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Everything posted by robp823

  1. ahhahahah got in there and did just that and it fired right up.Thanks guys!Should i even bother load testing the cam sensor circuits or just put the harness in???
  2. My dealer doesnt have diesel diag sheets.I suppose i could print some out.Anyway watching pids while cranking FICMSYNC and SYNC read no while cranking and FUELPW reads 0.
  3. 2005 E-Series crank no start.Its just a regular E-Series no ambulance.Fuel pressure is good builds ICP quick should fire.Only codes were B1318-Battery voltage low,B1352-Ignition key in circuit fault,P2614-Camshaft output circuit open.The P2614 was non continous however the B1318 and B1352 are continous.Followed the PPT for the B1352 for the hell of it and led to replace the cluster.But i dont think that a cluster would cause a no start.Batteries are a little iffy.Even with the charger on them they only crank healthy for about five seconds then start to drain out.Visually looked at the cam sensor and connector and looked ok.Any ideas fellas????
  4. Can you do power balance and relative compression with the enhanced fmc software?
  5. Actually i just plugged into my buddies 6.0 and pulled some codes.
  6. o im sure it will pull the codes fine.
  7. you are correct Bruce.It does well with 7.3s and even does injector buzz test.As for 6.0 and later im not sure never had it hooked up to one.But it is updated via internet through a cable.
  8. Matco MD9001A Scan Tool.Like new,only used about 4 times.make offers!Pics can be seen here. http://scranton.craigslist.org/tls/1684815929.html
  9. you def should.This plain out sucks!Surprisingly through ford a new lock cylinder and the door lock cylinders was right around 50.00.A whole set!
  10. ahahhahahah im gonna give the drilling a try.I know I know aaron, i should have made a spare.Kickin my own ass and hos tooooooo!
  11. Ok, the guy that was doing the body work on my 96 lost my only key,Is there a way to get the whole tumblar/ignition switch out without the keys?
  12. Does anyone have a side by side pic of elongated T-stats and good ones?
  13. yes i have the user name and password and ive done a get/send before.I was just curious has to how it updates it.I guess when you do a get you automatically get the latest versions.
  14. just flash it and it will automaticly update?Thanks
  15. Does anyone know how to update the PCM in F-650 with 6.0.Do you use the MD software or IDS or combination of both.Got one here that is a dog till it warms up.Just want to make sure it has the update for cycling the spool valves.Thanks in advance.
  16. Just out of curiosity, does it have the updated stc fitting?
  17. I have swamps injectors in my 7.3l.They do really good work.
  18. Well im not working on it so im not into it.I only can suggest what to do .I do know at a hot idle lots of blue smoke.
  19. For my i got right around 15 hours.But i did not know you could claim time for the debris check.Whats the labor op?
  20. well i got lucky arron.When i went to disconnect the sensor the wire fell out of the back of the connector.Found the same connector pin in a 6.0 harness i had laying around soldered in the wire and it was good to go.
  21. The only thing that they gave me trouble about on my prior approval was when i sent it the first time they sent it back saying they wanted the pump gasket ohm test results with engine hot.Once i sent them the results they gave it to me right away.
  22. They have actually been doing this for a long time on 7.3ls.They solder in a resistor and it boost the voltage to the injectors.People claims it helps with throttle response and what not.
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