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Everything posted by robp823

  1. i had an lcf with long start hard crank only when hot found 2 tsbs one was for changing the oil plugs and stand pipes and the other for the stc fitting and branch tubes when replaced the oil plugs and stand pipes found oil plug o-rings had deteriorated and were ready to crack.replaced them and did not fix problem so now that i have taken the trans out and rockers to gain access to and replace stc fitting and branch tube what am i looking for as failiure??? slop in stc fitting??? hole in branch tubes???? any help would be appreciated thanks
  2. have a 4r1100 that wont shift into overdrive pulled a dtc for trans overtemp and a p0783 3-4 shift error fluid looks brand new and and was at correct level. overdrive light blinks on and off fluid also does not smell burnt not really good with trannies any help would be great
  3. cool thanks for the help guys my main concern was that oil leaking through into the connector
  4. have an 03 f-550 with some icp codes cant remember them off hand but one had a tsb with it for putting a new pigtail on the icp connector. Has anyone seen the harness to the icp melting or rubbing on anything on an 03 with the icp behind turbo stuffed back there.Also if oil is coming through the sensor into the connector part of the sensor will that set some codes possibly give you a bad icp reading.help always appreciated!
  5. robp823

    looking for 6.0

    came so close to getting an 06 6.0 truck engine off ebay for 650.00 with brand new heads cause the originals cracked above the cups but was outbid at the last minute so pissed
  6. are you implying you would rather have a v-10 than a 6.4?
  7. in this case raising the cab wasnt an option this was a u-haul truck with a conversion on it to drive cars right up on top of the truck . Couldnt lift the cab with the ramp right over it and the 2 support beams in front mounted to the bumper
  8. is the a trick to doing the right side head bolts? cant seem to fit my torque wrench in there
  9. anyone know when ford will start training for these?
  10. that is a good idea what could you use to put over the t-stat housing though to pressurize it some kind of adaptor
  11. robp823

    looking for 6.0

    yes very true thanks for the input
  12. anybody got the special tool to pressurerize the system i guess its a quick connect that goes in line with the degas bottle from the radiator
  13. thanks for the links to those topics very helpful i see what you mean now im prolly gonna end up puttin heads on this thing by the way bruce's cutaway is titties.
  14. robp823

    looking for 6.0

    o dont get me wrong i love my 7.3l just thought it would be cool to try something diffrent besides alot of the problems that you have with the 6.0s can be avoided for instance head studs, egr block off and non vgt better turbo
  15. I got one in today for a strong fuel odor and degas bottle overflowing. Brought it in and sure enough fuel and coolant were overflowing out of the cap. The first thing that came to mind was injector cups just remembering that happen on a couple 7.3s. Called the hotline just to make sure i was right because i couldnt find anything in the PCED or workshop manual on this.Hotline said i was absolutley right and told me the best way to check them is to pull all 8 injectors, clean out the bores in the cups, rub palmolive down in the cups , spray them with water to activate the soap and pressurize the cooling system. He said then to look in the bores for bubbles also on the heads for cracks in the castings above the cups.Well my questions to you guys are that the WSM says you have to pull the heads to install new injector cups,Is this true? Also is this what you guys do to find the leaking cups?? Any help or advice always appreciated!
  16. robp823

    looking for 6.0

    its going into a 96 f-250 extended cab long bed 4x4 well im trying not to invest that much money into it i figure if i can get a bad one or piece one together from parts i have collected it would be cool. i was thinking 12 valve but everyone and there cousin has done that swap plus 6.0 does have some nuts like the sound of a v8 diesel better anyway /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  17. robp823

    looking for 6.0

    its for a re-power doesnt have to be running will rebuild if i have to trying to stay away from 2003 though
  18. robp823

    looking for 6.0

    looking for a 6.0 engine for a project just wandering if anyone might be selling one or know someone who is?
  19. Its so dead that im standing here on the computer replying to this at work. Rob in NEPA
  20. wow i started this thread so long ago i cant believe its still going strong
  21. well i get that pop noise through the intake on hard accel somtimes not letting off the throttle i know what you are talking about when you let off and hear that flutter but this noise is a pop on accell and if you look out the rear view mirrir everytime you hear it it puffs black smoke out the tail pipe
  22. When you get the typical turbo boost performance codes when you hear that popping through the intake and then the puffs of black smoke is that the egr valve opening as kind of a saftey feature from too much boost?
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