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Everything posted by fabfoes87

  1. Thats not even that bad. The flame wrench is probablly the most used shop tool we use due to the corrsion rate.
  2. I'm sorry to say that the reason for pan replacement was due to extremly rotted out pan. No other oil leaks present. My only thaught is must have been oil that had driped down onto matting surface of block and not allowing rtv to properly cure. On one good note, customer came to in see how his truck was, and he could't tell the engine was even out. but still major f%@k up on my part.
  3. Did my first oil pan. Took 14 hours. Pulled engine. Installed rtv and new pan. Reassembled truck and had running. Let run at idle for 10 min and in horror found oil steedily dripping from rr of pan to block. I guess I know what I'll be doing again on monday.
  4. Cant we just compromise and say "spud"?
  5. At least it scored 6 points before it layed down.
  6. Okay, thrown into this nightmare already diaged by another tech. Heap of shit 7.3 350 dump worked and beat extremly hard and major lack of maintence by owner. Complaint of low power and cel. Diaging tech was pulled off to finish another job, soo im in the ring to install parts ordered. #3 injector and fuel pump on the bill. Install pump last friday, began injector removal on Saturday. Monday finish injector install and to be sure of correct operation of system check fuel pressure at pump with 5 gauge bar. Turn key and nothing. Wait 5 seconds and pressure rises to 10psi. Fuel pump shuts off and psi drops to zero. Brand new motocraft pump. Pressure can build as high as 40 psi with multiple key on cycles. Recheck inlet restriction twice and never goes above 4inches. I isolate pump from tank with clean jug of diesel to inlet, booster pack to pump power and ground, and oulet fed into container to hopefully catch massive amnount of diesel. Pump ran and sucked air. No diesel. Could not believe that i would have a bad motocraft pump out the box? So reluctant, get another pump coming, after parts tries to give me HFCM for a 6.0. Fast forward to this morning and install new pump. Recheck psi again and nothing . Im stumped. I begin to think of the 2 little filters in the pickup in the aft axle tank. Procede to remove pickup and inspect. Tubes ok and pickup sock not cloged. Take apart houising and find both filters filled with tank material. Inspect tank and sure as shit tank is wasted. Cleaned filters and reoved all debris. Installed and had fuel psi of 65. The truck obviously needs a tank, but the owner is so out of touch with realitly that, im sure we will see this truck again for same symptom. I couldn't believe that the cloged filters in the pickup wouldn't show on the inlet restriction test.
  7. Maybe they were too busy on facebook and youtube. knowing our parts department, it's entirely possible.
  8. .8 here for diesel lof. Still waiting on 6.7 to come for oil change but one truck needed reductant before its first scheduled oil change. Wierd.
  9. Behind the house sits a 91 jeep comanche with 2.5 and 4x4 drivetrain with a 2wd trans. Wife drives an 05 taco trd with a 6spd. Project: 93 f-150 flareside. shes my pride and joy but mother nature has taken her for a wild ride. a lot of work in store for her. Current daily driver is an 02 subaru legacy gt.
  10. The cluster is awesome. The climate control systems looks impressive too.
  11. Hahahahha. Real nice Brad. We'll keep that a secret.
  12. pretty time consuming band aid. I hope they used a new washer on that drian plug.
  13. First 6.0 complete engine job, 06 f-550 boom truck. Pulled engine and truck sat for at least 1 month before all the t's were crossed and i's were dotted. Went to tow it in and a little miss communictaion between bobcat operator and me. Since it is as big as a small house, no visual conformation of "Go, or no Go", could be easily esstablished. "Ok, count to 10 ten then start pullen slowly." Well some mistakes were made and catastrpohy happened. Trans still in park and bobcat screaming, Trans mount let go and tranny flipped completly upside down and 16 qrts of sp on lot. New trans mount and carrier bearing and she was as good as new. Never been so worried for my job. Dumb!
  14. I'd buy one and cruise around to scare the gm guys.
  15. You gents could come north and become Pats fans.
  16. 5 days off and loving every minute of it.
  17. anyone have a hard time with starting the 6.4 after filter replacement? I replaced both filters, and now have no start. I know you have to bleed the air from the low pressure system but trying with no joy. Might be a stupid question for all you brianiacs out there but any tips? Thanks
  18. Some of those clunkers dononated parts to keep my 150 going. Thanks Uncle Sam.
  19. Had a 95 150 with a 5.8 run full throttle for about 2.30 min. Started to shred the bearings and then a catastrophic bang. Underhood, Manfolds glowing red.
  20. Too bad it sounds like a damn focus when the door opens. Kinda lady like if you ask me. The front end does look good though.
  21. What about a 93 150 with a 6.0? Just kidding guys, dont beat me up to bad.
  22. Thanks for all the advise comrads. I have done much thinking and have actually lost a little bit of sleep. You see this truck is very important to me and I hate not being able to drive it. So my plan is to pick up some more hours on the side and rebuild/purchase a reman tranny. So unless something falls in my lap, it may be a while until anymore pics of the Flareside are on the net doing what she does best. Thanks again guys for the input.
  23. Hey Brad, about tech c and d. Whistlen dixie and noisy Nancy. Hahah.
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