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Everything posted by handtm

  1. ford need the plant the was going to bild the 4.4L to bild the 6.7L in and the demand for a 1/2 ton diesel is not there in north america becaese everyone one need a 1 ton to pull there 40foot holiday trailer
  2. turns out it was the PCM replaced it and reprogramed and the light started working thanks for the help
  3. Iv read the intro to pinpoint test AF and understand how the system work the light dosn't come one but if yo wait about 10 to 15 sec. the truck starts fine. also Iv watched the glow plug pids and they say that the system is working. there is no DTC's in any system that would point to a problem with the light, but the light dosn't come on. it will come on while doing a KOER glowpug self test or a bulb check on the IC. the light dosn't come on when you first turn the key on
  4. truck came in custormer says that the glow plugs aren't working. there no codes, when you watch dataloger the glow plug pids show that they come on and stay on for what seams to be the right amount of time, but the light in the IC never comes on. how ever the light dose come on when doing the glow plug test and while doing a bule test. checked wireing and performed sysmtom diag test which led to pin point test AF. all which led to nothing. called hot line and they were no help they guy there couldn't give me anything new to try other then to watch sensors to make sure that they all read the same ( MAF, EBPA, BARO, ECT, EOT, IAT, and IAT2 ) when done they all read the same temp after a cold soke. any help is great thanks
  5. i was talking with the traning insturtor here and he said that the 4.4L in put on hold and that the 6.7L with start getting shiped to dealers this time next year
  6. I had a guy come in this week with a programer and 4" MBRP turbo back exhaust and he went to mexico with it and said he got over 20 mpg the hole way pulling a 25' travil trailer and his said he was going 135kmh(80mph) the hole way. he also mad the trip before he cut it out and at the same speed he was getting 5 to 8 mpg
  7. i'v helped Dwayne with the first one he did and its much easer doing it that way then doing it with the cab on but if its an cerstline body conversion theres alot of wireing that would be a nightmare to deal with. if you take the motor mounts off and rest the engine on the oil pan and slid it from side to side you can do one head at a time with the body on
  8. we charge 3.4 and .5 for each broken one
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