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Everything posted by robp823

  1. ipr would ramp up to 45 50% when starting then stay at about 30% idling icp would stay at 900psi when idling. did a leak check in high pressure system no leaks icp voltage koeo .26v
  2. ill check it out, got the ok to tear the engine out today after doing compresion test on all 8 and having good compresion
  3. I did cylinder heads on this truck 3,000 ago for fuel in coolant. The truck came back yesterday with the complaint of no power, smokes, wont go over 35mph. Went out and drove it in the shop , i never heard a 6.0 sound the way this one does.Codes were low icp ,low icp cranking and cylinder contribution balance. relative compression showed no major problems. power balance was all over the place. degas bottle had fluid in it very dark, maybe mixed with somthing but wasnt overfilled. pulled the oil filter out and it had this greenish /gold color tint to it and it was covered in metal shavings and copper looking shavings. drained oil and the drain plug magnet had shavings all over it as well. Im guessing this thing had a bottom end failure all that metal prolly bearings right? Anybody ever run into somthing similar?
  4. yea i do alot of lcf work i really dont like working on them, we do have the md truck software it helps. I did hear that about CAT not doing anymore on highway engines and if its gonna be hard to get info on these engines then screw it.
  5. My shop manager was talking about starting to bring in these trucks for service and drivability. My question is dont some of these trucks have CAT and cummins engines in them?? Is there any info on PTS about diagnostics for these engines or are we gonna have to order some shop manuals from CAT and cummins for powertrain diag and service procedures?? Any help always appreciated
  6. v configurations interesting hmmmm isnt that what gm's light duty diesel is going to be but a v-8?
  7. FICM_L-13.00V FICM_M 46.00-48.00V FICM_V 13.00V ALL AT IDLE
  8. no i will check ficm power pid cold.By load testing do you mean like a voltage drop?
  9. did pinpoint test P basically told me to retrieve dtc's, clear dtc's,carry out injector self test, and carry out koer.Are any dtc's retrieved it asks and i had none.then there answer is unable to duplicate concern,check for loose connection or corroded terminals wiggle the harness to try and duplicate concern.repair as necessary
  10. OK. Customer complaint was vehicle would not start but after a while finally did but would not go.Got in truck today and it started right up ran fine.So i ran self test and heres what i got. P0299-turbo underboost P2290-icp too low P2291-icp too low engine cranking P0261-cylinder 1 injector circuit low P0264-cylinder 2 injector circuit low P0267-cylinder 3 injector circuit low P0269-cylinder 3 contribution balance P0270-cylinder 4 injector circuit low P0273-cylinder 5 injector circuit low P0276-cylinder 6 injector circuit low P0279-cylinder 7 injector circuit low P0282-cylinder 8 injector circuit low The 2 ICP DTC's P2290 and P2291 had a TSB listed.TSB 08-18-6 So i went through the TSB .Started with checking ICP for biased and it was not.Then looking at the three graphs they have and comparing with my readings and everything seemed ok.Even when i got this thing hot it would still fire right up.I then brought the ICP pid up and tried wiggling around the connector still nothing.Cleared DTC's and they never came back. Why would it throw these 2 phantom ICP codes?? Next when i saw all these DTC's for low injector circuits i was thinking this could possibly be the begining of a FICM failure.Cleared codes and started wiggling the three connectors to the FICM around to try and duplicate concern but nothing. When i saw the P0269 cylinder 3 contribution/balance i brought up power balance turned fuel correction off and found cylinders 3 and 6 to be down.Now prior to this id say about a 1000 miles ago this truck came in for running rough and lacks power .I ran power balance and found injectors 1,5 and 8 to be dropping off considerably when i turned fuel correction off so i replaced them.And a 1000 miles before that 2 and 4 were dropping off as well so i replaced them.Also Before all that of course i did relative compresion and that was green across the board.Just to make sure there was no base engine concern.Could the FICM maybe be the problem the whole time just not giving me any indications until now???Did i replace all of those injectors for nothing? The turbo underboost DTC i found i think i found the problem for.I smoked checked the exhaust and found a leak in the right side up-pipe or feed pipe to turbo. Also ran air system test for egr valve just for the hell of it and it failed in the part where the egrdc pid increases and decreases and shows the pid ramping up and down. Finally while looking at the ICP pid on this thing at idle it looked weird.It looked like a noisy signal,like the wave was very short and spikey.I scracthed myhead and looked at some other pids ,take for instance the MAF and it looked kinda the same.Just spikey and close together.Is this normal for these engines?I took a picture with my camera phone (kinda krappy) but i dont know how to upload photos into post yet.Well any help always appreciated.
  11. yea i would get them started then after a few turns the cage nut would just start spinnin with the bolt from now on i will use some heat and penetrating oil
  12. ok looks like im bendin up a 7/8's wrench tommarow thanks boys
  13. ok first time cab removal on a 6.4.I printed the procedure right off pts and followed step by step.I'm up to removing the body bolts and did exactly what they said and didnt not use air tools to remove bolts but they all still spun with the nuts.I'm down to my last 2 bolts in the front and would't ya know it the nuts are spinning with the bolts.The only problem now is im having trouble fitting a socket over the nuts.Wonder if you guys have run into any problems with this???Any suggestions on how to get the front two bolts out up next to the radiator would be appreciated thanks!
  14. wow thanks for all the great info thought i was gonna get wow this kids an idiot ahahahhaha thanks again
  15. This might seem like a stupid question but is there any electrical test you can do to verify a block heater and cord is good besides just plugging it in and waiting to see if the block gets warm
  16. o boy this should be fun would the easiest way to do this be to pull the pin out of the connector at the pcm for the vref to the ebp that way i could at least wake the pcm up
  17. 06 e350 ambulance came in with mil on. Pulled a p0471 ebp sensor range performance and p0473 ebp sensor high input.Started it up pulled up pids and watched the ebp pid and the signal was erractic up and down. So i brought it in the shop pulled the doggy door,popped the connector off and found a piece of plastic on the connector was bent over,also pulled the sensor to check it out it looked ok.So going through ppt for both dtc's which is ppt x.It says the unplug the sensor and run self test again to see if you come up with p0472.Well i did that didnt come up with p0472 but didnt come up with a pcm or tcm either.ids wont reconnect its asking me to manually connect its acting like a blank pcm. truck wont start and im stumped. When i unplugged the sensor could i have possibly shorted somthing in the harness and fried the pcm??? any help always appreciated
  18. already replaced the oil rail block off plugs and stand pipes before going to the stc but thanks for the info on energizing the IPR will def make up somthing so i can do it in the future
  19. no didnt know you could ill try that do you supply battery voltage and ground right to the battery and that will open it?
  20. did air pressure test i heard no leaks although you cannot use output state control on these engines to command ipr they dont use ids they use a diffrent software called md truck launch pad
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