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    Freshman Member

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    Alberta Canada
  1. Are the QC550 a selling tool for the dealer or are they needed by Ford for every job that comes through the door?
  2. There's been just too much stress and crap going on over the last two years. Being threatened twice since January over nothing just pushed me over the edge. I called the service manager at the local GM. store, had an interview last night and start on July 4. I don't need the bullshit anymore. With 20 years experience in the trade you would think that people would have a tiny bit of respect for what we do. But at Harwood Ford we are still the dirt under managements feet. JMHO
  3. The fellow I work for thinks that I should be able to do the repairs and break even. Even though some trans. I have only done one or two. IE. I have an escape 6 speed apart on my bench at this moment, damage is too little cost cap tool says to repair. I go to order parts and the seal kit is USA no, so there it sits for two weeks. Not gunna be very fresh in my mind when I go to put it back together. I worked out a deal as long as I'm doing trans. work I'm staight time, now he's renigging on his end and forcin me flat rate. Basically says I'm fired if I don't do it. By the way i build on the same bench I tear down on, less then ideal lots of cleaning.
  4. Who in this site are trans. techs? If so are you breaking even or making times on warranty transmissions?
  5. When running if park lamps are turned on engine stalls. With KOEO park lamps off ETC is open to allow for idle, when park lamps turned on ETC closes. Has anybody seen this before?
  6. I don't think there is anybody out there that can honestly say they have never done that.
  7. The guy I'm talking about worked for a towing company. He had gotten a call to an accident at 1:00 am. It was 8 am when all was cleaned up. He worked his normal shift. When he was done, he went to work on his own truck. Finished around 1 or 2 am. This was two days before he needed the truck to drive back and forthe(100 km oneway) to school for 8 weeks.
  8. I went to trade school with a fellow that changed his 2.9l in his bronco II, and realized when the starter just whirred that he'd forgotten the flex plate. Not me and not Friday, but would have been a bad day.
  9. I would like to see some Ontario guys put their 2 cents in. Bruno , anybody?
  10. Dwayne, in Ontario I was paying $67.00 every two weeks and this included provisions for eye glasses every 2 years. It must be a population thing. Down there the insurance companies put many businesses under one umbrella. Here our plan is geared towards Harwood alone. If the companies would put several businesses under one plan I could be cheaper for us. Juat a thought. Bill
  11. No disrespect to you Jim. I work hard for my pay as well. I was just trying to find out if it was my employer not doing what they said they were doing or if insurance is truly this pricy here. I've been here for 5 years and I'm not complaining about having to pay. Like I said I had a question of employer fairness. Now that I see you and Dwayne are paying around the same I am finding that it is the way it is. I made the decision to move here because I have to support my family. It's a cost of living. Other than this issue I don't find it that much more to live here. Milk is a little more here, but there is not a dairy farm around every corner you turn. Again no disrespect. Please don't get too worked up over my thoughts. Maybe we'll meet when 6.7 training comes around. Bill
  12. I think we should all get along, after all we are still all Canadians.
  13. I'm just wondering why our Albertan dollar doesn't go as far as an Ontario dollar. Population? I am glad we don't have to pay $600.00/m for our insurance.
  14. I am wondering what everyone in Canada is paying for they're health benefits?, and what is your coverage? If you don't mind me asking. Where I work a family is paying $98.07 every two weeks. We don't have eye glass coverage, 100% dental, but still get charged when we go to the dentist. 100% perscriptions and a long term disability. This comes as a shock to me as I have recently move from Ont. where I was paying $120.00/month. For that I got 100% dental where I didn't still have to pay at the dentist and $400.00 every 2 years for glasses(this is important when you have 3 kids and yourself with glasses). Thanks for any replies. Bill Kelly
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