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Everything posted by robp823

  1. Yea i know and i have had bad stc fittings where they only act up sometimes also this thing was taken to a local garage and they threw a FICM at it with no luck.Ive only done one harness on an e-series som far and it wasnt fun.
  2. I have a 05 ambulance here.Customer states that when its warm the vehicle will not restart. Also that the vehicle stalls sometimes.So i immediatly think dummy plugs or stc fitting.Go out to start vehicle had a very long crank watching oil pressure gauge not moving then finally saw oil pressure reading on gauge then it fired. Pulled 2 dtc's P2614-CMP output circuit open and P2617 CKP output circuit open.Cleared -retest and they are non continous.Drove the thing for like 20 miles couldnt get it to stall.Shut off after a good run and fired up no problem.ICP and IPR look normal.It does have a miss on cylinder 3 but only when fuel correction feature is turned off.So i guess my questions are Can a bad stc actually make the vehicle stall????The vehicle is running fine and starts fine now but if i do Air pressure test will this still identify my leak???Or am i going the wrong direction all together and should i be load testing CMP and CKP circuits?
  3. Have an 06 LCF puking trans fluid out the vent.Had a p0756 sspc-b circuit,clutch or solenoid failure in it but non continuous. Flushed cooler ,Pulled cap off vent and inspected for dirt or debris,Did tranny service and it stopped.Now its back venting again.Did not check for codes yet because our ids is down.Anyone have any problems like this?
  4. I don't know if any of you guys out there have had to deal with this but it seems like i'm getting a lot more complaints about it lately.For example, I have an ambulance that the customer refuses to pick up because they are insisting there is a fuel leak.They say it fills there garage up with the smell and burns there eyes.Now i have been over and over this truck again and again and there is no leak what so ever.Let it run outside for 2 hours today and not one single drip from anywhere.Top of engine is bone dry everywhere.I have another guy that complains about the smell of exhaust in his f-350.I put exhaust manifold gaskets on this truck smoke tested numerous times and still complains of a smell.Does anyone else out there had similiar problems?
  5. Got to do headgaskets on a 96 f series.Is doing these similar to 6.0s where the head bolts on the rear of the heads are really close to the firewall and you have to use rubber bands to hold them in place and guide the head in??
  6. cool thanks it sounds like a good plan to have spare ones on hand.
  7. Ok well after resistance checking and load testing all the powers and grounds to the FICM and also the communication circuit and finding nothing wrong.I had an excursion in the bay next to me so for the hell of it i swapped FICM's and problem solved.
  8. cool ill look for it or if you have a link???
  9. hmmm well i got tied up with an stc fitting on an lcf today but i will give that a shot tommarow.
  10. Got an 07 f-450 that bucks and jerks.The only codes in it were a p0528,p0148, and p1705.My p0148 keeps coming back.Anyone ever get this DTC before???Fuel Delivery error??This is the first time ive seen it.Watching pids everything looks normal except when it happens ficm sync goes to no.Fuel filters are good and fuel pressure is in spec with the valve on the tester open.
  11. Will a cylinder head from a 2000 7.3l work on a 1995???
  12. Brad i appreciate your kind words, that means alot especially when your somewhat new at this and dont here it often. the first thing i did was unplug the maf and no change.mchan, i took a quick peak at the pcv hose and the protective covering over it was all torn and what not.Ill get a better look tommarow.Where is a good place to ingest this pig with some smoke?
  13. yes i didnt get a lo of time to work on this today just seeing what ideas you guys might have
  14. 99 f-350 V-10.Well i got this one thrown into my lap today.Customer had heads off due to spark plugs breaking and had to put 2 new valves in one of the heads.When you start the truck up its goes right to 3 grand and stays there.If you give it throttle it will climb and wont come back down.So just for the hell of it i had a spare IAC so i swapped it out.Started up , idled rough a couple seconds then stalled.Started it back up again went right to 3 grand again and stayed there.shut it off Start looking around the engine for anything obvious and nothin.So i started thinking maybe its sucking air somewhere it shouldnt.So i went to start it again and it dies and all i smell is fuel.Went to start again and the starter takes a shit.No codes, when it did run SFT are at -7.
  15. Thanks guys but you dont understand what im dealing with.I tell my service manager and his response is what do you want me to do about it.Well im working on a 98 e-series and the wsm says to use the gauge bar and the tee but it shows hooking it up at the fuel filter housing.Ive never done a fuel pressure test on any 7.3 powerstroke before.Is it similar to the 6.0 where fuel pressure is checked at the back of the cylinder heads or on the filter housing???This thing has 450,000 on an original engine. I got it to throw ICP too high so im almost postive this is a fuel pressure issue.Brce how bout some pics?Thanks
  16. Is there any other option for doing the high and low fuel pressure test on a powerstroke if you dont have the gauge bar or the adaptor tee?????
  17. Yea very true next time ill just have to walk away
  18. Well i went back to work on the truck today and i had enough bolt left sticking out to weld a nut on them.So i gave it a shot.The bolt started to turn then snapped flush in the head.The weld held but the bolt didnt. What the fuck.So i didnt even bother trying any of the other ones.Good idea though Aaron i will def do that next time im in a situation like this.Im sure it usually works but this is an out of the ordinary situation.Ive never seen a truck this bad with rot on everything underneath.Larry i picked up PCF, its rated for 500 degrees and filled in the part where the head was messed up.Ill give it a shot but you are right this guy new exactly what he was getting into with this truck and yes im doing it as a favor.I think he only paid 2500.00 for it.Its an old Jersey township plow truck.Just to give you an idea how bad this truck is when pulling out the inner fender well part of the fender came with it! The oil cooler looks like if you press on it hard enough with your finger it will go right through it.Right now im guessing my last and final option here is drill out the broken bolts to the same size and retap them or find a cylinder head.The only good thing about this whole situation is that the guy is pretty mechanically inclined and isnt rushing me or nothing.So he pretty much knows what a pain in the ass job it is.
  19. Ok...So one of the salesman says his buddy just bought a 95 f-350 powerstroke and it has a big exhaust leak and asks me if i would take a look at it.So i say yes and i have him bring it in the shop after hours.So i pull it in and sure enough its got a huge exhaust leak at the left side manifold.A closer look shows that the last 2 bolts closest to the up pipe are broke off flush and there is about a 1/4 inch gap between the exhaust port and manifold.So i agree to fix it for him.So i go to his garage to get wrenching on it and once i get the inside fender well out i see that not only is this thing rotted to all hell but there is nothing left of the heads of the bolts.In fact you cant even tell where they are.Its like they have become one with the manifold they are rotted so bad.So out comes the torches.I get the manifold off and i have about a half inch of bolt showing for all exhaust bolts.So i think easy cruising ,get my stud extractor out and start wrenchin some more.After 2 broken stud extractors i was only able to get 4 of them out.So now i say to myself, ok just grind down whats left of them close to flush with head and drill the rest out.So i start grinding away and sure enough i lose my footing and end up taking material away from where the manifold seals off the port and its to much for the gasket to compensate for.Now im pissed.So heres my question.Can i put some weld in there to fill it in sothe manifold will sit flush against the head???Also this is the worst one i have ever had to do...If for some reason i cant these out with an easy out what is my last resort???Any help appreciated.I sure got myself in a pickle here.
  20. Im already Ford certified in diesels.What do i need to do to get master certification?
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