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Everything posted by robp823

  1. Thank you.Got a wire diagram faxed to me for it today.Going to check it out tonight.
  2. If it is indeed pre 2004 non emisions then the injectors are identical to a 7.3l.There is a UVC harness connector on the left side of the valve cover that will need to be unplugged.You may have to replace the orings for that.Sometimes you can get away with reusing them.You can squeak out the valve cover without removing the dog coop by removing the AC compressor.Just take it out slow.Be carefull when sliding the valve cover out because it is easy to break the plastic clips for the injector harness.On the back right side of the engine you will have to remove the bolt and the breather from the valve cover.Be sure to get a new oring for that because the old one will not be able to be reused.Once you get the injector removed i usually use a hand vacumm pump with a hose to suck out the cylinders.The oil rail is actually mounted on the left side of the head.Hope this helps.
  3. The other morning i went out to move one of our plow trucks.2004 chevy 2500hd with the 4l80e.Started it up and put it in drive and it wouldnt move.Tried manually shifting to 1st 2nd and 3rd and it would not move in any of those gears.Reverse works fine.Anyway reverse it into the garage and check the fluid.Fluid was full but smells burnt and it is black.If i rev it up high in the rpms it will start to creep.Checked for faults-none.The only thing i found looking at the data display with my solus that for the 3-2 downshift solenoid it was showing short to gnd 'yes' on the scan tool.Anyway had other things to work on so i pushed it out of the garage.That was yesterday.Today i went out to get it and now it works fine in drive.Brought it back in the shop and dropped the pan.Fluid is black.Found no broken parts in the pan just a magnet covered in about an 1/8 inch of aluminium paste.With the pan off i used the functional test and operated all the solenoids.I could hear them all click except for the 3-2 downshift solenoid.Im going to troubleshoot the solenoid issue but thats only a downshift solenoid.The description for the solenoid is just to make downshifts less harsh.Is it possible that i could have just had one of the valves sticking in the valve body.It was only 12 degreess out that morning.Any help appreciated.
  4. Well we found the problem with this one.I pulled all 6 injectors and injector cups.The bottom injector o-ring on all 6 injectors that seals off the combustion chamber was gone.Also the bottom o-ring on all 6 injector cups was pretty much gone on all of them as well.Re o-ringed cups and injectors.Been running the truck for 2 weeks.No more black coolant.Thanks for the help guys.
  5. Yesterday i did find the precooler leaking.Im going to have to replace that then retest.As for the bottle test i have never done that.How do you perform it?I did flush the system yesterday multiple times until only pure water came out.I filled it back up with water again and im going to check it when the driver gets back today.
  6. Thank you for the advise so far.Its not pushing coolant and there is no smoke.The driver just noticed it when he checked it the other day.I did not pressure test the system yet.I did however use a combustion leak detector to check for the presence of combustion in the cooling system and it turned out positive.Is it possible the the coolant could have been mixed or broke down over time?Im going to drain the cooling system and flush today.
  7. I have another C15 that were having issues with.One of the drivers checked the coolant today and said it was black.When i checked it out it was indeed black but not oil.It appears to have soot in the coolant.Could this be a head gasket???Installed a combustion leak detector and results were positive for combustion gas in the cooling system.Just wandering if anyone has any experience with these engines if there is a known concern for this??Maybe cracked head??.Truck has 320,000.Engine serial is a MXS.Maybe Dieseldoc can chime in.
  8. Dieseldoc,Do you have alot of CAT experience?
  9. Found the problem with the headlamps as well.One of the connectors behind the grill connector c133.Found the headlamp power circuit wire pregnant with corrosion.
  10. Found the problem.The trans harness was rubbed against the external filter mounting bracket.The only problem is when i went to return the truck it was dark out and noticed the truck had no headlights.Checked voltage going to headlamp relay,only 2v.ahhhhhhhhhhh!The saga continues!
  11. thank you keith.Going to check the usual rub spots tonight and do some testing.
  12. I was able to flash codes out of it tonight.I have p0706 and p0707.I gotta get the vin. Maybe someone could run it for me for TSB's.
