I explained to him too so if it does happen again he will no whats going on.He was understanding. Good customer
  12. Im guessing red diesel is home heating fuel ??? Could this hurt the fuel pump or injectors ???Is it the same lubricating properties and flash point just diffrent color?
  13. thats what i was thinking as well Thanks MEKANIK! ahahahah
  14. thanks bruce so should i put a new ebp on this or just leave it unplugged?
  15. ok so that is a saftey feature of the pcm if you short to vref?
  16. Ok....This is more like a question of why this would happen. I already fixed the vehicle with hotline help. The truck came in on the hook for no crank no start.Checked all fuses and relays everything was good. Batteries were fully charged, inertia switch wasnt popped,inspected all pcm and ficm connecters and all fully seated, no signs of wire chafes.IDS would not communicate with pcm it was like it was blank.So i contacted hot line and they said to start unplugging all sensor like MAF,EGR,ICP etc....to see if i had a short to v-ref.So i did and when i went to inspect the EBP the sensor was broke in half and barely held together.As soon as i wiggled it the truck fired right up.Now since 03's dont even use the EBP i just broke it right off and moved the connector out of the way for now.My question is if its shorts to v-ref why wouldnt it allow the truck to start or communicate with ids???? Saftey feature for pcm????Might seem like a stupid question but im still learning everyday. Any help always appreciated.
  17. Yes i was, this may sound stupid but i didnt know that simulated wot. I had exatcly 45 psi with valve open.closed around 55 psi.
  18. ditto here the injectors 7 and 8 were the ones that failed i now found out that the guy never changed the fuel filters before until right before he brought it in with 46876 miles!!!He said he changed them and the truck ran good for a day so canceled appointment.A day later called back and said it was doing it again my my guess is those 2 injectors being the 2 at the back of the head on each side were starved fuel.Checked fuel pressure was in spec 45 psi returned to customer was running fine that was yesterday. called back today said it was missing again i have a feeling im going to be putting more injectors in.I was told that as throttle increases expect a couple psi drop in fuel pressure does this sound correct?
  19. o No way! So its gonna be a rough test figured that much maybe you can help us pass it ahahahaha just kiding
  20. Anybody take ASE's??? Well they just came out with a new one for us diesel tech's. http://www.ase.com/Template.cfm?Section=...tentDisplay.cfm
  21. Had an 06 f350 come in running rough.I found 2 dead cylinders on power balance. Ran relative compression and no problems there.I had DTC's for cylinder contribution for those cylinders and one crank sensor code with was not continous.So i just got finished today putting the injectors in but didnt fire it yet.Once i was all finished my service manager came out with a tsb ive never seen before about before replacing any injectors to always check the FICM first for proper operation.Usually when the FICM goes or is on its way out i will at least get one or two DTC's for it but had none, well except maybe the crank sensor code.Well my first question is have any of you guys ever just had a truck miss on one or two cylinders because of a bad FICM???? Usually i get a least one DTC for the FICM if its on its way out or the problem pertains to it.My second question is when you guys are removing the high pressure oil rail on the right head what are you using to get the 2 torx bolts that are right next to the heater core housing?Tried using a 1/4 t30 but cant quite fit it so my buddy has a lisle brand 1/4 t30 thats a little smaller that i can just get in there.Any tips or tricks appreciated!
  22. the crank case breather tube on this is metal tube then goes into this thing called an enviro somthin or other ill take a picture of it tommarow
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