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Everything posted by robp823

  1. 2002 f-250 with fuel in the coolant.Im not actually working on this truck but the guy needs a little help.From my understanding this is usually due to a bad injector cup(s) correct?Just wandering what the procedure is or testing is to find faulty cup(s)?
  2. Hey Keith, What is the next step to find the affected cylinder(s)?Ive got all of bank one missing.
  3. wow that picture is crazy never seen a cab off on an ambulance before!
  4. Well i did check everything you said but after the dent in the rear cover and the bent branch tubes its getting an stc and branch tubes.thanks though
  5. I am working.Just went to do a prior approval for a short block and a head in an ambulance but there closed!O well now ill kill some time on DTS after all it is Christmas!
  6. i just wanted to know for piece of mind
  7. I actually had another truck come in for frequent regens and after reading this topic the first thing i did was check the MAF and low and behold it was very dirty.Cleaned with some spray cleaner cleared codes sent it on its way.Customer says its running beautiful now.
  8. yea i have another ambulance apart now.Comparing the one from the f250 and the ambulance ones not much better than the other there is a ton of side to side slop.
  9. yea i think im putting a branch tube assembly in just to be safe.One other question there shouldnt be any play on an stc fitting correct?
  10. I would do fuel pressure test and check your filters.Might need a fuel pressure regulator.Also the check valves get dirt and crud in them might not hurt checking them but jeff is right you def want to find root cause or it will just be back for more injectors.I too had one running off road fuel that had multiple injector failures.Your going to get many diffrent thoughts on that.But from what i was told off road doesnt have the same lubricating properties. The root cause of the one i had wasnt the off road fuel though it was combustion getting in the fuel rails.
  11. well once i got the cover off and the pump out there is a huge indintation of wear the stc wacked off the back off the rear engine cover.
  12. got the stc fitting out and it seems pretty tight.Could it still be a failed part without and signs of damage?
  13. Has anyone ever actually had any branch tube failures.I have an 05 in my bay right now will only build up to 400 icp.Standpipe and dummy plug o-rings look ok except for one dummy plug 0-ring has started to get deteriorated, ipr has been replaced now im just down to branch tubes, stc, or pump.Im going after the stc next.Just curious though because the air i hear leaking doesnt sound like its coming from stc it sounds like its coming from down in the valley where the branch tubes sit.
  14. thanks aaron Has anyone had problems with the pressure sensor??
  15. So why does web based tell you it doesnt affect performance....I think they need to update that or if someone has the TSB number for characteristics of regen..
  16. While were talking about regen a couple quick questions...On PTS if your taking the 6.4l web based training it says that passive or active regen will not affect engine performance...Is this true??Also does anyone have the tsb number for characteristics of regen???
  17. Yes but will a leak in the High pressure oil system cause a stall??
  18. Also do you have to remove egr cooler on e-series to pop hpop cover off??
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