  13. Thanks Bruce.Yes im a dealer tech but like i said this is not at the dealer.Its a friends of mine.I have DLC2 on my own laptop but not the trans program to talk to it.I thought there was a program on the EZtech at work that talked to them but wasnt sure.I knew that they were pretty much the same truck as a citystar.Only been with international for a little over a year.Anyway thanks for the info.Ill go tommarow and see what codes i can get out of it.
  14. Working on a 2005 LCF for a friend.It shifts erratic.downshifts,upshifts,nuetralizes whatever it feels like.No trans light on.No engine codes.Unfortunatley i have nothing to see if there is trans codes in it.The only thing i have to go off is that i noticed that under the shifter there is some kind of actuator that keeps clicking on and off intermitenly and rapidly.I dont work for Ford anymore.I work for International.So i dont have access to check for codes.Trans fluid is full and clean.Seems like a wiring issue or possible power and ground.Anyone run into this?Or have they had problems with the shift interlock system?
  15. Yes i was suspecting the turbo or the air compressor but before i go condeming that id like to get an actual reading and compare it to the spec.Had that happen to be on a series 60 before where the turbo was pressurizing the crankcase.Good read though.What i really need to know what crankcase pressure spec is also if someone has some creative way of testing it without the 5000.00 tool.We do have a couple cummins and International ones draft tube adaptors at work with diffrent size orifices.
  16. I have a CAT C15 Acert serial number NXS16141.Its a truck in a fleet that i help out with part time.The owner is concerned about blowby.I cant get any straight answers on how much oil its using.I inpsected the road draft tube and its fairly dry including around the oil pan.It does build up a considerable amount of pressure if you hold your hand over it for a few seconds.While its running it is smoking out the draft tube as well.I wanted to do a crank case pressure test.I was on the CAT SIS website under testing and adjusting and found the blowby test.It doesnt tell you how to do it though.It just gives you the tool number and a picture of it NEHS1087.It isnt just your typical orifice that you would stick in the road draft tube and measure inches of water.Its an electronic instrument with all sorts of adaptors.Looks like it actually has a pressure transducer that you put in the road draft tube.Had my parts department look up the price and its 5,000.00!Anyway if there is any CAT guys out there that can chime in that have maybe used alternate methods to test for this on this engine please chime in.ALso i cant even find a spec for what the crankcase pressure should be!
  17. Sorry it took me so long to update this.I finally pulled the valve cover off while the engine was hot.Ran engine.Cylinder 2 top injector oring was completly blown out.Never seen that before.Lesson learned.I appreciate all the help guys .Thank you.
  18. Well it actually turned out to be the starter.When i got over there checked for power at single pin connector at RS fender and load tested with a headlmap.Had good power.From there did same thing at starter.Had good power.Tried jumping the starter and nothing would happen.Put a new starter in it.Problem solved.
  19. I have a known good IPR valve in it when the problem is occuring.Problem usually only occurs when EOT is up over 185 degrees.Is it possible for an injector to bleed off that much ICP???
  20. Finally got this thing to act up and got a recording.Bruce i tried getting ICP volts but using Diamond logic controller 2 it just kept saying NA.This is wide open pulling a hill.At around 31 seconds is where it throws the fault code 333 and goes to derate and the ECM goes off its calculated values.Before that you can see how much lower ICP is than ICP desired.The IPR is pretty much at 65% the whole time.Thoughts?
  21. Bruce im sorry the IPR was energized when i did the dead head test.Was going from 6 in the morning till late last night .PM me your number and i will call you tommarow.Thank you
  22. Im not sure yet.Im going back over tommarow for further diag.I left the fuses pulled and he said it did it again.Prolly should have unplugged the entire module from the network though.
  23. Ok......So lets recap.Ive tried an IPR.Tried a test ICP sensor.Checked over connectors to IPR ,ICP and ECM.Ohmed and load test circuits for those.Shooked down harness.Now i just got finished dead heading the pump with an actual gauge,cranking after getting it hot,the pump makes almost 5,000 psi.Thats without energizing the IPR.I agree with you Bruce on it being unlikley bad injector orings.Could the pump just be acting up intermitenly????I dont have have a test Pump.Pumps are expensive.So when i tell this customer it needs a pump i want to be right.Unfortunatly the only time ive ever gotten it to throw the code and cel i did not have my laptop hooked up.I do have DLC2.
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