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Everything posted by robp823

  1. Well the one my neighbor just had in the shop the highest reading was 355.The lowest was 270 or sooo.He was just gonna put injectors in it but i convinced him to do a compression test.Thank god.Silly duramax technicians lol.
  2. i went to test drive it and it was guttless.Then cel came on.Thought, actually was hoping i just forgot to plug something in but nooooooooooooo! fml
  3. Yea i ve been there before.Dammit! I just got finished putting the cab back down on this thing for a total different issue.
  4. What is the compression spec for a 7.3l Power stroke.
  5. Will a P040D cause the engine to derate????
  6. Just had the same thing in the shop.P0088.Followed ppt test and it ended getting a pump.Mine too was fuel pressure to high.Had to be one of the solenoids sticking.Took forever but i finally got it to act up for me.
  7. Hey Keith, what gauge were you using to test fuel pressure and where?
  8. yea i heard about them being on backorder.But some how one miraclesly showed up at my dealer today after only waiting 2 days.
  9. I dont have the vin off hand but the midship one i priced from rockauto was around 80 bucks give or take.If you get me the rear sending unit for close to that price i would be very happy.Please let me know.Thanks!
  10. I found the midship one from rockauto for around 80.00 but cant find the rear one anywhere.
  11. I agree are you sure thats not for the gasoline engines?
  12. WOW....those are really good prices!Through who? Can ya help me out?
  13. This is for my personal vehicle.Its a 96 ext-cab long bed powerstroke diesel.Wandering if anyone knows where i can get the sending units for the midship and rear tank for a decent price(better than dealer) Thanks!
  14. Yea the new duramax's use there own separate injector for regen as well.In my eyes a way better design.
  15. Its funny you say that Bruce.My dad has been living down there for quite sometime now and has been shopping for a new truck.Thats all he has been talking about is how clean some of the older trucks he has looked at are.He looked at some older models that look like they just rolled off the showroom floor.I told him next time im in the neighborhood for a truck im coming down there.Thanks again ,enjoy FL!
  16. Bruce, this may seem like a dumb question but If perdels can only be used on 99.5 and newer then what can we use on 94-97 model years??Also got a link to break down mfdes and its use for me??Keith where are you???Lets get this video up! hahahhah. Go 99 and 18!
  17. Off to exton PA 3/9-3/11.Did anyone notice on stars that 6.4l class is gone.There trying to get a tech certified in my shop for it but it is gone from his planner.Its also gone from a couple other guys planners.Will they just be grandfathered in or will it be 6.4/6.7 class?
  18. What method are you guys using to diag weak injectors.Have a 2001 f-250 here that runs a little rough at idle and coughs a bit through acceleration.My dealer has the injector performance analyzer.no codes.Has anyone had expirience using this??Any input or advice would be great.Thanks
  19. Bruce, the tools we have are the otc 014-00934-4 injector replacer sleeve and 014-00934-2 injector sleeve tap pilot.My guess is a super slow leak because the cooling system only lost a half pound of pressure over about an hour.We are going to clean the injector cups again and let it sit and continue to try and find suspect cups.The only other possible cause for this could be a cracked head correct?
  20. well we have all injectors out and system is pressurized but we are having trouble finding the suspect cups. the only thing we can see is the cups fill back up after letting sit for a while.Is it possible for a super slow leak? the degas bottle wasnt overflowing when it came in just filled up to the top with the mix of coolant and fuel.Also can the replace all cups with heads in vehicle? The other thing is the cooling system is holding pressure.You said 99% of the time its the injector cups...What is the other 1%?? Cracked head?
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